Leave with Pay for Association Business Sample Clauses

Leave with Pay for Association Business. When operational requirements permit, the employer will grant to an employee (and their Association representative) during regular working hours: • when the employer originates a meeting with the employee who has presented the grievance • when an employee who has presented a grievance seeks to meet with the employer • when an employee wishes to represent, at a meeting with the employer, an employee who has presented a grievance • when problems or differences arise between an employee and the employer to attend a meeting with the employer aimed at discussions to resolve the disagreement without resorting to the submission of a grievance • an employee who is a party to an arbitration hearing and to an employee who is a witness called by an employee to an arbitration hearing

Related to Leave with Pay for Association Business

  • Leave for Association Business The Hospital agrees to grant leaves of absence, without pay, to nurses selected by the Association to attend Association business including conferences, conventions and Provincial Committee meetings and to any nurse elected to the position of Local Co-ordinator. The cumulative total leave of absence, the amount of notice, the number of nurses that may be absent at any time from one area and the number of days (including those of the Local Co-ordinator) is set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions. During such leave of absence, a nurse's salary and applicable benefits or percentage in lieu of fringe benefits shall be maintained by the Hospital and the local Association agrees to reimburse the Hospital in the amount of the daily rate of the full-time nurse or in the amount of the full cost of such salary and percentage in lieu of fringe benefits of a part-time nurse except for Provincial Committee meetings which will be reimbursed by the Association. The Hospital will bill the local Association within a reasonable period of time. Part-time nurses will receive service and seniority credit for all leaves granted under this Article.

  • Association Business Leave A total of ten (10) days Association Business Leave shall be allowed by the district on condition that a competent qualified substitute employee is available and willing to serve. The designated representative of the Association and officers of the Association shall be allowed to take such leave for conducting Association Business or to attend state or local conferences. Substitutes hired by the District to cover such absences shall be paid for by the Association. At least five (5) normal business days advance notification of intent to take such leave shall be given to the Superintendent by the Association President.

  • Association Business Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that such activities shall not interfere with normal school operations.

  • Time Off for Union Business ‌ (a) Leave of absence without pay shall be granted upon request for the reasons set out below unless it would unduly interrupt the Employer's operations: (1) to an elected or appointed representative of the Union to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated, to a maximum of 21 days per occurrence; (2) for elected or appointed representatives of the Union to attend to union business which requires them to leave their general work area; (3) for employees who are representatives of the Union on a bargaining committee. (b) Long-term leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees designated by the Union to transact union business for specific periods of not less than 21 days unless this would unduly interrupt the operation of the department. Such requests shall be made in writing sufficiently in advance to minimize disruption of the department. Employees granted such leave of absence shall retain all rights and privileges accumulated prior to obtaining such leave. Seniority shall continue to accumulate during such leave and shall apply to such provisions as annual vacations, increments and promotions. (c) When leave of absence without pay is granted pursuant to Part (a) or (b), the leave shall be given with pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for salary and benefit costs, including travel time incurred, within 60 days of receipt of the invoice. It is understood that employees granted leave of absence pursuant to this clause shall receive their current rates of pay while on leave of absence. Leave of absence granted under this clause shall include sufficient travel time. The pay and benefits received by the employee and reimbursed by the Union under this article shall be based on the number of hours to which the Union indicates, in writing, the employee is entitled. This provision does not apply to employees on extended leaves of absence who are employed by the Union on a full-time basis. (d) Leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority will be granted to an employee called to appear as a witness before an arbitration board, provided the dispute involved the Employer. On application, the Arbitration Board may determine summarily the amount of time required for the attendance of any witness. (e) The Union shall provide the Employer with reasonable notice to minimize disruption of the operation and shall make every reasonable effort to give a minimum of 14 days’ notice prior to the commencement of leave under (a) or (b) above. The Employer agrees that any of the above leaves of absence shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Restricted Employment for Certain State Personnel Contractor acknowledges that, pursuant to Section 572.069 of the Texas Government Code, a former state officer or employee of a state agency who during the period of state service or employment participated on behalf of a state agency in a procurement or contract negotiation involving Contractor may not accept employment from Contractor before the second anniversary of the date the Contract is signed or the procurement is terminated or withdrawn.

  • Leave Without Pay for Relocation of Spouse (a) At the request of an employee, leave without pay for a period of up to one (1) year shall be granted to an employee whose spouse is permanently relocated, and up to five (5) years to an employee whose spouse is temporarily relocated. (b) Leave without pay granted under this clause shall be deducted from the calculation of “continuous employment” for the purpose of calculating severance pay and vacation leave for the employee involved except where the period of such leave is less than three (3) months. (c) Time spent on such leave which is for a period of more than three (3) months shall not be counted for pay increment purposes.

  • Leave of Absence for Union Business 17.1 The Board acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint or select a Negotiation Committee of not more than seven (7) employees and will recognize and deal with this Committee with respect to contract negotiations. The Union agrees to provide the names of all Committee members to the Board in writing. 17.2 The Union may have the service of a CUPE Staff Representative, counsel or adviser at any meeting with representatives of the Board during negotiations pertaining to renewal or amendment of the Collective Agreement. 17.3 Members of the Union negotiating committee shall be paid at their regular straight time rate of pay for their regularly scheduled work time spent with officials of the Board for purposes of amending or renewing the Agreement up to and including, but not beyond the stage of conciliation, provided, however, that such committee members shall not be compensated for time spent prior to or beyond their regular working hours. 17.4 Upon request, members of the Union's Negotiating Committee shall be permitted leave of absence to prepare for the commencement of formal contract negotiations with the Board. The total number of days of leave under this Article shall not exceed 28 days during the lifetime of the Agreement and no member shall be absent for more than 4 days for this purpose. The Union shall give the Board a minimum of 5 days advance notice of any such request. An employee on such leave shall continue to receive pay and benefits provided in this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits for the period of absence. 17.5 Leave of absence without pay and without loss of sick leave credits or seniority shall be granted upon request to the Board to employees elected or appointed to represent the Union at recognized Union conventions or 17.6 An employee selected for up to and including a full-time position with the local shall be granted leave of absence without loss of seniority or benefits for a period of up to two years. Such leave shall be renewed each year, on request, during the term of office. An employee on such leave shall receive the pay and benefits provided in this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits for the period of absence. Upon completion of the President’s leave, the employee will be returned to his/her position if it still exists, or to a comparable position, if it does not. 17.7 Any employee who is elected or selected for a full-time position with the Union, or any body with which the Union is affiliated, upon application will be granted leave of absence without salary, benefits, and loss of seniority, by the Board for a period of up to one year. Such leave shall be extended annually, upon request, up to a maximum of five years.

  • Special Parental Allowance for Totally Disabled Employees (a) An employee who: (i) fails to satisfy the eligibility requirement specified in subparagraph 17.05(a)(ii) solely because a concurrent entitlement to benefits under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan, the Long-term Disability (LTD) Insurance portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) or via the Government Employees Compensation Act prevents the employee from receiving Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits, and (ii) has satisfied all of the other eligibility criteria specified in paragraph 17.05(a), other than those specified in sections (A) and (B) of subparagraph 17.05(a)(iii), shall be paid, in respect of each week of benefits under the parental allowance not received for the reason described in subparagraph (i), the difference between ninety-three per cent (93%) of the employee's rate of pay and the gross amount of his or her weekly disability benefit under the DI Plan, the LTD Plan or via the Government Employees Compensation Act. (b) An employee shall be paid an allowance under this clause and under clause 17.05 for a combined period of no more than the number of weeks during which the employee would have been eligible for parental, paternity or adoption benefits under the Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan, had the employee not been disqualified from Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits for the reasons described in subparagraph (a)(i).

  • Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises This section is applicable if Contractor received a disabled veteran business enterprise (“DVBE”) incentive in connection with this Agreement. Contractor’s failure to meet the DVBE commitment set forth in its bid or proposal constitutes a breach of the Agreement. If Contractor used DVBE subcontractor(s) in connection with this Agreement: (i) Contractor must use the DVBE subcontractors identified in its bid or proposal, unless the Judicial Council approves in writing replacement by another DVBE subcontractor in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and (ii) Contractor must within sixty (60) days of receiving final payment under this Agreement certify in a report to the Judicial Council: (1) the total amount of money Contractor received under the Agreement; (2) the name and address of each DVBE subcontractor to which Contractor subcontracted work in connection with the Agreement; (3) the amount each DVBE subcontractor received from Contractor in connection with the Agreement; and (4) that all payments under the Agreement have been made to the applicable DVBE subcontractors. A person or entity that knowingly provides false information shall be subject to a civil penalty for each violation.

  • Living Away From Home Allowance When Employees are to be engaged on a Project requiring them to live away from home, the provisions of Appendix I will apply in determining their entitlement and the conditions whilst they are living away from home.