Legal Impact Sample Clauses
Legal Impact. The parties agree that the provisions of this Article shall not be used in any way to defeat any current or future legal action involving the constitutionality of existing or future legislation prohibiting Federal employees from engaging in strike actions. The parties further agree that the obligations undertaken in this Article are in no way contingent upon the final determination of such constitutional issues. (The preceding Article, Article 18, shall apply to City Carrier Assistant Employees.)
Legal Impact. The parties agree that the provisions of this Article shall not be used in any way to defeat any current or future legal action
Legal Impact. The Civil Division of the District Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the Program Letter Agreement. The Commissioners Court must approve the agreement and authorize the County Judge to sign the Agreement on behalf of Dallas County.
Legal Impact. The District Attorney’s Office, Civil Division, has reviewed the contents and the agreement has been approved as to form.
Legal Impact. The parties agree that the provisions of this Article shall not be used in any way to defeat any current or future legal action involving the constitutionality of existing or future legislation prohibiting federal employees from engaging in strike actions. The parties further agree that the obligations undertaken in this Article are in no way contingent upon the final determination of such constitutional issues.
Legal Impact. The Civil Division of the District Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved the Contract. The Commissioners Court must approve the Contract and authorize the County Judge to sign the Contract on behalf of Dallas County.
Legal Impact. The District Attorney’s Office, Civil Division, has reviewed the contents and the agreement has been approved as to form. N/A. This Agreement will be performed in compliance with County’s SBE good faith effort policy. Dallas County has partnered with the City of Farmers Branch and many other entities to implement transportation projects. The Westside Trail Project will improve County transportation and other infrastructure, which is consistent with Dallas County’s Administrative Plan: Approve and authorize the execution of the Project Specific Agreement (PSA) between the County of Dallas and the City of Farmers Branch for Court Order Approval in order to secure funding for the project. County’s total obligation to this Project is to provide funding in the amount not to exceed Four Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars and no cents ($4,400,000.00), reduced by all County in house delivery costs to be paid from Fund 196, MCIP Project 20501. The City will have a total obligation to this Project not to exceed One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars and no cents ($1,500,000.00) with Texas Department of Transportation through City of Farmers Branch amount not to exceed Four Million Five Hundred Forty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Five Dollars and no cents ($4,545,725.00). A transfer is necessary from Fund 196 Project 8201 to MCIP Fund 196 Project 20501.
Legal Impact. The Board has the legal authority to acquire property for public purposes and budget and appropriate funds.
Legal Impact. The City Attorney and Public Works Director have reviewed the IGA and find it acceptable.
Legal Impact. The District Attorney’s office has reviewed the contents and the PSA has been approved as to form. N/A N/A This collaboration between Dallas County and the City of Seagoville complies with the Dallas County Administrative Plan in that Dallas County is operationally a model governmental entity, and fosters partnerships between County and local cities therein on local transportation projects. Authorize the County Judge to execute the attached Project Specific Agreement between Dallas County and the City of Seagoville, Texas, Road & Bridge District #3 pertaining to the aforementioned Type “B” roadway improvements, all public roadways situated within the territorial limits of the City of Seagoville, Texas. County and City mutually agree that the initial and anticipated Project cost is approximately $19,561.00. City shall be responsible to pay $9,780.50 for its portion of the Type “B” roadwork. County shall contribute the remaining amount of $9,780.50 costs in-kind, in the form of labor and equipment. In no event shall County’s in-kind contribution exceed Fifty Percent (50%) of the initial and anticipated total Project cost for the Type “B” roadwork. County funding source is Fund 105.2530.