SALARIES AND WAGES. Contractor and any subcontractors must pay all salaries and wages due all employees performing Services under this Contract unconditionally and at least once a month without deduction or rebate on any account, except only for those payroll deductions that are mandatory by law or are permitted under applicable law and regulations. If in the performance of this Contract Contractor underpays any such salaries or wages, the Comptroller for the City may withhold, out of payments due to Contractor, an amount sufficient to pay to employees underpaid the difference between the salaries or wages required to be paid under this Agreement and the salaries or wages actually paid these employees for the total number of hours worked. The amounts withheld may be disbursed by the Comptroller for and on account of Contractor to the respective employees to whom they are due. The parties acknowledge that this paragraph is solely for the benefit of the City and that it does not grant any third party beneficiary rights.
SALARIES AND WAGES. 1. The compensation plans for State employees covered by this Agreement shall be as follows: Effective Date Appendix I July 1, 2016 Appendix II Start of first full pay period in July 2016 (July 10, 2016) Appendix III Start of first full pay period in July 2017 (July 9, 2017) 2. Salary is computed as an hourly rate rounded to the nearest whole cent. (a) Effective with the start of the first full payroll period in July 2016, all employees covered by this Agreement shall receive a two percent (2.0%) increase, based on the rates in force on the prior day. Such adjustment shall be applied to the salary grid. Effective with the start of the first full payroll period in July 2017, all employees covered by this Agreement shall receive a two and one- quarter percent (2.25%) increase, based on rates in force on the prior day. Such adjustment shall be applied to the salary grid. (b) Employees who are equal to, or more than, two percent (2.0%) above the maximum for their pay grade on the effective date of the July 2016 increase shall instead receive a lump sum payment equivalent to two percent (2.0%) of their base hourly rate, annualized and prorated for part-time employment. Lump sum payments will be made in the paycheck for the first full pay period In July 2016. Employees equal to or more than two and one-quarter percent (2.25%) above the maximum for their pay grade on the effective date of the July 2017 increase shall instead receive a lump sum payment equivalent to two and one-quarter percent (2.25%) of their base hourly rate, annualized, and prorated for part-time employment. Lump sum payments will be made in the paycheck for the first full pay period in July 2017. (c) Employees who are less than two percent (2.0%) above the maximum for their pay grade on the effective date of the July 2016 increase shall receive that proportion of the increase that will result in their placement on Step 15 of their pay grade, and shall receive the difference between this base salary increase and the two percent (2.0%) increase, annualized and prorated for part-time employment, as a lump sum payment as specified above Employees who are less than two and one-one quarter percent (2.25%) above the maximum of their pay grade on the effective date of the July 2017 increase, shall receive that proportion of the increase that will result in their placement on step 15 of their pay grade, and shall receive the difference between this base salary increase and the two and one-quarter perce...
SALARIES AND WAGES. Section 1. Effective July 1, 2016, employees will continue to be paid in accordance with the July 1, 2014 Standard Pay Schedule in Appendix A. Section 2. Effective October 1, 2016, each employee covered by this Agreement who is in an active pay status shall receive a general pay increase of two and three-quarters percent (2.75%). This increase is reflected in the Standard Pay Schedule in Appendix B. Section 3. Effective July 1, 2017, each employee covered by this Agreement who is in an active pay status shall receive a general pay increase of two percent (2.0%). This increase is reflected in the Standard Pay Schedule in Appendix C. Section 4. Effective July 1, 2018, each employee covered by this Agreement who is in an active pay status shall receive a general pay increase of two and one-half percent (2.50%). This increase is reflected in the Standard Pay Schedule in Appendix D. Section 5. A permanent salaried employee whose salary exceeds the maximum of the employee’s applicable pay scale group when the general pay increases outlined in Sections 2, 3, and 4 are effective shall receive the annual amount of the general pay increase, in the form of a one-time cash payment rounded to the nearest dollar. The cash payment shall be paid no later than the next payday after the general pay increase is reflected in the paychecks of employees who are not above the maximum. Section 6. a. Employees covered by this Agreement, including UC Claims Intermittent Intake Interviewers, who have been employed continuously by the Commonwealth since January 31, 2017 will be eligible to receive a one step service increment effective on the first day of the first full pay period in January 2018. For Energy Assistance Workers, one year of service equals 1950 hours.
SALARIES AND WAGES. Conditions relative to and governing wages and salaries and extraordinary pay rates are contained in Addenda A and B of this Agreement, which is attached and by this reference made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein.
SALARIES AND WAGES. The aggregate deductions of all officers shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the Union by the last day of the succeeding month, after such deductions are made. This authorization shall be irrevocable by the officer during the term of this Agreement. When revoked by the officer in accordance with Article 3, the Commission shall halt the check-off of dues effective the first full pay period following the expiration of this Agreement.
SALARIES AND WAGES. The salaries and wages to be paid by the Employer to the employees shall be those set forth in Schedule "A", Schedule “B” and Schedule "C" attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement.
SALARIES AND WAGES. List names, positions, and rate of compensation. include their total time, rate of compensation, job titles, and roles.
SALARIES AND WAGES. 12.1 Each employee shall be paid a salary as set out in the table below. 12.1.1 The appropriate category shall be based on the expected average hours as set out in the run description as determined in accordance with the following provisions. (a) Where a new roster pattern is proposed to be introduced or changes are proposed to an existing roster, including to increase or decrease the number of RMOs, then the appropriate category shall be established through the following process: i. The employer shall establish the expected average hours based on the new roster pattern. ii. The employer shall include a reasonable estimate of average unrostered hours based on existing practice or those occurring in equivalent services. iii. The proposed salary category – detailed as per clause 12.2 – shall be notified to RMOs working the roster as part of the change process. iv. If there is disagreement on the proposed category, the employer and the RMOs working the roster shall attempt to reach agreement. These parties may involve respective representatives. v. If agreement is not reached, and the roster change proceeds, the category as finally determined by the employer shall apply and be effective from the date of implementation of the new or changed roster; however, a review in accordance with 12.1.1(b) must be scheduled within six months. The provisions of 12.1.1(b)(vi) apply except that any required increases in the salary for the run description shall be backdated to when the change occurred. (b) Where either the employer or the group of RMOs on a particular roster, or their representative, consider that the salary category does not accurately reflect the current expectations of the run then they may initiate a review of the salary category through the following process: i. The initiating party shall advise the other party in writing of their decision to review the salary category for the run. Where the review is initiated by the employer, copies of such notification shall be forwarded to the STONZ. ii. This notification shall include: • The date of the commencement of the review. Run reviews shall not be undertaken in retrospect unless agreed between the service, the RMOs, or their respective representatives. • The period of the run review. This period shall be representative of normal working conditions and shall be not less than 4 weeks and no longer than 6 weeks unless agreed otherwise by the service, the RMOs, or their respective representatives. • Confirmation...
SALARIES AND WAGES. 20.1 All Employees shall be classified and shall not receive a lower rate of pay than his classification calls for. 20.2 Classified rates of pay for Employees covered by this Collective Agreement shall be as prescribed in Appendix I and II as follows: 20.2.1 The classifications and rates of pay in Appendix I shall be subjected to the provisions of the Job Evaluation Plan and Manual. 20.2.2 The classifications and rates of pay in Appendix II shall not be subject to the provisions of the Job Evaluation Plan and Manual. 20.3 In the event that the City experiences difficulty in recruiting and/or retaining Employees, the City shall have the right to establish out-of-schedule rates of pay above the evaluated rates of pay in Appendix I. The Union shall be notified of out-of-schedule classifications, rates of pay and changes thereto. Employees receiving out-of-schedule rates of pay shall be given six (6) months’ notice in writing of any reduction or cancelation of the out-of-schedule rates of pay and shall be returned to their evaluated rates of pay in accordance with Appendix I. 20.4 A newly hired Employee shall be paid at the classified start rate for all positions he works in until he has reached four thousand (4000) regular hours paid, or the specified hours in Appendix II, after which he shall receive the classified job rate for all positions that he works in. 20.5 Where an Employee is appointed for a period of at least one (1) hour or more per day to temporarily perform the duties of a position having a higher classified rate of pay, such Employee shall be paid at the classified rate of pay for that position for each hour worked in that classification. 20.6 Temporary Employees, who are hired to perform work of a temporary nature but are not working in any established position, shall be paid at the hourly rate established for Range 1 in Appendix I. 20.7 Where the City believes it is appropriate, the City shall have the discretion to pay an Employee, who is not at the job rate, a rate of pay that is higher than the start rate but not more than the job rate for that classification. The City shall notify the Union prior to implementation. 20.7.1 All other current Employees shall receive the same rate of pay as the aforementioned Employee when all of the following conditions are met: (a) the Employee(s) are working in the same classification requiring the same qualifications; and (b) the Employee(s) possess all of the qualifications; and (c) the Employee(s) are n...
SALARIES AND WAGES. 17.1 The salaries and wages to be paid to employees covered by this Agreement shall be in accordance with the official schedule of salaries and wages of the Employer as agreed to by the Employer and the Union. 17.2 Employees, within this Bargaining Unit, shall be paid the rate of pay for the work being performed in accordance with the Schedule of Rates as set out in Appendix E. However, where an employee has been hired at a higher hourly rate of pay than that found in Appendix E due to, but not limited to, such matters as recruitment issues or market driven higher hourly rates of pay, the incumbent shall continue to receive that hourly rate and be entitled to all negotiated percentage increases. 17.3 Employees are eligible for salary/wage increments in a particular classification after every 15 months, or until they reach the maximum of the pay grade. The normal effective date for the implementation of an employee’s salary/wage increment within a pay range, shall be effective on the first day of the pay period within which the anniversary date falls. 17.4 The Employer may deny an increment to an employee if it is dissatisfied with the employee’s performance. The reason for such a denial must be communicated to the employee in writing at least two (2) weeks, but not more than six (6) weeks before the date on which the increment is due. 17.5 Where an increment has been denied such increments shall be granted on any day prior to the employee’s next increment date. The employee shall retain his/her increment date.