COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 161.0085(c), Contractor certifies that it does not require its customers to provide any documentation certifying the customer’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery on entry to, to gain access to, or to receive service from the Contractor’s business. Contractor acknowledges that such a vaccine or recovery requirement would make Contractor ineligible for a state-funded contract.
Fish and Wildlife Service 2002c. Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) recovery goals: amendment and supplement to the Colorado Squawfish Recovery Plan.
Vaccine Passports Pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 161.0085(c), Contractor certifies that it does not require its customers to provide any documentation certifying the customer’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery on entry to, to gain access to, or to receive service from the Contractor’s business. Contractor acknowledges that such a vaccine or recovery requirement would make Contractor ineligible for a state-funded contract.
Hepatitis B Vaccine Where the Hospital identifies high risk areas where employees are exposed to Hepatitis B, the Hospital will provide, at no cost to the employees, a Hepatitis B vaccine.
Modern Slavery You hereby affirm your compliance with the Modern Slavery Xxx 0000 and associated guidance. You confirm (a) that you have read, are familiar with and shall not perform an act or omission which is in contravention with, the letter or spirit of the Act; and (b) you carry out regular, meaningful and comprehensive due diligence procedures and have internal policies in place to address any suspected human rights abuse in your business and Group where applicable.
Rubric The rubrics are a scoring tool used for the Educator’s self-assessment, the formative assessment, the formative evaluation and the summative evaluation. The districts may use either the rubrics provided by ESE or comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubrics developed or adopted by the district and reviewed by ESE.
Therapies Acupuncture and acupuncturist services, including x-ray and laboratory services. • Biofeedback, biofeedback training, and biofeedback by any other modality for any condition. • Recreational therapy services and programs, including wilderness programs. • Services provided in any covered program that are recreational therapy services, including wilderness programs, educational services, complimentary services, non- medical self-care, self-help programs, or non-clinical services. Examples include, but are not limited to, Tai Chi, yoga, personal training, meditation. • Computer/internet/social media based services and/or programs. • Recreational therapy. • Aqua therapy unless provided by a physical therapist. • Maintenance therapy services unless it is a habilitative service that helps a person keep, learn or improve skills and functioning for daily living. • Aromatherapy. • Hippotherapy. • Massage therapy rendered by a massage therapist. • Therapies, procedures, and services for the purpose of relieving stress. • Physical, occupational, speech, or respiratory therapy provided in your home, unless through a home care program. • Pelvic floor electrical and magnetic stimulation, and pelvic floor exercises. • Educational classes and services for speech impairments that are self-correcting. • Speech therapy services related to food aversion or texture disorders. • Exercise therapy. • Naturopathic, homeopathic, and Christian Science services, regardless of who orders or provides the services. • Eye exercises and visual training services. • Lenses and/or frames and contact lenses for members aged nineteen (19) and older. • Vision hardware purchased from a non-network provider. • Non-collection vision hardware. • Lenses and/or frames and contact lenses unless specifically listed as a covered healthcare service.
Transporting Students 1. Employees shall not transport students except in accordance with School Board rules. The Board shall adopt a school board policy outlining the teacher’s and the Board’s responsibilities and liabilities. Said policy shall be included in all school handbooks beginning with the 2004-05 school year. 2. Teachers will not be required to transport pupils to and from activities which take place away from the school grounds.
CONTRACTOR NAME CHANGE An amendment is required to change the Contractor's name as listed on this Agreement. Upon receipt of legal documentation of the name change the State will process the amendment. Payment of invoices presented with a new name cannot be paid prior to approval of said amendment.
Safety Footwear Employees who are required by the Employer to wear safety footwear, shall be reimbursed for actual footwear costs to a maximum of $175.00 (tax inc.) per year.