Final Arrangements 1. This Agreement shall become valid as of the day of its signing by both parties hereto, and effective as of the day following the day of its publication in the Central Register of Agreements administered by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic.
Special Arrangements Fees for activities of a non-recurring nature such as reorganizations, and/or preparation of special reports will be subject to negotiation. Fees for a change in fund structure (i.e., Core and Feeder) are subject to negotiation.
Financial Arrangements 18. The Commonwealth will provide an estimated total financial contribution to the States of $54.928 million in respect of this Agreement. All payments are GST exclusive.
Flexible Work Arrangements (7.01) The Employer agrees to consider requests from full-time employees who wish to work part-time hours and share a full-time position with another employee. The Employer will have the sole discretion in deciding whether to agree to such requests. The terms and conditions applicable to any such arrangement shall be agreed upon by the Employer, Union and the employees affected. It is understood that any such arrangements will be for a limited period of time. Where necessary, the Union will agree to the employment of a temporary employee for the duration of such an arrangement.
Implementation Arrangements A. Institutional Arrangements
Other Contractual Arrangements 8.1 Escrow Agent Not a Trustee The Escrow Agent accepts duties and responsibilities under this Agreement, and the escrow securities and any share certificates or other evidence of these securities, solely as a custodian, bailee and agent. No trust is intended to be, or is or will be, created hereby and the Escrow Agent shall owe no duties hereunder as a trustee.