Membership of the Joint Committee. 5.1 Subject to paragraph 2, each member of the Joint Committee shall be a Councillor of the Authority by whom he or she shall have been appointed holding membership of the current Executive of that Authority and shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Joint Committee following his or her appointment unless he or she ceases to be a representative of the Authority appointing him or her or resigns his or her membership of the Joint Committee or his or her appointment is revoked by the Authority appointing him or her.
5.2 Each Authority shall fill any casual vacancy during any year in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and shall advise the Secretary to the Joint Committee within 7 days of such appointment.
5.3 Where paragraph 8.5 of the agreement applies to the Joint Committee, they shall invite the representative of the Partner in question to attend meetings of the Joint Committee who shall have the right to speak but not to vote, as that paragraph provides. Such representative shall not be a member or officer of an Authority.
5.4 The Joint Committee for the time being shall co-opt as advisers to the Joint Committee the Chairman of the AONB Partnership, the AONB Officer, a representative of Natural Resources Wales, to attend and speak (but not vote) at meetings of the Joint Committee and may from time to time co-opt one or more other advisers to attend such meeting or meetings of the Joint Committee as the Joint Committee may specify having regard to the knowledge or skill of the co-opted adviser, and the contribution he may make to the business of the Joint Committee at that meeting or those meetings. Such other co-opted adviser(s) shall be entitled to speak but not to vote.
Membership of the Joint Committee. 5.1 The Joint Committee shall consist of twelve members of the Partner Authorities and Chief Constable, appointed by those authorities in accordance with this Paragraph. Essex County Council shall appoint two members one to discharge its health functions and one to discharge its non health functions. For the avoidance of doubt theses members are included in the twelve referred to above and shall be entitled to vote.
5.2 Subject to Paragraphs 5.1, 5.4 and 5.5, each of the Partner Authorities shall appoint one of its Members to be a member of the Joint Committee (“Committee Member”) save that Essex County Council shall appoint two members.
5.3 The Chief Constable shall appoint no more than one Relevant Officer whose responsibilities includes Traveller issues.
5.4 Each Partner Authority and the Chief Constable may change its appointed Committee Member or Relevant Officer at any time provided that written notice of any such change is given to the clerk to the Joint Committee, taking effect upon receipt. Such written notice may be given by electronic mail.
5.5 Each Partner Authority and the Chief Constable may send up to one appropriate officer to meetings of the Joint Committee (or any Sub- Committee) to support their Committee Member or Relevant Officer in attendance at that meeting.
5.6 For the avoidance of doubt decisions relating to the Functions concerning those borough, districts and Unitarys within the Operational Area shall be taken by the Joint Committee only, save and except where provided within this Agreement and without prejudice to the provisions of the Local Authorities (Arrangements for the Discharge of Functions) (England) Regulations 2012.
5.7 Each Partner Authority and the Chief Constable will identify a key contact who will be the first point of contact for communications regarding this Agreement and Functions relating to the Joint Committee and shall be identified in Appendix 2, this Appendix will be kept updated as changes occur.
5.8 Any borough, district or unitary council responsible for an administrative area within Essex, not forming part of the Joint Committee from 1 November 2015, may be joined as a member at a later date provided;
5.8.1 all governance processes have been adhered to for the relevant authority;
5.8.2 the Joint Committee agrees to their membership; and
5.8.3 the authority’s membership is on the basis of this Agreement, and shall not be varied, save for acknowledgement of the new membership, whose signatories shall for...
Membership of the Joint Committee. 5.1 Each voting elected member of the Joint Committee shall be a representative of the Council by whom he or she shall have been appointed and shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Joint Committee following his or her appointment unless he or she ceases to be a representative of the Council appointing him or her or resigns his or her membership of the Joint Committee or his or her appointment is revoked by the Council appointing him or her.
5.2 Each Council may fill any casual vacancy during any year and shall advise the Clerk of the Joint Committee within 7 days of such appointment.
5.3 The Joint Committee may at any time appoint a representative of the Diocese of Lichfield and up to a maximum of three persons representative of users of the Archive Service, depositors and of any body based within the administrative areas of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent with an educational interest in the Archive Service, none of whom shall be an elected member or employee of either Council, to attend meetings of the Joint Committee in an advisory capacity during the consideration of items on Part 1 of the agenda. Each such appointment shall be for such period not exceeding three years as the Joint Committee may determine and may be renewed at the discretion of the Joint Committee. Any such appointed adviser shall be entitled to speak but not to vote.
Membership of the Joint Committee. E1. The Joint Strategic Planning Committee shall have a total of 11 Members, including the Chairman.
Membership of the Joint Committee. E1. Each PLPA shall appoint Members to the Joint Committee as per the following quotas reflecting in part the level of resource commitment to the functions of the South-East Lincolnshire Joint Committee:- BBC = 3 Members of BBC SHDC = 3 Members of SHDC LCC = 3 Members of LCC Total = 9 Members E2. The Chairman of the Joint Committee will be chosen from the appointed members.
Membership of the Joint Committee. 10.1. The Fire Authorities agree that each of them shall only be a member of the Joint Committee for so long as they remain a party to the Agreement.
10.2. Where a Fire Authority ceases to be a party to the Agreement it shall, from that date, cease to be a member of the Joint Committee and shall no longer have a right to attend or participate in Joint Committee meetings.
10.3. If this Agreement terminates as between all Fire Authorities (or all Remaining Fire Authorities as appropriate) the Fire Authorities shall dissolve the Joint Committee with effect from the date of the termination of the Agreement.
Membership of the Joint Committee. 4.1 Each Partner Council shall appoint two Relevant Members to be members of the Joint Committee.
4.2 Any sub-committee shall comprise such number of Relevant Members from each Partner Council as the Joint Committee may determine from time to time provided that a sub-committee shall comprise an equal number of persons appointed by each Partner Council.
4.3 The Chief Executive or other nominated officer of each Partner Council shall notify appointments of members of the Joint Committee and substitutes and of any sub- committee in writing to the Secretary of the Joint Committee.
4.4 A Partner Council may at any time remove and replace any member so appointed to the Joint Committee or any sub-committee thereof.
4.5 A member of the Joint Committee or any sub-committee may resign his membership by sending notice in writing to the Chief Executive or other nominated officer of the Partner Council by whom the appointment was made who shall inform the Secretary to the Joint Committee accordingly.
4.6 Any vacancy shall be filled as soon as possible by the relevant Partner Council.
4.7 A member shall cease to be a member of the Joint Committee and of any sub- committee thereof if he ceases to be a Relevant Member of the Partner Council by whom he was appointed.
4.8 A named substitute shall be entitled to attend speak and vote as if an ordinary member of the Joint Committee or any sub-committee where notice has been given to the Secretary of the Joint Committee that
4.8.1 It is impractical for the named ordinary member to attend a specified meeting
4.8.2 The named substitute member will attend in place of the named ordinary member and
4.8.3 The named substitute member is also a Relevant Member of the relevant Partner Council.
4.9 The proceedings of the Joint Committee or any sub-committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy in their number or by any defect in the appointment and qualification of any member whose appointment is properly notified to the Secretary of the Joint Committee.
Membership of the Joint Committee. 1.2.1 The membership of the Joint Committee shall be 9 voting members and three associate members, comprising the Chair (appointed by the Welsh Ministers) and the Vice-Chair (appointed by the Joint Committee from existing chief officer (executive) or nominated representatives of the seven LHBs), together with the following:
Membership of the Joint Committee. 2.1. Each Fire Authority shall appoint two of its members to be a member of the Joint Committee and may nominate substitute members provided that OCC’s appointed members and substitute members are members of its Executive.
2.2. A Fire Authority shall notify the Secretary of the names and contact address of its representatives and of any replacement representative. Once notified to the Secretary, a member shall continue to hold membership unless he/she ceases to be a member of a Constituent Authority or until a replacement member is so notified to the Secretary.
Membership of the Joint Committee. 5.1 The Joint Committee shall consist of six members of the Partner Authorities. Each Partner Authority shall, subject to paragraph 5.3, appoint one Executive Member to be a member of the Joint Committee.
5.2 The Joint Committee shall also consist of three co-opted members, appointed as follows:
5.2.1 One member appointed by the Joint Committee on the nomination of the higher education sector;
5.2.2 One member appointed by the Joint Committee on the nomination of the further education sector; and
5.2.3 The Vice Chairman of the XXXXX Strategic Board appointed by the Chairman of the XXXXX Strategic Board.
5.3 A person who is disqualified under Part 5 of the Act from being a Member of a relevant authority shall be disqualified from membership of the Joint Committee.
5.4 Each Partner Authority may change its appointed Committee Member at any time provided that written notice of any such change is given to the Secretariat, taking effect upon receipt. Such written notice may be given by electronic mail.
5.5 Officers and Members of Partner Authorities may attend meetings of the Joint Committee (or any Sub-Committee) to support their Committee Member in attendance at that meeting, but the numbers may be limited at the discretion of the Chairman.