Metals. (i) Check nameplate details according to specification.
(ii) Physical check for any damage.
(iii) Check calibration by comparing it with a substandard meter.
(iv) Megger all insulated portions.
(v) Check C.T. and V.T. connections with particular reference to their polarities for power type meter.
Metals. Partition framework, except as otherwise indicated, shall be of 4” nominal stud construction.
Metals. Metal analyses were conducted on soil and groundwater. In only one case did a metal exceed the State TTLC that classifies soil as hazardous waste for disposal purposes (Marshack, 1988); this was a subsurface soil sample in the refuse fill area that had 3000 ppm lead. Two prior Levixx-Xxxxxx xxxsurface soil samples (one panhandle and one non-refuse fill area) had elevated lead concentrations of 3800 ppm and 2000 ppm. McLaren's groundwater analytic results for metals were consistent with Levixx-Xxxxxx'x xxxults. Although the water is brackish at the site, and therefore unsuitable for drinking, the metals detected in the shallow groundwater were generally below California's Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for drinking water (CDHS, 1989). Only a few metals slightly exceeded the MCLs. Therefore, the groundwater is near drinking water quality relative to metal concentrations. No elevated metal concentrations were detected in surface water from Belmont Slough. Based on the sampling results, exposure to metals at the site is not considered to pose the potential for creating significant adverse health effects.
Metals. Metal analyses were conducted on soil and groundwater. In only one case did the metals exceed the State TTLCs that classify soil as hazardous waste for disposal purposes (Marshack, 1988): refuse subsurface soil sample 7A had a detected value of 3000 ppm lead. Two prior Levix-Xxxxxx xxxsurface soil samples (one panhandle and one non-refuse fill area) had detected elevated lead concentrations of 3800 ppm and 2000 ppm McLaren's groundwater analytic results for metals were consistent with Levixx-Xxxxxx'x xxxults. Although the water is brackish at the site, and therefore unsuitable for drinking, the metals detected in the shallow groundwater were generally below California's Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for drinking water (CDHS, 1989). Only a few metals slightly exceeded the MCLs. McLaren's surface water analytic results for metals did not demonstrate any elevated levels.
Metals. Products not displayed above are not eligible for this offer unless otherwise agreed by a BlackBull Markets Employee in writing.
Metals. Restoration processes and success depend a great deal on the metal content of a given coin. What follows here is information on the general efticacy of Restoration techniques on various types of metals.
Metals. The Metals Adjustment shall be calculated and applied separately for all Products ordered for delivery during each Period using the business day immediately preceding the date Federal releases the Binding Order as the measuring date (“Measuring Date”). The Product Price will apply to all Binding Orders and Additional Orders for Products ordered for delivery during the entire applicable Period.
Metals. 1. Furnish and erect all columns, beams, bar joists, and metal decking as required
2. Furnish and erect all spandral framing including all structural metal stud, exterior sheeting, vapor barrier, and brick ties as required
3. Furnish and install all miscellaneous metal angles, plates and bolts required
4. Clear height will be ± 14 feet from finish floor
5. Roof will be designed to accept weight of 20 ton capacity HVAC units at specified locations adjacent to columns inside the roof screen area.
6. Landlord shall erect the roof screen.
Metals. 4.1 If we buy in metals (copper and aluminium) at the Customer's request and we are not at the same time given a specific job, we will charge the Customer for the metals. The invoice for the metal shall be payable immediately and without any discount. Property in the metal shall pass to the Customer only upon payment.
4.2 If the Customer provides for production purposes electrolytic copper cathodes LME (London Metal Exchange) marks grade A by way of suppliers to be agreed on with us, we shall have the right to use these raw materials in our day-to-day production. We agree to make available at the appropriate time raw materials in the same amount and quality, so that the goods ordered by the Customer can be produced in time and delivery is not delayed.
4.3 Copper needed for production must be provided in good time so that the copper for winding wire is available at the supplier's factory at least six weeks before the delivery date requested, and the copper for bare wire at least three weeks before the delivery date requested, or at the time when the finished goods are ordered. If on the day of delivery no copper is available, then delivery will be made on the same conditions as for the full-price transaction, the amount delivered in this way to be limited to the amount of copper missing. For the purposes of calculation, the higher DEL price (German quotation for electrolytic copper) on the day of delivery plus delivery costs and additional processor's charge shall apply. If amounts of copper are received at a later date, these cannot subse- quently be set off against such full-price transactions.
Metals. 5.1 Provide loose lintels and structural steel elements for penetrations in masonry walls.
5.2 Provide metal deck and support angles at new slab infills at existing brick masonry stair and elevator shafts.
5.3 Provide new steel stair system with concrete infill @ treads and landings including treads, stringers, risers, landing and rails, shop primed and related items for new egress stair, all floors including roof.
5.4 Provide structural steel framing at new main entry lobby, stairs, ductwork shafts, elevator hoistway and elevator override.
5.5 Provide steel to support roof top cooling tower, galvanized.
5.6 Provide miscellaneous elevator steel items including pit ladder, sxxxx and angles.
5.7 Heavy gage structural steel stud framing at elevator override and stair roof access.