Mid-Day Routes. Mid-day routes resulting from the absence or unavailability of the regular driver will not normally be assigned to a driver if this will result in that driver working in excess of eight (8) hours on that date. These hours shall be offered to drivers in order of seniority. Mid-day routes shall be defined as any route that falls between the employee’s regularly assigned morning and afternoon routes.
Mid-Day Routes. The selection process for all mid-day runs for drivers and Transportation Assistants shall be filled on a classification seniority basis, and the selection process shall take place no less than one week prior to the opening of the Miamisburg City Schools student year at the same time as route bidding in Section 20.2. The posting of such routes shall include each route number, the anticipated number of hours for each route, a description of each route, the starting time for each route and any other information the Transportation Supervisor deems pertinent. A copy of all posted and awarded routes with contracted hours shall be sent to the Union Business Representative and Chief Xxxxxxx.
Mid-Day Routes. A route that can be defined as AM or PM, and is generally between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.
Mid-Day Routes. A. Mid-day routes will be bid by job classification seniority.
B. The back-up driver and/or Transportation Aide is provided the opportunity to be the main driver/Aide for the Mid-day route when the regular driver is removed from this position.
C. If the driver and/or Transportation Aide are absent the entire day, the Mid- day occurrence is not counted against them.
D. Backup drivers and/or Transportation Aides will keep Mid-day routes as a priority over field trips and other assignments for the day. Backup drivers and/or Transportation Aides will be removed from being a backup driver and/or Transportation Aides after the third (3rd) refusal in a contract year, when given a twenty-four (24) hour notice for each opportunity.
E. Drivers and transportation aides will receive a minimum of one hour’s pay for running a mid-day route.
Mid-Day Routes. These assignments are regularly scheduled mid-day routes and/or duties that generally occur between 9:45 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Mid-Day Routes. 1. The term mid-day refers to regularly scheduled routes that occur after the regularly scheduled morning route (A.M.) and prior to the regularly scheduled afternoon (P.M.)
Mid-Day Routes. If a mid-day route bus driver is absent, the route will be offered on a rotational basis beginning with the most senior driver that has signed the sign-up sheet. If the same mid-day route bus driver is absent on consecutive days, the driver who drove the route on the first day of the absence shall continue to drive that route for the duration of the consecutive absence.
Mid-Day Routes. Open, vacated and newly created mid-day routes shall be posted at the home base and awarded by seniority.
Mid-Day Routes. To qualify to bid on an available Mid-day route, you must be an A.M. and P.M. driver (A.M. + Mid-day and Mid-day + P.M. drivers are also qualified to bid if they held the
Mid-Day Routes. The District may establish and change mid-day routes at its discretion. The term “ mid-day routes” means a regular transportation assignment that generally transports students from school-to-home, home-to-school and school-to-school and which generally occurs between 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Unless otherwise combined with an AM or PM bid, a mid-day route shall be assigned by using the following procedure: