Modified Operations. The Employer may, in its discretion, decide to modify its operations for safety and security reasons, including natural disasters, pandemics, local and regional emergencies, and periods of inclement weather conditions. During modified operations the Employer may close selected portions of its operations, redeploy or cancel schedules of staff whose classification is not a critical function as defined under the Employer’s Modified Operations. In the event of modified operations being declared by the President or their designee, the following rules shall apply in lieu of the provisions of Section 7.12.3:
Modified Operations. OHSU may, in its discretion, decide to close selected portions of its operations due to modified operations. When a GR's work area remains open during modified operations the GR's absence shall be excused if the GR has made every reasonable effort to report to work and not be required to take leave time. Even when modified operations is not declared, if a GR makes reasonable efforts to report to work but is unable to do so due to severe weather conditions, if prompt notice is provided, the mentor may excuse the resulting absence, or require the GR to take leave time if the missed work cannot be made up or performed remotely.
Modified Operations. The Employer may, in its discretion, decide to modify its operations for 22 safety and security reasons, including natural disasters, pandemics, local and regional 23 emergencies, and periods of inclement weather conditions. As a result of modified operations, 24 the Employer may close selected portions of its operations, redeploy or cancel schedules. 26 If an APP requests to stay at the work site during modified operations, the Employer will make 27 an effort to arrange overnight lodging at the work site. Overnight lodging is defined as lodging 28 paid for by the Employer at a hotel or at a designated space at the work site. If an employee is 1 working extended hours where they may become too fatigued to safely drive home, the 2 employer’s department will collaborate with the employee to identify appropriate space for rest.
Modified Operations. The Employer may, in its discretion, decide to modify its operations for safety and security reasons, including natural disasters, pandemics, local and regional emergencies, and periods of severe inclement weather conditions. As a result of During modified operations the Employer may close selected portions of its operations and/or cancel schedules of bargaining unit employees who have not been designated as critical function/essential workers per MOU #7 (Employee Designations).staff whose classification is not a critical function as defined under the Employer’s Modified Operations policy. Work areas which operate on a continuous twenty four (24) hour basis will remain open at all times. Neutral. This revision was made to reflect current practice, in that modified operations can implemented in circumstances other than inclement weather. It also updates the wording about critical/essential workers so that it matches other language in our contract. In the event of modified operations being declared by the President or their designee, the following rules will apply: