National Focal Point. The Department of EEA and Norway Grants in the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic shall act as the National Focal Point. The Department of EEA and Norway Grants, within the Section of Financial Programmes, is directly subordinated to the Minister of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, who shall act as the Head of the National Focal Point. The roles and responsibilities of the National Focal Point are stipulated in the Regulation, in particular Article 5.3 thereof.
National Focal Point. The Department of Assistance Programmes of the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy of the Republic of Poland shall act as the National Focal Point. The Director of the Department of Assistance Programmes shall act as the Head of the National Focal Point. The Department of Assistance Programmes is directly subordinated to the Secretary of State responsible for EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms' implementation. The Secretary of State reports directly to the Minister of Finance, Development Funds and Regional Policy. The roles and responsibilities of the National Focal Point are stipulated in the Regulation, in particular Article 5.3 thereof.
National Focal Point. The Investment Department (ID) of the Ministry of Finance shall act as the National Focal Point.
National Focal Point. The International Relations Department within the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic shall act as the National Focal Point. The International Relations Department within Section 07 - International Relations of the Ministry of Finance is directly subordinated to the Deputy Minister of Section 07. The Director of International Relations Department shall act as the Head of the National Focal Point. The roles and responsibilities of the National Focal Point are stipulated in the Regulation, in particular Article 5.3 thereof.
National Focal Point. The National Focal Point (NFP) of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism is the Ministry of Finance. The National Focal Point has the overall responsibility for the management of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism’s activities in the Republic of Estonia in accordance with the Rules and Procedures, including overall responsibility for the use of funds, financial control and auditing. The functions of the NFP are divided between different departments of the Ministry: • the State Budget Department is responsible for programming; • the Foreign Financing Department is the co-ordinating, implementing and monitoring unit and contact partner of the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO); • the European Union Payments Department and State Treasury Department are responsible for payments; • the Financial Control Department is responsible for financial control and auditing. The State Budget Department’s programming responsibilities are, among others, to: • call for, collect, identify and select proposals to be forwarded to the Norwegian Financial Mechanism; • set up and negotiate priorities in Estonia; • prepare the programming framework; • review and adjust the programming framework, where necessary. The Foreign Financing Department’s co-ordination and implementation responsibilities are, among others, to: • enter into Grant Agreements with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for approved proposals, and conclude an agreement with the Project Promoter; • ensure implementation and monitoring of projects, programmes and other specific forms of grant assistance; • ensure regular reporting to the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) on the implementation of projects financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism; • ensure a complete and sufficient audit path in all engaged institutions; • ensure information and publicity about available funds; • ensure that Project Promoters are fully committed and equipped to successfully implement projects, programmes and other specific forms of grant assistance; • store all documents relating to projects realised within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The Financial Control Department’s financial control and auditing responsibilities are, among others, to: • organise the auditing of the management and control systems of the administration and execute project audits on a sample basis, independently from the State Audit Office; • present to the FMO the annual audit plan once a year. The annual audit plan is based on the Strategic Audit Plan and ...
National Focal Point. The Grants Development Department of the State Shared Service Centre (hereinafter SSSC) shall act as the National Focal Point. The SSSC is administered by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia. The Grants Development Department is directly subordinated to the Deputy Director General of the SSSC, who shall act as the Head of the National Focal Point. In its role as Head of the National Focal Point, the Deputy Director General of the SSSC is directly accountable to the Minister of Public Administration.
National Focal Point. The Funds and Programmes Division (FPD), in the Office of the Parliamentary Secretary for the EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds within the Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto, shall act as the National Focal Point. The Director General of FPD shall act as the head of the National Focal Point. The FPD reports to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto. The roles and responsibilities of the National Focal Point are stipulated in the Regulation, in particular Article 5.3 thereof.
National Focal Point. The Directorate General Growth, Ministry of Finance shall act as the National Focal Point. The Directorate General Growth, Ministry of Finance is the second Directorate General of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus. The Permanent Secretary of the Directorate General Growth, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus is the Head of the National Focal Point and he is accountable to the Minister of Finance. The roles and responsibilities of the National Focal Point are stipulated in the Regulation, in particular Article 5.3 thereof.
National Focal Point. The General Directorate for European Non-reimbursable Financial Mechanisms and Instruments (GDENFMI) shall act as the National Focal Point. The GDENFMI is a General Directorate within the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, headed by a General Director and under the coordination of a Secretary of State. In addition to its role as National Focal Point, the GDENFMI is designated Paying Authority for the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme and holds various roles in a number of EU financed programmes. The General Director of the General Directorate for European Non-reimbursable Financial Mechanisms and Instruments shall act as the head of the National Focal Point. The roles and responsibilities of the National Focal Point are stipulated in the Regulation, in particular Article 5.3 thereof.
National Focal Point. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia shall act as the National Focal Point. The roles and responsibilities of the National Focal Point are stipulated in the Regulation, in particular Article 5.3