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New Listing of Securities Sample Clauses

New Listing of Securities. 7.1 In the event that the Client requests and authorises WLSL to apply for Securities in respect of a new listing and/or issue of Securities on the Exchange as its agent and for its benefit or for the benefit of any other person, the Client hereby warrants to and for WLSL's benefit that WLSL has authority to make such application on the Client’s behalf. 7.2 The Client shall familiarise himself and comply with all the terms and conditions governing the new listing and/or issue of Securities and the application for such new Securities set out in any prospectus and/or offering document and the application form or any other relevant document in respect of such new listing and/or issue and the Client agrees to be bound by such terms and conditions in any such transaction the Client may have with WLSL. 7.3 The Client hereby gives WLSL all the representations, warranties and undertakings which an applicant for Securities in a new listing and/ or issue is required to give (whether to the issuer, sponsors, underwriters or placing agents of the relevant Securities, the Exchange or any other relevant regulator or person). 7.4 The Client hereby further declares and warrants, and authorises WLSL to disclose and warrant to the Exchange on any application form (or otherwise) and to any other person as appropriate, that any such application made by WLSL as its agent is the only application made, and the only application intended to be made, by the Client or on the Client's behalf, to benefit the Client or the person for whose benefit the Client is applying. The Client acknowledges and accepts that the aforesaid declaration and warranty will be relied upon by WLSL and by the issuer, sponsors, underwriters or placing agents of the relevant Securities, the Exchange or any other relevant regulator or person in respect of any application made by WLSL as the Client’s agent. 7.5 In relation to Clause 7.4 above, the Client acknowledges that any application made by an unlisted company which does not carry on any business other than dealing in Securities and in respect of which the Client exercises statutory control shall be deemed to be an application made for the benefit of the Client. 7.6 The Client recognizes and understands that the legal, regulatory requirements and market practice in respect of applications for Securities may vary from time to time as may the requirements of any particular new listing or issue of Securities. The Client undertakes to provide WLSL such informa...
New Listing of SecuritiesIn the event that the Customer requests and authorizes the Company to apply for Securities in respect of a new listing and/or issue of Securities on the Exchange as its agent and for its benefit or for the benefit of any other person, the Customer hereby warrants to and for the Company's benefit that the Company has authority to make such application on the Customer's behalf.
New Listing of Securities a. In the event that the Client requests and authorizes the Company to apply tor securities in respect of a new listing and/or issue of securities on the Exchange as his agent and for his benefit or for the benefit of any other person, the Client hereby warrants to and for the Company's benefit that the Company has authority to make such application on the Client's behalf.倘若客戶要求並授權本公司作為客戶的代理人和為客戶或任何其他人士的利益申請於聯交所新上市及 / 或發行的證券,為了本公司的利益,客戶保證本公司有權代表客戶作出該等申請。 b. The Client Shall familiarize himself and comply with all the terms and conditions governing the securities of the new listing and/or issue and the application for such new securities set out in any prospectus and/or offering document and the application form or any other relevant document in respect of such new listing and/or issue and the Client agrees to be bound by such terms and conditions in any such transaction the Client may have with the Company. 客戶應熟悉並遵從任何招股說明書及/ 或發行文件、申請表格或其他有關文件內所載之管轄新上市及/ 或發行的證券及其申請之全部條款和條件,客戶同意在與本公司進行的任何交易中受該等條款和條件約束。 c. The Client hereby gives to the Company all the representations, warranties and undertakings which an applicant for securities in a new listing and/or issue is required to give (whether to the issuer, sponsors, underwriters or placing agents of the relevant securities, the SEHK or any other relevant regulator or person). 客戶茲向本公司作出新上市及 / 或發行證券申請人(不論是向有關證券的發行人、發起人、承銷人或配售代理人、聯交所或任何其他有關監管機構或人士) 需要作出的所有陳述、保證和承諾。 d. The Client hereby further declares and warrants, and authorizes the Company to disclose and warrant to SEHK on any application form (or otherwise) and to any other person as appropriate, that any such application made by the Company as his agent is the only application made, and the only application intended to be made, by the Client or on the Client's behalf, to benefit the Client or the person for whose benefit the Client is applying. The Client acknowledges and accepts that the aforesaid declaration and warranty will be relied upon by the Company and by the issuer, sponsors, underwriters or placing agents of the relevant securities, SEHK any other relevant regulator or person in respect of any application made by the Company as the Client's agent. 客戶茲進一步聲明和保證,並授權本公司通過何任申請表格 (或以其他方式) 向聯交所和任何其他適合人士披露和保證,為受益與客戶或客戶在申請中載明的受益人士,本公司作為客戶代理人作出的任何申請是客戶或本公司代表客戶作出唯一的申請或打算作出唯一的申請。客戶確認和接受,就本公司作為客戶代理人作出的任何申請而言,本公司和有關證券的發行人、發起人、承銷人或配售代理人、聯交所或任何其他有關監管機構或人士將會依賴上述聲明和保證。 e. The Company, on receipt of a request from the Client to apply for IPO Shares, may provide an IPO...
New Listing of Securities. 新證券上市 6.1 In the event that I/we request and authorize you to apply for Securities in respect of a new listing and/or issue of Securities on the Exchange as my/our agent and for my/our benefit or for the benefit of any other person, I/we hereby warrants to and for your benefit that you have authority to make such application on the my/our behalf. 本人(等)要求並授權貴司以代理人身份為本人(等)或任何其他人士的利益,申請在交易所新上市及/或發行 證券,為了貴司的利益,本人(等)保證貴司有權代表本人(等)提出該等申請。 6.2 I/We shall familiarise myself/ourselves and comply with all the terms and conditions governing the Securities of the new listing and/or issue and the application for such new Securities set out in any prospectus and/or offering document and the application form or any other relevant document in respect of such new listing and/or issue and I/we agree to be bound by such terms and conditions in any such transaction I/we may have with you. 本人(等)應熟悉及遵守招股章程及/或發行文件,及申請表格或其他相關文件內所載列管轄新上市及/或發行該等證券及其申請的所有條款及條件,本人(等)同意與貴司進行的任何相關交易中受該等條款及條件約束。 6.3 I/We hereby give you all the representations, warranties and undertaking on which application for Securities in a new listing and/or issue is required to give (whether to the issuer, sponsors, underwriters or placing agents of the relevant Securities, the Exchange or any other relevant regulator or person). 本人 (等)茲向貴司作出申請新上市及/或發行證券時必須作出的所有陳述、保證及承諾(不論向相關證券 發行人、保薦人、包銷商或配售代理、交易所或任何其他相關監管機構或人士作出)。 6.4 I/We hereby further declare and warrant, and authorize you to disclose and warrant the Exchange or any application form (or otherwise) and to any other person as appropriate, that any such application made by you as its agent is the only application made, and the only application intended to be made, by me/us or on my/our behalf, to benefit me/us or the person for whose benefit my/our applying. I/We acknowledge and accept that the aforesaid declaration and warranty will be relied upon by you and by the issuer, sponsors, underwriters or placing agents of the relevant Securities, the Exchange or any other relevant regulator or person in respect of any application made by you as my/our agent. 本人(等)進一步聲明及保證,並授權貴司在申請表格(或其他文件)向交易所或及任何其他適當人士披露 及保證,貴司提交的任何相關申請,乃由本人(等)或代表本人(等)為自身或本人(等)代為申請的人士之利益, 提交及有意提交的唯一申請。本人(等)承認並接受,貴司及相關證券發行人、保薦人、包銷商或配售代理、 交易所或任何其他相關監管機構或貴司作為本人(等)代理所提交任何申請之相關人士,均可依憑前述聲明及保證。 6.5 I/We acknowledge that any application made by an unlisted company which does not carry on any business other than dealing in Securities and in respect of which I/we exercise statutory control shall be deemed to b...
New Listing of Securities. 3.1 Subject to all other provisions of this Agreement, Client may request and authorize Golden Eagle Brokerage to apply on Client’s behalf for securities in a new issue for listing on an Exchange (an “Application”) and/or requests for financing from Golden Eagle Brokerage in respect of the Application (“IPO Financing”), the provisions of this clause 3 shall apply. 3.1.1 Client authorizes Golden Eagle Brokerage to complete such application form as may be required, and represents and warrants to Golden Eagle Brokerage that all representations, warranties, confirmations and undertakings on the part of the applicant contained or incorporated in the application form are true and accurate in respect of Client. 3.1.2 Client agrees to be bound by the terms of the new issue and in particular, Client hereby: warrants and undertakes that the Application shall be the only application made for Client’s benefit in respect of the same issue of securities and that Client shall make no other application in that issue; authorizes Golden Eagle Brokerage to represent and warrant to the Exchange that no other application shall be made or shall be intended to be made by Client or for Client’s benefit; acknowledges that Golden Eagle Brokerage will rely on the above warranties, undertakings and authorizations in making the application and request for IPO Financing. acknowledges that Golden Eagle Brokerage accepts no responsibility to send the Client the listing document which sets out the terms and conditions of the new issue of securities (“Prospectus”). By Client’s application for subscriptions and request for IPO Financing, Client confirms that Client has obtained such Prospectus from elsewhere, have read and understood the terms and conditions, and Client’s application is not in breach of such terms and conditions. Client confirms that Client shall not request subscription for new issues of securities unless eligible to do so under the applicable securities legislation; and represents and warrants that he is not a connected person of the issuer of securities that are subject of the new issue. 3.1.3 The Client further acknowledges that an application made by an unlisted company that does not carry on any business other than dealing in shares and in respect of which the Client exercises statutory control, shall be deemed to be an application made for the benefit of the Client. 3.1.4 The Client declares that the Client’s Application throug...
New Listing of Securities. 新上市證券 5.1 The Client authorizes OPSL, upon the Client’s Instruction, to apply for the subscription or purchase of securities in a public offer in respect of a new listing and/or placing of securities of companies listed on the SEHK as its agent and for the benefit of the Client or for the benefit of the ultimate beneficiary, whether singly or in conjunction with applications of other clients or Affiliates of OPSL as a bulk application. The Client acknowledges that OPSL shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of or any misstatement in any prospectus and other offering documents relating to a public offer and/or placing, copies of which are supplied by OPSL to the Client. 客戶授權開盤證券應客戶指示作為其代理,就新上市公司的公開認購及/或在聯交所上市公司的證券配售,為客戶之利益或為最終受益人的利益申請認購或購買證券,不論是單一或聯同其他客戶的申請或聯同開盤證券聯屬人進行大量申請。客戶確認,就有關任何公開認購及/或配售的任何招股書及其他銷售文件,開盤證券概不對其準確性或完整性或任何錯誤陳述負責。 5.2 In making such Instruction to OPSL to apply for the subscription or purchase of securities in a public offer in respect of new listing and/or placing of securities of companies listed on the SEHK, the Client confirms and declares that: 於向開盤證券作出指示,就新上市公司的公開認購及/或在聯交所上市公司的證券配售申請認購或購買證券時,客戶確認並聲明: (a) it has already read and understands the related prospectus, application forms and/or other relevant offering documents, and its application is subject to the terms and conditions of such prospectus, application forms and/or relevant offering documents (including the discretion of the relevant issuer to determine on the final pricing of the securities) or, in the absence of any written offering documents, it fully understands the terms and conditions of the relevant subscription/purchase; 其已閱讀及了解相關的招股書、申請表格及/或其他相關售股文件,以及其申請須符合有關招股書、申請表格及/或相關售股文件訂明之條款及條件(包括相關發行人確定證券最終訂價的酌情權),或如果沒有任何書面銷售文件,其完全了解相關認購/購買的條款及條件; (b) it is eligible to subscribe for or purchase the securities and will comply with or has complied with all the terms and conditions as stated in such prospectus, application forms and/or other relevant offering documents or, in the absence of any written offering documents, will comply with or has complied with the terms and conditions of the relevant subscription/purchase; 其符合資格認購或購買該等證券,並且會遵守或已遵守有關招股書、申請表格及/或其他相關銷售文件訂明的條款及條件,或如果沒有任何書面銷售文件,其會遵守或已遵守相關認購/購買的條款及條件; (c) OPSL has the due authority to make such application on the Client’s behalf; 開盤證券擁有充分的權力,代表客戶作出有關申請; (d) the application made by OPSL on the Client’s behalf is the only application made, and the only application intended to be made, by the Client or ...
New Listing of SecuritiesIn the event that the Customer requests and authorizes the Company to apply for Securities in respect of a new listing and/or issue of Securities on the Exchange as its agent and for its benefit or for the benefit of any other person, the Customer hereby warrants to and for the Company's benefit that the Company shall have authority to make such application on the Customer's behalf.
New Listing of Securities