Obligations du Client Sample Clauses

Obligations du Client i. The Customer shall deploy appropriately skilled and qualified personnel in the performance of its obligations under all SOWs, and shall provide information, decisions i. Le Client doit déployer un personnel dûment qualifié et compétent dans l'exécution de ses obligations au titre de tous les cahiers des charges, et doit fournir des informations, des décisions et des and approvals in a timely manner to facilitate the agreed delivery schedule. approbations en temps utile pour faciliter le calendrier de livraison convenu. ii. The Customer shall make available to Licensor access to all environments as required under a SOW, or as otherwise agreed between the Parties. ii. Le Client doit mettre à la disposition du Concédant l'accès à tous les environnements, conformément à un Énoncé des Travaux ou à tout autre accord entre les Parties. iii. Licensor and the Customer will work together in good faith to mitigate any delay in completion or delivery or in the provision of the Professional Services resulting, in the reasonable opinion of Licensor, from Customers failure to perform its obligations as described in the applicable SOW. iii. Le Concédant et le Client travailleront ensemble de bonne foi pour atténuer tout retard dans l'achèvement ou la livraison ou dans la fourniture des Services Professionnels résultant, selon l'avis raisonnable du Concédant, d'un manquement du Client à ses obligations telles que décrites dans l'Énoncé des Travaux applicable. d. Place of Performance, Expenses and Travel Time.
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Obligations du Client. 2.1 Il appartient au CLIENT de vérifier que ce produit répond à ses attentes et à ses exigences. 2.2 Nous conseillons au CLIENT de créer une copie de sauvegarde de tous les logiciels fournis avec ce produit. 2.3 Il appartient au CLIENT d'installer et de configurer correctement ce produit et de s'assurer que son installation, sa configuration et son fonctionnement sont adaptés et compatibles avec l'environnement d'exploitation du produit. 2.4 Pour que sa demande de xxxxxxxx soit acceptée, le CLIENT xxxxx, dans tous les cas, fournir à U.S. ROBOTICS une preuve d'achat datée (copie du ticket xx xxxxxx d'U.S. ROBOTICS ou d'un de ses revendeurs agréés).
Obligations du Client. 6.1. Le client doit informer le sous-traitant dans les plus brefs délais s’il constate des erreurs ou des anomalies lors du contrôle du résultat du service rendu. 6.2. Le client doit s’assurer, avant et après le début du traitement des données, que les mesures techniques et organisationnelles mises en place par le sous-traitant sont respectées. Le résultat de ces contrôles doit être documenté. 6.3. Le client est responsable du respect des obligations émanant des articles 33 et 00 xx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx xx protection des données de l’Union européenne vis-à-vis de l’autorité réglementaire ou de toute personne concernée touchée par une violation de données à caractère personnel. 6.4. Le client doit informer le sous-traitant des obligations de suppression et de conservation des données à caractère personnel et des éléments nécessaires à l’application de ces exigences.
Obligations du Client. 2.1. Le Client xxxxx à tout moment se conformer à toutes les xxxx et réglementations applicables concernant ses activités en vertu des présentes et son utilisation des Cartes SIM ou des Services de Connectivité. 2.2. Le Client s’interdit : (i) d’utiliser les Services de Connectivité à des fins inappropriées, immorales ou illégales ; (ii) d’agir de manière à compromettre le fonctionnement des Services de Connectivité ou le fonctionnement du Réseau ; (iii) d’être impliqué dans toute utilisation frauduleuse ou autre utilisation non autorisée du Réseau ou de tout Service de Connectivité, et doit aviser RISCO par écrit dans les meilleurs délais dès qu’il a connaissance, ou suspecte une telle activité ; et (iv) de soulever ou d’introduire toute réclamation découlant de la présente Annexe 1 directement à l’encontre du Prestataire de Services de Connectivité en ce qui concerne la prestation des services. 2.3. Les Services de Connectivité ne sont pas destinés à être utilisés, et le Client ne peut pas les utiliser ou permettre leur utilisation, dans le cadre d’une activité nécessitant des systèmes à sécurité intégrée ou dans laquelle un dysfonctionnement ou une erreur peut entraîner la mort, des blessures corporelles, des risques environnementaux ou des dégâts matériels, y compris l’exploitation d’installations nucléaires, de systèmes de navigation aérienne ou de communication à bord d’aéronefs, de systèmes de contrôle du trafic aérien, de survie ou x’xxxxx. 2.4. Le client convient par les présentes que toute utilisation de fonctionnalités de Commutation (ou de services similaires permettant sur demande des modifications du réseau itinérant au niveau national), ne sera effectuée qu’après que le Client a testé et confirmé que ces services sont conformes à toutes les applications annexes de l’appareil concernées, et qu’ils ne causeront aucun dommage au Client ou aux applications annexes de l’appareil. Tous ces services sont fournis « en l’état » sans garantie, et le Client reconnaît qu’à un moment donné, le service de Commutation (et les services similaires) peut ne pas être disponible dans un ou plusieurs pays, et que cette indisponibilité ne sera pas considérée comme une violation de la présente Annexe 1. XXXXX xécline toute responsabilité pour tout dommage lié à une défaillance des services de Commutation (ou services similaires) ou à la capacité du Client à effectuer des modifications de réseau itinérant.
Obligations du Client. Le Client s’engage à louer les Locaux tels qu’ils sont décrits sur le site web et au État Descriptif. Les meubles et objets mobiliers ne doivent souffrir que de la dépréciation provenant de l’usage normal auquel ils sont destinés. Le Client s’engage à utiliser les meubles et objets mobiliers à l’usage auquel ils sont destinés et dans les lieux où ils se trouvent. Il s’interdit formellement de les transporter hors des Locaux. Les locataires ne doivent se comporter d’aucune manière pouvant représenter une nuisance pour les voisins. Il est formellement interdit de sous-louer les Locaux ou de céder à un tiers les droits conférés par la présente Convention sans l’autorisation du Propriétaire. Le Client devra s’abstenir de façon absolue de jeter dans les WC, lavabos etc. des objets ou liquides de nature à obstruer les canalisations. Tout problème résultant d’obstructions causées par le Client sera à sa charge. À l’exception des bébés dormant dans un berceau, les Locaux ne devront sous aucun prétexte être occupés par un nombre de personnes supérieur à celui indiqué dans la description du site web. Le Client devra autoriser le Propriétaire ou ses agents à pénétrer dans les Locaux afin d’exécuter dans les Locaux les travaux urgents ou essentiels. Le Client ne pourra introduire dans les Locaux aucun animal sauf avec l’autorisation exprès du Propriétaire.
Obligations du Client. 6.1. Pour le bon traitement des transactions commerciales, il est nécessaire que le Client notifie dans les meilleurs délais à Trade Republic tout changement concernant le Compte de Référence qu'il a fourni ainsi que ses coordonnées, notamment le changement de son appareil mobile et les changements de son numéro de portable, ainsi que le changement de son adresse. En outre, d'autres obligations légales de notification peuvent découler, notamment de la loi sur le blanchiment de l'argent (par exemple, preuve que le Compte de Référence est détenu au nom du Client ; source des fonds). Si le Client viole par négligence ses obligations de coopération, il doit indemniser Trade Republic pour xxx xxxxx et frais qui en résultent (par exemple pour une enquête d'adresse). 6.2. Le Client doit vérifier dans les meilleurs délais l'exactitude et la complétude des relevés, des compte-titres et les évaluations de revenus et d'autres relevés (par exemple sur les transactions sur des crypto-actifs), ainsi que les notifications sur l'exécution des ordres, qui sont affichées dans la boîte aux lettres (Timeline) ou envoyé autrement, et toute autre objection doit être formulée sans délai. 6.3. Dans le cas où le Client ne reçoit pas lesdites documents au sens de la clause 6.2., le Client doit en informer Trade Republic dans les meilleurs délais. L'obligation de notifier Trade Republic existe également en absence d'autres notifications que le Client s'attend à recevoir de Trade Republic. 6.4. Si et dans la mesure où Trade Republic souhaite expressément convenir avec le Client de nouvelles dispositions dans la relation Client (cf. clause 9.2. du présent Contrat-cadre), le Client est tenu de soumettre une déclaration d'intention à cet effet à Trade Republic (acceptation ou refus). 6.5. Le Client est tenu de contrôler de manière indépendante la performance de ses investissements et leur négociabilité. Ceci s'applique en particulier si, en raison de la défaillance d'une plateforme de négociation ou de la possibilité de négociation via Trade Republic, le Client n'a pas pu exécuter une transaction demandée par lui. Le Client est alors tenu de surveiller en permanence le rétablissement de la possibilité de négociation afin d'exécuter la transaction demandée par lui. 7. Liability of Trade Republic; contributory negligence of the Customer 7.1. Trade Republic is liable in the fulfillment of its obligations for any negligence of its employees and the persons that perform an obligation of Trad...
Obligations du Client. 3.1 Le Client est responsable des informations qu'il a fournies à GoodHabitz, de l'utilisation du Service et de la protection de l'accès à ces informations confidentielles. Le Client s'engage à utiliser le Service dans les limites des dispositions du Contrat, des présentes Conditions Générales et des lois et règlements applicables, y compris le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD). 3.2 The Client is responsible for the management of the Login accounts. For employees leaving the employment of the Client, access to the Service of GoodHabitz shall be renounced, specifically by cancelling the Login account. 3.3 The Client guarantees that all information provided to GoodHabitz is correct and complete in all respects. 3.4 The Client is not permitted to rent out, sell, make available in any way or commercialise the information and Service provided by GoodHabitz (in part or in full) to third parties other than the Users without prior written consent from GoodHabitz. 3.5 The obligation of the payment of fees by the Client remains, regardless of the frequency of usage of the GoodHabitz Service by the Client and its Users. 3.2 Der Kunde ist für die Verwaltung der Nutzerkonten verantwortlich. Wenn Mitarbeiter das Beschäftigungsverhältnis des Kunden verlassen, muss der Zugang zu den Dienstleistungen von GoodHabitz aufgegeben werden, insbesondere durch das Löschen des Nutzerkontos. 3.3 Der Kunde garantiert, dass alle Informationen, die er GoodHabitz zur Verfügung stelt, in jeder Hinsicht richtig und vollständig sind. 3.4 Dem Kunden ist es nicht gestattet, die Informationen und Dienstleistungen von GoodHabitz teilweise oder ganz an dritte Parteien, andere als die Nutzer, zu verleihen, zu verkaufen, in jeglicher Form verfügbar zu machen oder zu vermarkten, ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von GoodHabitz. 3.5 Die Pflicht zur Zahlung der Kosten durch den Kunden bleibt unabhängig von der Nutzungsrate der Dienstleistungen von GoodHabitz durch Kunden und Nutzer bestehen. 3.2 Le Client est responsable de la gestion des Comptes de connexion. Pour les employés quittant l’entreprise/la société du Client, l'accès au Service de GoodHabitz sera coupé, précisément par la suppression du Compte de connexion. 3.3 Le Client s’engage à ce que toutes les informations fournies à GoodHabitz soient correctes et complètes à tous les égards. 3.4 Le Client n'est pas autorisé à louer, vendre, mettre à disposition de quelque manière que ce soit ou à commercialiser les infor...
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Related to Obligations du Client

  • Obligations of the Client 4.1. The client undertakes to inform the company in advance (meaning no later than 2 calendar days) about the dispatch of the goods, by entering the shipment into the Xxxxx.xxx software. 4.1.1. In case of non-compliance with subparagraph 3.2.1 of this agreement, the company has the right to refuse the client in accepting and placing his goods at the warehouse. 4.2. To send goods from the warehouse or to carry out other operations, the client is obliged to provide his client number (client ID) and data of the goods.

  • Obligations of Client (a) The Client is bound by and must comply at all times with all rules, protocols, policies, procedures and induction requirements published by Viterra from time to time in the Pricing, Procedures and Protocols Manual, including those in relation to: (i) the terms and conditions of the Export Select and Purchase Option services offered by Viterra; (ii) health, safety and environment; (iii) site rules; (iv) labour ordering conditions for shipping; (v) operating conditions for Viterra's rail facilities; (vi) access and operating conditions for road movements at Viterra facilities, and must comply with all reasonable directions issued by Viterra. (b) While on any premises owned or operated by Viterra, the Client must (and must ensure that its employees, agents and contractors) comply with all reasonable directions given by Viterra's representatives, and do not create or bring on site any hazard or contamination.

  • Obligations of the Customer 3.1 The Customer agrees to: (a) The Customer shall give the Company not less than 14 days prior written notice of any proposed change of ownership of the Customer and or any change in the Customer’s details (including but not limited to, changes in the customer’s name, address, contact phone/fax numbers or business practice). The Customer shall be liable for any loss incurred by the Company as a result of the Customers failure to comply with this clause. (b) Pay the Company the Price for carrying out the Works in accordance with this agreement; (c) Provide the Company with all necessary plans, specifications, services and amenities, so as to allow the Company to carry out the Works, provide access to the Location and ensure to the Company’s reasonable satisfaction that the Location remains in a state and condition that is safe for the Company and its employees and agents; (d) Ensure the Location complies with all necessary bylaws and restrictions is structurally sound (in accordance with all legislation governing safety in the workplace); (e) Not to cause any disruption or obstruction to the carrying out of any Works and to follow any reasonable instructions provided by the Company about the Works; (f) Where the Works requires co-ordination with other trades then the Customer will supply the Company with a schedule detailing all relevant information so as to allow the Company sufficient time to co-ordinate with the Customer’s other tradespersons; (g) Permit the Company to attach such reasonable signage as the Company may wish to any Works so as to identify that the Company is carrying out the Works; (h) In circumstances where it wishes to make a claim against the Company pursuant to the guarantee given in clause 13.2, exclusively permit the Company or its authorised representative to remedy or make good any defects in its Workmanship and not permit any other third party to do so. 3.2 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Company, if the Customer fails to carry out or perform any of its obligations pursuant to this clause 3 (excepting clause 3.1(g)) then, in addition to any Additional Expenses Charge that may apply, the Company may charge the Customer a Services Delay Charge for each day (or part thereof) that the Company is, in its reasonable opinion, unable and/or not required to carry out or perform the Works as a result of such breach by the Customer. 3.3 Where the Customer requests any Related Work to be carried out, the Company will use its best endeavours to source suppliers and/or contractors to carry out the Related Work, but the Customer is responsible for the commissioning, controlling, and payment for such work. 3.4 The Customer acknowledges that unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Customer and the Company, the Customer shall be responsible for obtaining, paying for and maintaining in force all permits, approvals, authorisations, authorities, licences and consents of all regulatory authorities whatsoever which are or may be necessary or advisable in connection with the Works.

  • Client Obligations 3.1 The Client warrants and represents that: 3.1.1 it shall co-operate with Centaur as required for the proper performance of the Services; 3.1.2 it shall provide, for Centaur, its agents, subcontractors, consultants and employees, in a timely manner and at no charge, access to the Client's premises during normal office hours (being Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm), office accommodation, data and other facilities as is reasonably required by Centaur or any of them for the proper performance of the Services; 3.1.3 all information it has provided to Centaur in relation to the Services as at the date of the Order Form is accurate, complete and is not misleading and it shall provide, in a timely manner, such further information and Client Material as Centaur may require for the proper performance of the Services, and ensure that such information and Client Material is accurate, complete and not misleading; 3.1.4 it shall be responsible (at its own cost) for preparing and maintaining the relevant premises for the supply of the Services; 3.1.5 it shall inform Centaur of all health and safety rules and regulations and any other reasonable security requirements that apply at any of the Client's premises; 3.1.6 it shall only use the Services for internal business purposes and, without prejudice to the foregoing, shall not use the Services, the Deliverables or any Centaur Materials to develop a product or service that competes with any of the products or services provided by Centaur; 3.1.7 the Client Materials shall not infringe any third party rights, including any third party Intellectual Property Rights; and 3.1.8 it shall obtain and maintain all necessary licences and consents and comply with all relevant legislation in relation to the Services, before the date on which the Services are to start. 3.2 If Centaur's performance of its obligations under this Agreement is prevented or delayed by any act or omission of the Client, its agents, subcontractors, consultants or employees, Centaur shall not be liable for any costs, charges or losses sustained or incurred by the Client that arise directly or indirectly from such prevention or delay.

  • Obligations of the Contractor (i) Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Contractor shall undertake the survey, investigation, design, engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance of the Project Highway and observe, fulfil, comply with and perform all its obligations set out in this Agreement or arising hereunder. (ii) The Contractor shall comply with all Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits (including renewals as required) in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. (iii) Subject to the provisions of Clauses 4.1 (i) and 4.1 (ii), the Contractor shall discharge its obligations in accordance with Good Industry Practice and as a reasonable and prudent person. (iv) The Contractor shall remedy any and all loss, defects, or damage to the Project Highway from the Appointed Date until the end of the Construction Period at the Contractor’s cost, save and except to the extent that any such loss, defect, or damage shall have arisen from any wilful default or neglect of the Authority. (v) The Contractor shall remedy any and all loss, defect or damage to the Project Highway during the Defects Liability Period at the Contractor’s cost to the extent that such loss, defect or damage shall have arisen out of the reasons specified in Clause 17.3. (vi) The Contractor shall remedy any and all loss or damage to the Project Highway during the Maintenance Period at the Contractor’s cost, including those stated in Clause 14.1 (ii), save and except to the extent that any such loss or damage shall have arisen on account of any wilful default or neglect of the Authority or on account of a Force Majeure Event. (vii) The Contractor shall, at its own cost and expense, in addition to and not in derogation of its obligations elsewhere set out in this Agreement: (a) make, or cause to be made, necessary applications to the relevant Government Instrumentalities with such particulars and details as may be required for obtaining Applicable Permits set forth in Schedule-F and obtain and keep in force and effect such Applicable Permits in conformity with the Applicable Laws; (b) procure, as required, the appropriate proprietary rights, licences, agreements and permissions for Materials, methods, processes and systems used or incorporated into the Project Highway; (c) make reasonable efforts to maintain harmony and good industrial relations among the personnel employed byit or its Sub-contractors in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement; (d) ensure and procure that its Sub-contractors comply with all Applicable Permits and Applicable Laws in the performance by them of any of the Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement; (e) not do or omit to do any act, deed or thing which may in any manner violate any provisions of this Agreement; (f) support, cooperate with and facilitate the Authority in the implementation and operation of the Project in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; (g) ensure that the Contractor and its Sub-contractors comply with the safety and welfare measures for labour in accordance with the Applicable Laws and Good Industry Practice; (h) keep, on Site, a copy of this Agreement, publications named in this Agreement, the Drawings, Documents relating to the Project, and Change of Scope orders and other communications given under this Agreement. The Authority’s Engineer and its authorised personnel shall have the right of access to all these documents at all reasonable times; (i) cooperate with other contractors employed by the Authority and personnel of any public authority; and (j) not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of the public, or the access to and use and occupation of all roads and footpaths, irrespective of whether they are public or in the possession of the Authority or of others. (viii) The Contractor shall undertake all necessary superintendence to plan, arrange, direct, manage, inspect and test the Works. The Contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence of the Works for the proper fulfilling of the Contractor's obligations under the Agreement. Such superintendence shall be given by competent person having adequate knowledge of the operations to be carried out (including the methods and techniques required, the hazards likely to be encountered and methods of preventing accidents) for the satisfactory and safe execution of the Works. (ix) The Contractor shall obtain and maintain a project related bank account operational at site where all transactions related to the payment of work will be done. The Contractor shall submit a monthly account statement and a detailed report on utilization of funds transferred to this project related bank account to Authority’s Engineer. Notwithstanding anything contrary to this agreement, the authority, in the interest and to ensure timely completion of the work, reserves the right to audit such bank accounts to ensure that there is no diversion of funds from this project specific account to any other project being implemented by the Contractor. (x) The Contractor shall provide the documents of the Contractor specified in the Agreement, and all Contractors' personnel; Goods, consumables and other things and services, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for the execution, completion of Works and remedying defects. (xi) The Contractor shall perform the Works in conformity with the Project requirements and other requirements and standards prescribed under or pursuant to the Agreement. (xii) The Contractor shall carry out such work incidental and contingent to the original Scope of the Project to comply with Good Industry Practices. (xiii) The Contractor shall maintain required staff and necessary Contractor’s equipment and materials within the reach of the Site during the Defects Liability Period so that any defects arising are promptly attended.

  • Obligations of Contractor 5.01 CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Proposal. In the event that the terms of the Proposal shall conflict with the terms of this Agreement or contain additional terms that purport to bind the CITY other than the Services to be rendered and the price for the Services, the terms of this Agreement shall govern and said additional or conflicting terms shall be of no force or effect. 5.02 Except as otherwise agreed by the parties, CONTRACTOR will supply all personnel, materials and equipment required to perform the Services. CONTRACTOR shall provide its own offices, telephones, vehicles and computers and set its own work hours. CONTRACTOR will determine the method, details, and means of performing the Services under this Agreement. 5.03 CONTRACTOR shall keep CITY informed as to the progress of the Services by means of regular and frequent consultations. Additionally, when requested by CITY, CONTRACTOR shall prepare written status reports. 5.04 CONTRACTOR is responsible for paying, when due, all income and other taxes, fees and withholding, including withholding state and federal taxes, social security, unemployment and worker’s compensation, incurred as a result of the compensation paid under this Agreement. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CITY for any claims, costs, losses, fees, penalties, interest, or damages suffered by CITY resulting from CONTRACTOR’s failure to comply with this provision. 5.05 In the event CONTRACTOR is required to prepare plans, drawings, specifications and/or estimates, the same shall be furnished in conformance with local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 5.06 CONTRACTOR represents that it possesses all required licenses necessary or applicable to the performance of Services under this Agreement and the Proposal and shall obtain and keep in full force and effect all permits and approvals required to perform the Services herein. In the event CITY is required to obtain an approval or permit from another governmental entity, CONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary supporting documents to be filed with such entity. 5.07 CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for obtaining Employment Eligibility Verification information from CONTRACTOR’s employees, in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Pub. L. 99-603 (8 U.S.C. 1324a), and shall ensure that CONTRACTOR’s employees are eligible to work in the United States. 5.08 In the event that CONTRACTOR employs, contracts with, or otherwise utilizes any CalPERS retirees in completing any of the Services performed hereunder, such instances shall be disclosed in advance to the CITY and shall be subject to the CITY’s advance written approval. 5.09 Drug-free Workplace Certification. By signing this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR hereby certifies under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the CONTRACTOR will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 (Government Code, Section 8350 et seq.) and will provide a drug- free workplace. 5.10 CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules, regulations, entitlements and/or permits applicable to, or governing the Services authorized hereunder.

  • Obligations of the Concessionaire 5.1.1 Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall, at its own cost and expense, procure finance for and undertake the design, engineering, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance of the Project and observe, fulfil, comply with and perform all its obligations set out in this Agreement or arising hereunder. 5.1.2 The Concessionaire shall comply with all Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits (including renewals as required) in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. 5.1.3 Subject to the provisions of Clauses 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, the Concessionaire shall discharge its obligations in accordance with Good Industry Practice and as a reasonable and prudent person. 5.1.4 The Concessionaire shall, at its own cost and expense, in addition to and not in derogation of its obligations elsewhere set out in this Agreement carry out the following but not be limited to: (a) make, or cause to be made, necessary applications to the relevant Government Instrumentalities with such particulars and details as may be required for obtaining Applicable Permits (other than those set forth in Clause 4.1.3), and obtain and keep in force and effect such Applicable Permits in conformity with the Applicable Laws; (b) procure, as required, the appropriate proprietary rights, licences, agreements and permissions for materials, methods, processes and systems used or incorporated into the Project; (c) perform and fulfil its obligations under the Financing Agreements; (d) make reasonable efforts to maintain harmony and good industrial relations among the personnel employed by it or its Contractors in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement; (e) make reasonable efforts to facilitate the acquisition of land required for the purposes of the Agreement; (f) ensure and procure that its Contractors comply with all Applicable Permits and Applicable Laws in the performance by them of any of the Concessionaire's obligations under this Agreement; (g) not do or omit to do any act, deed or thing which may in any manner be violative of any of the provisions of this Agreement; (h) support, cooperate with and facilitate the Authority in the implementation and operation of the Project in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; (i) modify/demolish the existing structures on the Site at its own cost and consequences. The Concessionaire shall ensure that the demolition and construction of the existing structures is also in compliance with the prevailing building bye laws, zoning regulations as prescribed by H&UPD, GoUP, other appropriate authority or any regulatory authority (ASI, TTZ, NGT etc.). XXX policy of GoI and GoUP shall be admissible as and where applicable. The Concessionaire shall be responsible for safe and hassle-free disposal of the scrap from the Site; (j) (deleted) (k) transfer the Bus Terminal and the Commercial Complex to the Authority upon Termination of this Agreement, in accordance with the provisions thereof. (l) develop a centralized covered Bus Terminal with adequate number of bus bays along with RCC yard area, passenger movement spaces, furniture fixtures, electrical fittings, utilities and other related requirements; (m) {where Bus Terminal and workshops/ depots are adjoining, the development of workshops unit with necessary structural provisions and RCC yard, furniture fixtures, electrical fittings with minimum 6 meters of working/ maintenance shed height with no access from and/ to commercial areas as a mandatory requirement. However, Authority shall take separate electricity connection for the workshop area and shall pay for the electricity usage in it}1; (n) construct and maintain public amenities like ablution units etc.; (o) all the passenger amenities, Workshop facilities as well as UPSRTC staff facilities shall be maintained hygienic, neat and clean during the concession period; (p) accesses either through staircases, overbridges or underpasses for movement of pedestrians from one platform to the other in a safe and fully secured manner; (q) a dedicated office for UPSRTC staff with a sufficient usable area along with change rooms and toilets as per the specifications of UPSRTC shall be made available unconditionally and free of cost for the entire concession period on ground and first floors only of the Bus Terminal; (r) all the facilities for plumbing, internal electrification and all the other allied works to render the office functional (partitions excluded); (s) facility for parking adequate number of 4 wheelers, 3 Wheelers and 2 wheelers of passengers and commercial area users. The parking facility for Bus Terminal and for the Commercial Complex shall be segregated. (Refer prevailing Government of Housing and Urban Planning department circulars/ G.O’s); 1 This provision to be used only for Sites where workshops are adjoining the Bus Terminal (t) all the other allied facilities for fire protection, accesses in the form of ramps, protective railings, ventilation system etc.; (u) day to day operation and management of the Project as per this Agreement; and (v) bear the expenses of electricity and water in the Bus Terminal during the Concession Period of Bus Terminal, except electricity and water charges for Authority’s office, workshop, drivers or staff dormitory and electric bus charging which shall be borne by the Authority.

  • Developer Obligations In accordance with applicable NYISO requirements, Developer shall maintain satisfactory operating communications with Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO. Developer shall provide standard voice line, dedicated voice line and facsimile communications at its Large Generating Facility control room or central dispatch facility through use of either the public telephone system, or a voice communications system that does not rely on the public telephone system. Developer shall also provide the dedicated data circuit(s) necessary to provide Developer data to Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO as set forth in Appendix D hereto. The data circuit(s) shall extend from the Large Generating Facility to the location(s) specified by Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO. Any required maintenance of such communications equipment shall be performed by Developer. Operational communications shall be activated and maintained under, but not be limited to, the following events: system paralleling or separation, scheduled and unscheduled shutdowns, equipment clearances, and hourly and daily load data.

  • Obligations of Customer Axway’s indemnification obligation is contingent upon the Customer: (a) giving immediate written notice to Axway of any such Infringement Claim; (b) giving Axway control of the defense and related settlement negotiations, provided , however that Axway will obtain the Customer’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, if any settlement of such an Infringement Claim requires Customer to admit liability, take or refrain from taking any particular action other than cessation of use of the infringing Services, Product, or Deliverable , and (c) assisting in the defense at Axway’s reasonable request, provided Axway agrees to pay Customer’s reasonable expenses in connection therewith. The Customer may participate in such defense and in any settlement discussions directly or through counsel of the Cus tomer’s choice, at the Customer’s expense, provided such participation does not materially prejudice Axway’s sole control of the defense or cause Axway to incur material additional costs in the conduct of such defense .

  • Obligations of the Consultant Conduct of the Services

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