Other Forms of Cooperation Sample Clauses

Other Forms of Cooperation. (1) The parties to the Agreement will cooperate in compliance with the national legislation, particularly (a) On the prevention of disasters and severe accidents or the mitigation of their consequences by the exchange of scientific-technological information and provision of meetings, research programmes, courses and exercises for relief operations on the territory of the parties to the Agreement. (b) On the exchange of information about dangers and damage that may arise and affect the territory of the other party to the Agreement; mutual information includes also the transfer of measured data. (2) The provisions of this Agreement shall apply analogously also for cooperation in the fields of training and joint exercises pursuant to Para.1 of this Article. (3) The costs for cooperative training are borne as follows: (a) The sending party pays for the travel of its participants to and from the place of training and also for their return in the case of sickness or death. (b) The host country bears the cost for board and lodging and also for first-aid medical care.
Other Forms of Cooperation. In addition to the afore-cited forms of cooperation, Universities take part in: a) supporting joint methodological and technological research process, developing handbooks, materials for distant learning, creating and adapting teaching plans; b) arranging mutual scientific, practical conferences, seminars, schools, etc; c) exchanging methodic documents, publications, handbooks and other materials.
Other Forms of Cooperation. (1) The Parties shall cooperate, in accordance with national law, in particular to prevent and reduce the consequences of natural hazards and technical or technological accidents by carrying out the following activities in the territory of both Parties: (a) exchange of scientific-technical information as well as‌ (b) expert meetings, (c) research and training programs, (d) specialist courses and exercises in relief operations. (2) Cooperation shall also include the sharing of information on risks and damages that may arise and affect the territory of the other Party.
Other Forms of Cooperation. The present Agreement does not exclude other forms of cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture that the parties may agree to pursue.
Other Forms of Cooperation. 1. Transfer of technology in the field of statistics between the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and Eurostat may take place by mutual agreement. 2. The Contracting Parties may exchange any information in the field of statistics. 3. The statistical services of the Contracting Parties may exc- hange officials. The statistical services of the Member States of the Community may also exchange officials with Switzerland. The conditions under which these exchanges take place shall be agreed directly between the statistical services involved.
Other Forms of Cooperation. The Parties may decide to adopt other forms of cooperation and collaboration, in particular: - promotion of the use of international standards under the mandates of the Parties; - training and awareness-raising in Member countries, in particular developing countries; and - the development of joint publications in fields of mutual interest. Procedures for the development, publication and dissemination of such jointly developed works shall be mutually agreed by the Parties
Other Forms of Cooperation. 1. The Parties shall engage in the following forms of cooperation aimed at preventing and reducing the consequences of natural or technological disasters in accordance with the national law of their States: (a) Technical information sharing; (b) Meetings of experts; (c) Implementation of research and educational programmes; (d) Holding special courses and exercises on the provision of assistance. 2. The Parties shall inform each other of disaster risks and possible consequences that may affect the territory of the other State Party. 3. The provisions of articles 5 and 6 of this Agreement shall apply to cooperation in the field of training and joint practical exercises provided for in paragraph 1 of this article. 4. The costs of cooperation in the field of training shall be shared as follows: (a) The sending Party shall pay all accommodation and transportation expenses for its participants, including in the event of their illness or death; (b) The host Party shall pay the costs of training, transportation within its territory, food, first aid and emergency medical care.
Other Forms of Cooperation. (1) The co-operation of the Contracting Parties under this Agreement may, in addition to providing assistance in the event of disasters, include the following forms of co-operation:
Other Forms of Cooperation. Both institutions agree to seek out and pursue opportunities other than student exchanges which will enable them to assist each other in their efforts to enhance the education oftheir students, increase the research accomplishments, broaden the knowledge base oftheir faculties, and promote mutual understanding and enlightenment ofthe people oftheir respective countries.
Other Forms of Cooperation. The Ministries of the Interior of the Contracting Parties shall cooperate and may make separate arrangements in the following areas in particular: (a) Carrying out assistance operations under this Agreement; (b) Forecasting and dealing with disasters; (c) Exchanging all practical experience and relevant scientific and technical infor- mation, conducting conferences and foreign study programmes for experts, research pro- grammes and specialized courses, including the exchange of instructors and course partic- ipants in the relevant disciplines, and carrying out joint exercises and deploying scientific experts, on request, in an advisory capacity among the personnel of disaster relief mis- sions; (d) Exchanging information on hazards and accidents that could affect the territory of the other Contracting Party; this exchange of information shall include precautionary transmission of measurement data; (e) Searching out and identifying affected persons and property in conformity with the domestic law of the Contracting Parties and investigating the causes of accidents.