OUTSOURCING OF BARGAINING UNIT WORK. The Employer shall not reduce the wages or work hours of bargaining unit members in a material or significant manner through the contracting out of bargaining unit work without providing the union sufficient notice and opportunity to bargain the subject in good faith. The Employer shall comply with all bargaining obligations required by Montana’s collective bargaining act for public employees.


  • Performance of Bargaining Unit Work No person whose regular job is not in the bargaining unit will work on any job for which rates are established by this Agreement, except for the purpose of instruction, experimentation, management training, in which case trainees shall not displace or replace any employee in the aforesaid classifications except in cases of emergency when regular employees are not available.

  • Bargaining Unit Roster The County will transmit to the Union a current listing

  • Bargaining Unit Work The City agrees that it will not assign work currently performed by employees under this Agreement to City employees in other bargaining units.

  • NATURE OF THE BARGAINING UNIT 1.01 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agency for all of its employees working at The Fairmont Winnipeg, in the City of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, save and except the Administrative/Clerical persons employed in the Sales/Marketing and Catering departments, those persons employed in the Engineering/Maintenance, Accounting and Human Resources departments, Security staff, Supervisors, Managers, those above the rank of Supervisor and/or Manager and those excluded by the Act. 1.02 The Employer agrees not to increase the number of Assistant Banquet Managers excluded from the bargaining unit beyond six (6) except for legitimate business reasons. When doing so, the Employer shall inform the Union. 1.03 The Employer shall provide the Union with a list containing the current names, social insurance numbers, classifications and rates of pay of all bargaining unit employees, whenever a written request to do so is received from the Union. The Union agrees that it will not make such request more often than once in a calendar year. 1.04 The parties recognize that employees of the Employer in supervisory positions, or above the rank of Supervisor, may (when the situation so requires) help employees covered by this collective agreement in order to maintain the quality of service to customers, and in this case may also perform work currently done by current employees of the bargaining unit. Such work must not, however, cause the elimination of any position now covered in the collective agreement. (a) will not apply. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an employee of the Employer working in a position not covered by the collective agreement, may continue work presently being performed but shall not assume additional duties if this would cause the elimination of a position now covered in the collective agreement.

  • Definition of Bargaining Unit Where the words “bargaining unit” or “union” are used in this Agreement, such reference shall be deemed to mean COPE Local 378 members employed by the Employer and covered by the certificate referred to in Section 1.01 of this Agreement.

  • Positions outside the Bargaining Unit (a) An employee may substitute temporarily in a position outside the bargaining unit for up to fifteen (15) months from the date of the assignment. Bargaining unit employees shall be given the first opportunity to fill the resulting vacancy. The employee shall have the right to return to her or his bargaining unit position prior to the expiry of the fifteen (15) month period by giving the Employer six (6) weeks’ notice. Where an employee is backfilling outside of the bargaining unit for purposes of pregnancy and/or parental leave, the period of time will be extended up to nineteen (19) months from the date of the assignment. An employee who remains outside of the bargaining unit beyond the period covered by this article shall lose all seniority. When the employee returns to the bargaining unit, all other employee(s) shall revert to their previous positions. An employee must remain in the bargaining unit for a period of at least three (3) months before transferring out of the bargaining unit again or she or he will lose all seniority held at the time of the subsequent transfer unless the parties agree otherwise. (b) An employee who accepts a transfer under (a) above will not be required to pay Union dues for any complete calendar month during which no bargaining unit work is performed. (c) An employee who accepts a permanent position outside of the bargaining unit will lose all seniority held at the time of the transfer. (d) The Employer will advise the Union of the names of any employees pursuant to Article 9.17(a) or (b).

  • Bargaining Unit The term "bargaining unit" as used in this Agreement refers to the bargaining unit defined in Article 1, Recognition.

  • Work of the Bargaining Unit (a) In order to protect the standard of nursing care, the Employer shall not contract out the work normally performed by members of this bargaining unit except: i) For purposes of instruction, ii) In the event of an emergency situation, iii) When performing developmental or experimental work, or iv) When employees are not available due to an employee not reporting for work as scheduled or not being available for work. (b) Reassignment to other employees of work normally performed by members of the bargaining unit shall not result in the termination, layoff or reduction in hours of any member of the bargaining unit. (c) When it is decided to not fill a position following an employee’s resignation, the Home will provide the rationale in writing for this decision to the Union. The Union may request a meeting to make representations on this matter.

  • Bargaining Unit Information The Employer agrees to provide the Union such information relating to Employees in the bargaining unit as may be required by the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining.

  • SCOPE OF BARGAINING The scope of negotiations shall be all matters pertaining to wages, hours, or terms and conditions of employment, and the continuation, modification, or deletion of existing provisions of the Negotiated Agreement.