Performance Ratings Sample Clauses
Performance Ratings. In the event a sworn member of the Cincinnati Police Department receives a performance rating which is at least fifteen percent (15%) lower than his/her last annual rating, the rating shall be subject to grievance procedure, beginning at Step Three.
Performance Ratings. There will be a mid-year appraisal and an end-of-year appraisal, which will include a performance rating as follows:
1. Outstanding = Exceptional Performance. Achievements clearly are superior to the level of performance required for the job.
Performance Ratings. There will be a mid-year appraisal and an end-of-year appraisal, which will include a performance rating as follows:
1. Outstanding = Exceptional Performance. Achievements clearly are superior to the level of performance required for the job.
2. Satisfactory = Good Performance. The employee met the required and expected results for the job.
3. Unsatisfactory = Unacceptable performance that shows no significant progress or improvement. Improvement is critical. There are only three ratings: Outstanding, Satisfactory, and Unsatisfactory, to which numerical equivalents of 3, 2, and 1 respectively have been assigned for the purpose of calculating an overall score. No incremental ratings (for example, 1.5, 2.7, etc.) shall be assigned by a supervisor to an individual performance standard or behavioral element.
Performance Ratings. Employees shall receive a written performance review at the end of their probationary period and annually (normally March) thereafter. The purposes of the performance evaluation are to establish a communication tool to ensure that employees are performing at acceptable levels and to provide a means by which to document performance and to establish a procedure for correcting performance problems should they occur. An employee shall be rated on the achievement of performance goals and objectives established by the supervisor in collaboration with the employee during the annual expectations meeting as well as employee performance related to an established set of performance factors, established by the Employer and discussed with the employee at the expectations meeting. An employee shall receive one of the following ratings:
1. Above Standards
2. Meets Standards
Performance Ratings. A. Employees shall receive a written performance review at the end of their probationary period and every March/April thereafter. The purposes of the performance evaluation are to establish a communication tool to ensure that employees are performing at acceptable levels and to provide a means by which to document performance and to establish a procedure for correcting performance problems should they occur. An employee shall be rated on the achievement of performance goals and objectives established by the employee and supervisor during the annual expectations meeting as well as employee performance related to an established set of performance factors, established by the Employer and discussed with the employee at the expectations meeting.
B. The goal of the performance evaluation is thoroughness and objectivity. Goals and objectives should be specific and measurable. Performance factor ratings are impacted by and should take into account increased workload/responsibilities, training taken and/or certifications received by the employee, volunteer efforts, awards received, as well as any disciplinary actions which have occurred or problems which have arisen, and any or all factors which have impacted the employee, positively or negatively, during the review period. An employee shall receive one of the following ratings:
1. Outstanding
2. Above Standards 3. Meets Standards 4. Below Standards 5. Unsatisfactory
Performance Ratings. Employees shall receive a written performance review upon successful completion of their probationary period and every March/April thereafter. The purposes of the performance evaluation are to establish a communication tool to ensure that employees are performing at acceptable levels, to provide a means by which to document performance, and to establish a procedure for correcting performance problems should they occur. An employee shall be rated on the achievement of performance factors/goals established by the employee and supervisor during the annual expectations meeting. An employee shall receive one of the following ratings at the performance review (see attached Performance Management Process “PMP” Form Appendix A): Exceptional Highly Effective Effective Improvement Required Unsatisfactory No quotas or other limitations shall be applied to employee ratings. The University shall not allow or condone the deflation or lowering of employees’ performance rating in an effort to avoid payment of performance evaluation salary increases.
Performance Ratings. Each employee shall receive the following written performance evaluation(s) at the end of their probationary period and annually, but no later than April 30th of each year thereafter. The purposes of the performance evaluations are to establish a communication tool to ensure that employees are performing at acceptable levels and to provide a means by which to document performance and to establish a procedure for correcting performance problems should they occur. An employee shall be rated on performance goals and objectives established by the supervisor and the employee at the beginning of the review period. Employees shall receive performance ratings, which will be as follows: (see attached Performance Management Process “PMP” form (Appendix A) 1. Outstanding
Performance Ratings. Employees shall receive a written performance review upon successful completion of their probationary period and every April thereafter for the period ending March 31. The purposes of the performance evaluation are to establish a communication tool to ensure that employees are performing at acceptable levels, to provide a means by which to document performance, and to establish a procedure for correcting performance problems should they occur. An employee shall be rated on the achievement of performance factors/goals established by the employee and supervisor during the annual expectations meeting. An employee shall receive one of the following ratings at the performance review (see attached Performance Management Process “PMP” Form Appendix A): Outstanding Above Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Unsatisfactory No quotas or other limitations shall be applied to employee ratings. The University shall not allow or condone the deflation or lowering of an employee’s performance rating in an effort to avoid payment of a salary increase based on that rating.
Performance Ratings. A. The Evaluation System shall provide feedback for positive performance and professional growth, as well as feedback and assistance for correcting deficiencies in performance.
B. The Library Director will assign a rating to each PERFORMANCE INDICATOR by placing a “✓” under the appropriate rating for that INDICATOR. The Library Director will then assign a rating to each PERFORMANCE STANDARD by placing a “✓” under the appropriate rating for that STANDARD, consistent with the aggregate of the ratings assigned to all PERFORMANCE INDICATORS under that STANDARD. If a particular INDICATOR/STANDARD does not apply to the Employee being evaluated, the Library Director shall place a “✓” under the column “N/A” for that INDICATOR/STANDARD. Using his/her professional judgement, the Library Director will also assign an OVERALL RATING which is consistent with the aggregate of the ratings assigned to all PERFORMANCE STANDARDS/INDICATORS, using the following rating system: EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS: Employee's performance consistently and significantly exceeds the requirements of the INDICATOR/STANDARD or Overall. MEETS EXPECTATIONS: Employee's performance consistently meets the requirements of the INDICATOR/STANDARD or Overall. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Employee's performance is below the requirements of the INDICATOR/STANDARD or Overall, but is not considered UNSATISFACTORY at this time. Improvement on this INDICATOR/STANDARD or Overall is necessary and expected. UNSATISFACTORY: Employee's performance on an INDICATOR/STANDARD or Overall has not significantly improved following a rating of NEEDS IMPROVEMENT, or the Employee's performance is consistently below the requirements of an INDICATOR/STANDARD or Overall and is considered inadequate, or both.
Performance Ratings. 18:01 A copy of any formal performance appraisal shall be provided to the member.