Day of Observance Sample Clauses

Day of Observance. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed.
Day of Observance. In the event Federal, State or local law shall have changed or hereafter changes the day of celebration of any of the above holidays, the holiday shall be celebrated on the day designated by Federal, State or local law in lieu of the day designated above.
Day of Observance. The above-designated holidays will be recognized on the day designated for the legal observance of the holiday, except for Christmas and New Year’s Day, which will be recognized on December 25 and January 1, respectively; provided, however, in the case of those units which regularly work a five (5) day weekly schedule, Monday through Friday, holidays which fall on a Saturday will be celebrated on the preceding Friday and holidays which fall on Sunday will be celebrated on the Monday immediately following the Sunday. Each holiday shall be deemed to occur commencing at the beginning of the applicable night shift prior to the holiday and shall terminate at the completion of the applicable shift on the evening of the holiday.
Day of Observance. ‌ If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be deemed and treated as a holiday. If a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed and treated as a holiday. When a holiday date of observance occurs while an employee is on approved leave with pay status, the day of absence will be charged to the holiday and will not be charged against the employee’s sick leave or annual leave. When a shift bridges two (2) calendar days such as the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift, one of which is the University date of observance of a holiday, the shift that begins on the date of observance will be recognized as the holiday shift.
Day of Observance. The Hospital will follow the State and Federal Uniform Holiday Laws. Therefore, the days officially adopted by the government for observing a recognized holiday will be adopted by the Hospital for actual observance of the holiday and for pay purposes.
Day of Observance. May July August September October Company and Union to discuss and agree upon dates by Xxxxxx April
Day of Observance. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed; when a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is observed. If the beginning of the Winter Break (Christmas Eve Day) falls on a weekend, the preceding Friday is observed and if the end of the Winter Break (New Year’s Day) falls on a weekend, the following Monday is observed. Any regular employee shall forfeit payment for any holiday if the employee has an unexcused absence on the last regular work day preceding such holiday or on the first regular work day following such holiday.
Day of Observance. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be deemed and treated as a holiday. If a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed and treated as a holiday.' When a holiday date of observance occurs while an employee is on approved leave with pay status, the day of absence will be charged to the holiday and will not be charged against the employee's sick leave or annual leave. When a shift bridges two 2 calendar days such as the II p.m. to 7a.m. shift, one of which is the University date of observance of a holiday, the shift that begins on the date of observance will be recognized as the holiday shift. Section 3a - Holiday Pay To be eligible for Holiday Leave Pay, employees must be in a paid employment status on the calendar date of the holiday. To be eligible for Holiday Pay associated with the three 3 days granted as University Holidays, persons whose employment begin on or afler January 1 and on or before the last day of February would be entitled to three 3 days. Those whose employment begins on or after March 1 and on or before April 30 would earn two 2 days. Those whose employment begins on or after May I and on or before June 30 would earn one I day. Anyone employed on or after July 1 would not be eligible for any University holidays. Employees shall receive a regular day's compensation at their regular hourly rate for every holiday the employee observes under this Article. When an employee works on a scheduled holiday, the employee shall have the option of being paid overtime in cash or in lieu of the cash payment the employee shall be allowed to elect a subsequent paid day off. The bargaining unit employee shall provide written notification of their method of compensation. Failure to provide written notification of the election shalt result in the employee being assigned a subsequent day off. Requests for a subsequent paid day off shall be consistent with the procedures used to request other forms of accumulated leave, i.e., annual and personal leave. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied by the supervisor. Section 3b - Use of Holidays Employees are required to use holiday leave within the 12-month period following the date the holiday was observed. Section 3c - Holidays for Employees Who Work in 2417 Operations MSU Classified PTocedures, pg. 94 5 Holidays for employees who work in 24/7 operations are prescheduled based upon the workweek schedule rotation. The University reserves the right to assig...
Day of Observance. May June August September October Company and Union to discuss and agree upon dates by June April 2nd Year Xxxxxxxx Xxx Canada Day July Civic August Labour Day September Thanksgiving Day October Christmas Eve Christmas Day Company and Union to discuss Boxing Day and agree upon dates by New Year's Eve June New Year's Day } Floater Good Friday April 3rd Year Victoria Day May Canada Day July Civic Holiday August Labour Day September Thanksgiving Day October Christmas Eve Christmas Day Company and Union to discuss Boxing Day and agree upon dates by New Year's Eve } June New Year's Day } Floater Good Friday April Holiday pay will be computed on the basis of hours at the employee's straight time rate. In order to for specified holiday pay, the employee must have worked his or her scheduled shift on each of the work days immediately preceding and immediately following the specified holiday concerned, unless excused by the Company. An employee who is laid off within ten working days prior to a specified will be paid for such provided the employee works his or her last regular scheduled shift and would otherwise have qualified for the specified holiday pay had the employee not been laid off. An employee who is on sick leave certified by a medical doctor, or on an authorized leave of absence, will be deemed eligible for holiday pay for any holiday occurring during the first days of such absence. In order to qualify for the holiday provisions set out in this Agreement, an employee must have worked at least a thirty (30) days qualifying period as a full-time employee.
Day of Observance. COMMONLY CALLED: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15