Permanent Total Disability. If your employee becomes permanently and totally disabled from injuries received in the accident within the following 26 weeks and cannot work at any job, we will pay weekly indemnity for 100 weeks in addition to benefits provided under Temporary Total Disability.
Permanent Total Disability. If the Voting Trustee shall incur a Permanent Total Disability which the Shareholders believe renders him unable to perform his duties as Voting Trustee, he shall be deemed to have resigned as Voting Trustee. The resignation shall be effective as of the date Permanent Total Disability shall be deemed to have occurred. "Permanent Total Disability" shall mean a physical or mental sickness or injury which renders the Voting Trustee incapable of performing the duties required of him and which may be expected to continue during the remaining term of this Agreement. Determination of Permanent Total Disability and the date upon which it shall be deemed to have occurred shall be made by majority vote of the Shareholders.
Permanent Total Disability. If an Insured Person suffers an Injury due to an Accident that occurs during the Travel Period and that Injury solely and directly results in the Permanent Total Disability of the Insured Person which is of the nature specified in the table below, within 365 days from the date of the Accident, We will pay the Sum Insured: Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes Loss by physical separation or total and permanent loss of use of both hands or both feet Loss by physical separation or total and permanent loss of use of one hand and one foot Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in one eye and loss of a Limb Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing in both ears and loss of one Limb/ loss of sight in one eye Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing in both ears and loss of speech Total and irrecoverable loss of speech and loss of one Limb/ loss of sight in one eye Permanent, total and absolute disability (not falling under any one the above) which results in the Insured Person being unable to engage in any employment or occupation or business for remuneration or profit, of any description whatsoever which results in Loss of Independent Living For the purpose of this Benefit:
1. Limb means a hand at or above the wrist or a foot above the ankle;
2. Physical separation of one hand or foot means separation at or above wrist and/or at or above ankle, respectively. This Benefit will be payable provided that:
a. Except in cases of physical separation, the Permanent Total Disability continues for a period of at least 180 days from the commencement of the Permanent Total Disability, and the Disability Certificate issued by the treating Medical Practitioner at the expiry of the 180 days confirms that there is no reasonable medical hope of improvement;
b. If the Insured Person suffers Injuries resulting in more than one of the Permanent Total Disabilities specified in the table above, then Our maximum, total and cumulative liability under this Benefit shall be limited to the Sum Insured specified against this Benefit in the Policy Schedule / Certificate of Insurance.
c. If a claim is accepted under this Benefit in respect of an Insured Person and the amount due under this Benefit and claims already admitted under Benefit 1.1 (Accidental Death Benefit), Benefit 1.2 (Permanent Total Disability), Benefit 1.3 (Permanent Partial Disability) and Benefit 1.4 (Temporary Total Disability) in respect of the Insured Person will cumulatively exceed the Common Death or Disabili...
Permanent Total Disability. SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS
Permanent Total Disability. Disability Certificate from Civil Surgeon of Government Hospital stating the continuous and permanent: - loss of the sight of both eyes - physical separation of or the loss of ability to use both hands or both feet - physical separation of or the loss of ability to use one hand and one foot - loss of sight of one eye and the physical separation of or the loss of ability to use either one hand or one foot
Permanent Total Disability. We will pay You 125% of the Sum Insured shown under the Schedule if You meet with Accidental Bodily Injury during the Policy Period that causes You Permanent Total Disability within 12 months.
Permanent Total Disability. 1. In case of total disability adjudged to be permanent, seventy percent (70%) of the employee's average weekly wages, but not in excess of the state's average weekly wage, shall be paid to the employee during the continuance of the disability until such time as the employee reaches the age of maximum Social Security retirement benefits or for a period of fifteen (15) years, whichever is longer. In the event the claimant dies of causes unrelated to the injury or illness, benefits shall cease on the date of death. Provided, however, any person entitled to revive the action shall receive a one-time lump-sum payment equal to twenty-six (26) weeks of weekly benefits for permanent total disability awarded the claimant. If more than one person is entitled to revive the claim, the lump-sum payment shall be evenly divided between or among such persons. In the event the Commission awards both permanent partial disability and permanent total disability benefits, the permanent total disability award shall not be due until the permanent partial disability award is paid in full. If otherwise qualified according to the provisions of this act, permanent total disability benefits may be awarded to an employee who has exhausted the maximum period of temporary total disability even though the employee has not reached maximum medical improvement.
2. The Commission shall annually review the status of any employee receiving benefits for permanent total disability against the last employer. The Commission shall require the employee to annually file an affidavit under penalty of perjury stating that he or she is not and has not been gainfully employed and is not capable of gainful employment. Failure to file such affidavit shall result in suspension of benefits; provided, however, reinstatement of benefits may occur after proper hearing before the Commission.
E. 1. The Workers’ Compensation Commission shall hire or contract for a Vocational Rehabilitation Director to oversee the vocational rehabilitation program of the Commission.
Permanent Total Disability. If the Insured Person suffers an Injury solely and directly due to an Accident that occurs during the Policy Period and such Injury solely and directly results in the Permanent Total Disablement of the Insured Person which is of the nature specified in the table below, within 365 days from the date of the Accident, the Policy will automatically extend for a period of 2 Policy Years provided that the Policy is in force at the time of such event. Coverage for Permanent Total Disability due to Accident will start from day one.
1. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes
2. Loss by physical separation or total and permanent loss of use of both hands or both feet
3. Loss by physical separation or total and permanent loss of use of one hand and one foot
4. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye and loss of a limb 5. Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing of both ears and loss of one Limb/loss of sight of one eye
Permanent Total Disability. If "such injuries" shall within 365 days from the date of accident totally and continuously disable the Insured Person and prevent the Insured Person from engaging in each and every occupation or employment for compensation or profit for which the Insured Person is reasonably qualified by reason of his/her education, training or experience and at the expiration of 365 days of such total and continuous disability the Insured Person shall, in the opinion of an independent legally qualified doctor of medicine chosen jointly by the Insured Person and the Insurer, be considered to be totally and permanently disabled and prevented from performing any occupation or employment for compensation or profit for which the Insured Person is reasonably qualified by reason of his/her education, training or experience the Insurer will pay the Principal Sum benefit, less any benefit paid or payable under The Schedule of Specific Loss Indemnity of Section VI.
Permanent Total Disability. We will pay you 125% of the sums assured shown under the Schedule headings if You / Your family member(s) named in the policy meet with Accidental Bodily Injury during the Policy Period that causes your Permanent Total Disability within 12 months. (However in case of spouse and children we will pay 50% and 25% respectively of the claim payable for self)