Personal Usage. All use of sick leave must be approved by management.
Personal Usage. In exceptional circumstances, where there is no access to personal vehicles, a WACRH student on placement may request use of a WACRH vehicle. The use of the vehicle must be approved by a WACRH Staff member, and the student usually be limited to one (1) recreational use of a vehicle (outside of the city limits) per placement. Any additional requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by a senior WACRH staff member at the relevant site. Personal travel applications are site specific, please direct these queries to your WACRH Site Administrator.
Personal Usage. All authorized users are reminded that even though the equipment is not intended for personal use, the City recognizes that there may be instances for personal use. The City recognizes the cost/benefit relationship in allowing personal use of the communication equipment as well as requiring staff to itemize all calls. The Internal Revenue Service regulations require that personal use will be considered a taxable benefit. As such cellular phone users will be charged $10/month and blackberry users will be charged $20/month for their equipment through a taxable payroll deduction if the phone is to be used for any personal use. If an employee agrees to never use the City provided communication device for personal use, they may opt-out of the payroll deduction. However, if personal use appears on the monthly statement, the employee will be charged for the device six months in arrears and moving forward.
Personal Usage. For each approved absence due to personal illness, eight (8) hours shall be charged to sick leave, or if exhausted to the STO bank, or if the STO bank is exhausted, to leave without pay as may be approved by the Court’s CEO. All use of sick leave must be approved by management.