PLAN ALLOWANCE the amount used to determine payment by the Plan for Covered Services provided to a Member as set forth in SECTION SB - SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS of this Agreement, and to determine Member liability. Plan Allowance is based on the type of Provider who renders such Services or as required by law. In the case of a Network Provider, or Dentist, Telemedicine Provider, and Vision Provider, each of whom is a Network Provider, the Plan Allowance is the contractual allowance for Covered Services rendered by a Network Provider in a specific geographic region. A Network Provider, or Dentist, Telemedicine Provider or Vision Provider, each of whom is a Network Provider, will accept the Plan Allowance, plus any Member liability, as payment-in-full for Covered Services. In the case of an In-Area Out-of-Network Provider, the Plan Allowance shall be based on an adjusted contractual allowance for like services rendered by a Network Provider in the same geographic region. The Member will be responsible for any difference between the Provider’s billed charges and the Plan’s payment. In the case of an Out-of-Area Provider, whether or not such Out-of-Area Provider has an agreement with the local licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, the Plan Allowance shall be determined, for other than pediatric dental and vision care and telemedicine Covered Services, based on prices received from the local licensee in accordance with the Plan’s participation in the INTER-PLAN ARRANGEMENTS as set forth in SECTION GP - GENERAL PROVISIONS of this Agreement. 112. PRECERTIFICATION (CERTIFICATION) - a process whereby the Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of Inpatient admissions, Services or place of Services is determined by the Plan prior to, or after, an admission or the performance of a procedure or Service.
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PLAN ALLOWANCE the amount used to determine payment by the Plan for Covered Services provided to a Member as set forth in SECTION SB - SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS of this Agreement, and to determine Member liability. Plan Allowance is based on the type of Provider who renders such Services or as required by law. In the case of a Network Provider or Dentist, Telemedicine Provider, and Vision Provider, each of whom is a Network Provider, the Plan Allowance is the contractual allowance for Covered Services rendered by a Network Provider in a specific geographic region. A Network Provider or Dentist, Telemedicine Provider or Vision Provider, each of whom is a Network Provider, will accept the Plan Allowance, plus any Member liability, as payment- in-full for Covered Services. In the case of an In-Area Out-of-Network Provider the Plan Allowance shall be based on an adjusted contractual allowance for like services rendered by a Network Provider in the same geographic region. The Member will be responsible for any difference between the Provider’s billed charges and the Plan’s payment. In the case of a Provider located Out-of-Area, whether or not such Provider has an agreement with the local licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, the Plan Allowance shall be determined, for other than pediatric dental and vision care and telemedicine Covered Services, based on prices received from the local licensee in accordance with the Plan’s participation in the INTER-PLAN ARRANGEMENTS as set forth in SECTION GP - GENERAL PROVISIONS of this Agreement.
PLAN ALLOWANCE the amount used to determine payment by the Plan for Covered Services provided to a Member as set forth in SECTION SB - SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS of this Agreement, and to determine Member liability. Plan Allowance is based on the type of Provider who renders such Services or as required by law. In the case of a Network Provider or Dentist, Telemedicine Provider and Vision Provider, each of whom is a Network Provider, the Plan Allowance is the contractual allowance for Covered Services rendered by a Network Provider in a specific geographic region. A Network Provider or Dentist, Telemedicine Provider or Vision Provider, each of whom is a Network Provider, will accept the Plan Allowance, plus any Member liability, as payment in full for Covered Services. In the case of an Out-of-Area Provider, the Plan Allowance shall be determined, for other than pediatric dental and vision care and telemedicine Covered Services, based on prices received from the local licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association in accordance with the Plan’s participation in the INTER-PLAN ARRANGEMENTS as set forth in SECTION GP - GENERAL PROVISIONS of this Agreement. 110. PLAN SERVICE AREA - the geographic area consisting of the following counties in western Pennsylvania: Allegheny Centre (Part) Forest Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Clarion Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Clearfield Huntingdon Somerset Bedford Xxxxxxxx Indiana Venango Xxxxx Elk Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Erie Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Cambria Xxxxxxx XxXxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 111. PRECERTIFICATION (CERTIFICATION) - a process whereby the Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of Inpatient admissions, Services or place of Services is determined by the Plan prior to, or after, an admission or the performance of a procedure or Service. 112. PREFERRED VALUE - the level of Network benefits providing for the lowest level of Member cost-sharing for Covered Services.
PLAN ALLOWANCE. Provided that Subtenant is in full compliance with this Sublease, Sublandlord agrees to contribute $0.12 per rentable square foot of the Subleased Premises (“Plan Allowance”) toward the cost of preparing Subtenant’s Plans based on the Approved Plans. Within thirty (30) days following Subtenant’s written request to Sublandlord, Sublandlord shall pay such sum to Subtenant, provided such written request may not be submitted until the Subtenant has delivered to Sublandlord all mechanics’ lien releases or other lien releases on account of Subtenant’s Work, which are notarized, unconditional and in recordable form or in such form as Sublandlord shall have approved. To the extent the Plan Allowance exceeds the costs of preparing Subtenant’s Plans, the excess amount will be applied toward the Improvement Allowance described in Section 5.4 below.
PLAN ALLOWANCE. The Benefit payment amount is based on the Plan Allowance on the date the Covered Drug is dispensed or the date the service is rendered.
PLAN ALLOWANCE. Effective October the Company will pro- vide on weekly paycheques, a payment of per week to in lieu of Company contributions formerly paid into the pension plan. This is based upon conditions expressed in letter of understanding attached. This allowance will be considered as earnings for the purpose of vacation pay calculation in Article Effective January the Company will cease pay- ing employees per week on weekly paycheques, and make a lump sum payment of on December of each year. For those employees who do not work weeks during the calendar year, the amount will be pro-rated accordingly. Welfare Plan
PLAN ALLOWANCE the amount used to determine payment by the Plan for Covered Services provided to a Member and to determine Member liability. Plan Allowance is based on the type of Provider who renders such Services or as required by law. In the case of a Network Provider, the Plan Allowance is the contractual allowance for Covered Services rendered by a Network Provider in a specific geographic region. A Network Provider will accept the Plan Allowance, plus any Member liability, as payment in full for Covered Services. In the case of a Network Dental Provider, the Plan Allowance is expressed in terms of the Maximum Allowable Charge.
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PLAN ALLOWANCE a. Employees will be responsible for choosing their own voice or data plan as well as their carrier. Employees may also, at his or her own expense, add extra services or equipment features, as desired.


  • Moving Allowance (a) When an employee is displaced under the provisions of this Title because of lack of work at his/her headquarters, and the employee’s new headquarters is beyond commutable distance from his/her residence, Company shall reimburse the employee for the reasonable costs incurred in connection with moving his/her household in a sum not to exceed $2,400. (Amended 1-1-94)

  • Relocation Allowance An employee who is promoted and required by agency policy to relocate his residence shall be granted time off with pay for one workday for this purpose. In addition, the employee shall be granted travel time to the new location based on the most direct route. No employee will be credited with more than the number of hours in the employee’s regular workday and such time shall not be counted as hours worked for the purpose of computing compensatory time or overtime.

  • Construction Allowance (a) Landlord shall provide to Tenant a construction allowance not to exceed $135.00 per rentable square foot in the Relocation Premises (the “Construction Allowance”) to be applied toward the Total Construction Costs, as adjusted for any changes to the Tenant Work. If the Total Construction Costs are estimated to exceed the Construction Allowance by more than $5.00 per rentable square foot of the Relocation Premises, then no advance of the Construction Allowance shall be made by Landlord until Tenant has first paid to the contractor from its own funds (and provided reasonable evidence thereof to Landlord) the anticipated amount by which the projected Total Construction Costs exceed the amount of the Construction Allowance. Thereafter, Landlord shall pay to Tenant (or at Tenant’s request directly to Tenant’s general contractor) the Construction Allowance in multiple disbursements (but not more than once in any calendar month) following the receipt by Landlord of the following items: (i) a request for payment and sworn statements of Tenant and contractor, (ii) final or partial lien waivers, as the case may be, from all persons performing work or supplying or fabricating materials for the Tenant Work, fully executed, acknowledged and in recordable form, which waivers may be conditioned upon receipt of payment, (iii) the Architect’s certification that the Tenant Work for which reimbursement has been requested has been finally completed, including (with respect to the last application for payment only) any punch-list items, on the appropriate AIA form or another form approved by Landlord, and, (iv) with respect to the disbursement of the last 10% of the Construction Allowance, (1) the permanent certificate of occupancy issued for the Relocation Premises, if required by applicable law, (2) the record drawing in CAD format, PDF format and hard copy required by Section 5 above, and (3) an estoppel certificate confirming such factual matters as Landlord or Landlord’s Mortgagee may reasonably request (collectively, a “Completed Application for Payment”). Landlord shall pay the amount requested in the applicable Completed Application for Payment to Tenant within 30 days following Tenant’s submission of the Completed Application for Payment. If, however, the Completed Application for Payment is incomplete or incorrect, Landlord shall promptly notify Tenant of the same and Landlord’s payment of such request shall be deferred until 30 days following Landlord’s receipt of the corrected Completed Application for Payment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Exhibit, Landlord shall not be obligated to make any disbursement of the Construction Allowance during the pendency of any of the following: (1) Landlord has received written notice of any unpaid claims relating to any portion of the Tenant Work or materials in connection therewith covered by previously funded applications for payment, (2) there is an unbonded lien outstanding against the Building or the Relocation Premises or Tenant’s interest therein by reason of work done, or claimed to have been done, or materials supplied or specifically fabricated, claimed to have been supplied or specifically fabricated, to or for Tenant or the Relocation Premises, (3) the conditions to the advance of the Construction Allowance are not satisfied, or (4) Tenant is in Default under the Lease.

  • Car Allowance The Company shall provide the Executive an automobile allowance of $750 per month during the term of Executive’s employment hereunder.

  • Tenant Allowance Landlord shall provide Tenant an allowance for each Building in an amount not to exceed the sum set forth in the Basic Lease Information for the Tenant Allowance for the applicable Building (collectively, the “Tenant Allowance”), to be applied toward the cost of the following items in respect of the Tenant Improvements in the applicable Building: Architectural and engineering fees, space planning, building permits or other governmental fees, and the cost of labor, materials, contractors fees and overhead, and other charges included in the construction contract for construction of Tenant Improvements, including the contractor’s fee, overhead and general conditions, sales and use taxes, the cost of the builder’s risk insurance during construction and all testing and inspection costs. If Landlord elects to itself construct the Restroom Improvements, Landlord shall make payments to its contractor for the Restroom Improvements as and when such costs are incurred and deduct the amount of such payments from the Tenant Allowance for Building 2 up to the maximum amount stated in Paragraph I of this Work Letter. Landlord shall not be obligated to disburse any remaining portion of the Tenant Allowance attributable to a Building until such time as (i) the Commencement Date for the applicable Building has occurred and Tenant has accepted delivery of the Building and made the initial prepayment of Rent with respect to the applicable portion of the Premises; and (ii) Tenant has delivered to Landlord and Landlord has approved, in Landlord’s reasonable discretion, all of the following: (A) invoices, paid receipts and/or related evidence reasonably acceptable to Landlord establishing that Tenant has paid an amount equal to that portion of the Tenant Allowance requested by Tenant to third parties in connection with the Tenant Improvements in the applicable Building; (B) executed unconditional final mechanics’ lien releases, in statutory form, from Tenant’s contractor and all subcontractors, laborers, materialmen and suppliers used by Tenant with respect to all work in and to the Premises located in the applicable Building; (C) a certificate from Tenant’s architect or space planner, in a form reasonably acceptable to Landlord, certifying that the construction of the Tenant Improvements in the applicable Building has been substantially completed and meets all applicable building codes; (D) a copy of the certificate of occupancy (or similar governmental authorization) for the applicable Building; (E) “as-built” drawings for the Tenant Improvements in the applicable Building, signed by either Tenant’s architect, space planner or contractor, and electronic CAD files from Tenant’s Contractor and all subcontractors; and (F) a final punch list signed off by both Tenant and Landlord and/or their architects. Thereafter, Landlord shall deliver, within fifteen (15) days following Tenant’s delivery of the materials and information required for disbursement thereof in the preceding sentence, a check payable to Tenant in the amount of that portion of the Tenant Allowance requested by Tenant and paid to third parties in connection with the Tenant Improvements for the applicable Building (which amount shall not exceed the portion of the Tenant Allowance provided for such Building as specified in the Basic Lease Information). Landlord’s payment of any portion of the Tenant Allowance shall not be deemed Landlord’s approval any of the Tenant Improvements absent Landlord’s prior approval pursuant to this Work Letter. Landlord’s obligation to disburse the Tenant Allowance for each Building under this Paragraph 9(b) shall expire six (6) months after the Delivery Date for the applicable Building, subject to extension due to Force Majeure, such that Landlord shall not be obligated to provide to Tenant any undisbursed portion of the Tenant Allowance for a Building unless Tenant has delivered to Landlord all documents required above within nine (9) months after the Delivery Date of such Building.

  • Housing Allowance During the Employment Period, Executive shall be entitled to receive a Cayman Islands housing allowance of US $6,000 per month. Executive will be responsible for any taxes due on such allowance.

  • Severance Allowance A laid-off employee shall be entitled to severance allowance pursuant to Article 55.

  • Auto Allowance Executive shall be entitled to an auto allowance for one vehicle for Executive’s use up to $1,000 per month.

  • Improvement Allowance Landlord shall provide Tenant with an allowance for the costs (the “Allowance Costs”) of preparing the Premises for Tenant's initial occupancy (including the costs of Landlord’s Initial Construction) in an amount not to exceed the “Improvement Allowance,” as such term is defined in Section 1.1 of this Lease. Allowance Costs may include (i) up to $513,250 for architectural, engineering and other so-called “soft costs” and (ii) not to exceed $150,000 for the costs to cause the demolition of the Premises prior to the performance of Landlord’s Initial Construction. If requested by Tenant for any particular item(s) of Landlord’s Initial Construction in excess of $100,000, Landlord shall solicit bids from its general contractor who will solicit at least three (3) bids for each such item and shall promptly supply Tenant with such detailed information about bid requests and negotiations with contractors as Tenant may reasonably request, provided that any delays resulting from Tenant’s failure to act within two (2) business days upon the information supplied to it by Landlord shall constitute a Tenant Delay. In the case of each bid request, Landlord will accept the lowest responsible bid, unless Landlord and Tenant reasonably determine otherwise. Any HVAC control work shall be performed by AHA Consulting Engineers. Landlord shall notify Tenant of the total fixed-price construction cost of Landlord’s Initial Construction shown on such Construction Documents (the “Base Price”), including xxxx-ups as determined hereunder. The Base Price shall hereafter be subject to adjustment for Change Orders (if any). Costs of Building services or facilities (such as electricity, HVAC, and cleaning) actually required to implement Landlord’s Initial EAST\66392481.7 B-7 Construction and other variable costs to the extent required to be paid by Tenant under the Lease (such as for review, inspection, and testing) shall thereafter be added to the Base Price (as adjusted for Change Orders). A pro-rata share of the cost of the multi-tenant corridor, if applicable, which shall be constructed by Landlord, shall be added to the Base Price. All costs referred to in this paragraph shall be subject to reimbursement from the Improvement Allowance. In the event that the total fixed price of Landlord’s Initial Construction (as determined hereunder), together with any related costs reasonably estimated by Landlord, exceeds the Improvement Allowance, Landlord may from time to time require Tenant to pay such excess to Landlord before performing Landlord’s Initial Construction. Tenant shall be permitted to increase the Improvement Allowance (such increase being a “TI Allowance Increase”) to pay amounts otherwise due to Landlord under Section 7 below, subject to each of the following conditions:

  • TI Allowance Landlord shall provide to Tenant a tenant improvement allowance (collectively, the “TI Allowance”) as follows:

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