Framework This Agreement establishes a framework that will enable Red Hat to provide Software and Services to Client. “Software” means Red Hat Enterprise Linux, JBoss Enterprise Middleware and other software programs branded by Red Hat, its Affiliates and/or third parties including all modifications, additions or further enhancements delivered by Red Hat. The specific services (the “Services”) and/or Software that Red Hat will provide to Client will be described in an Order Form, signed by the parties or otherwise accepted by Red Hat, which may consist of (a) one or more mutually agreed order forms, statements of work, work orders or similar transaction documents, or (b) an order placed by Client through Red Hat's online store accessible from a Red Hat website. The parties agree that the terms of this Agreement will govern all purchases and use by Client of Software and Services unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing.
Legal Framework 1. This programme agreement shall be read in conjunction with the following documents which, together with this programme agreement, constitute the legal framework of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021: (a) Protocol 38c to the EEA Agreement on the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021; (b) the Regulation on the implementation of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”) issued by the Donor States in accordance with Article 10(5) of Protocol 38c; (c) the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (hereinafter referred to as the “MoU”), entered into between the Donor States and the Beneficiary State; and (d) any guidelines adopted by the FMC in accordance with the Regulation. 2. In case of an inconsistency between this programme agreement and the Regulation, the Regulation shall prevail. 3. The legal framework is binding for the Parties. An act or omission by a Party to this programme agreement that is incompatible with the legal framework constitutes a breach of this programme agreement by that Party.
NIST Cybersecurity Framework The U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute for Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Version 1.1.
Excellence excellence is the result of always striving to do better. This is represented by constant improvements to the way in which we deliver our services, which results in a high performing health service. • Respect – we demonstrate respect through our actions and behaviours. By showing each other respect, in turn we earn respect. • Integrity – integrity is doing the right thing, knowing it is what we do when people aren’t looking that is a true reflection of who we are. • Collaboration – collaboration represents working together in partnership to achieve sustainable health care outcomes for our community with a shared understanding of our priorities. • Accountability – together we have a shared responsibility for ensuring the best health care outcomes for our community. This is a reminder that it is not only our actions, but also the actions we do not do, for which we are accountable.
Homework In addition to regular attendance at scheduled classes, each student will be required to devote additional time each week outside the classroom to study and work on assignments.
Staffing Plan The Board and the Association agree that optimum class size is an important aspect of the effective educational program. The Polk County School Staffing Plan shall be constructed each year according to the procedures set forth in Board Policy and, upon adoption, shall become Board Policy.
Management Plan The Management Plan is the description and definition of the phasing, sequencing and timing of the major Individual Project activities for design, construction procurement, construction and occupancy as described in the IPPA.
Orientation Program The Company will allow a designated representative of the Local or Bargaining Unit up to one (1) hour per calendar month for the purpose of conducting the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union New Members’ Orientation Program. Such meetings will be conducted during the probationary period of employees, and will be held on Company premises. Employees participating in Orientation Program meetings during their normally scheduled working hours will not suffer loss of pay at their regular rate. Orientation Program meetings will be scheduled by Management and a Management representative may attend as an observer.
Teamwork At Citizens’ discretion, Vendor Staff may be required to work in cooperation with another vendor’s staff or report to a supervisor from another vendor. Vendor shall cooperate and cause its staff to cooperate with any other Citizens’ vendor or any other party identified by Citizens.
STRATEGIC PLAN (1) Within one hundred twenty (120) days, the Board shall adopt, implement, and thereafter ensure Bank adherence to a written strategic plan for the Bank covering at least a three-year period. The strategic plan shall establish objectives for the Bank's overall risk profile, earnings performance, growth, balance sheet mix, off-balance sheet activities, liability structure, capital adequacy, reduction in the volume of nonperforming assets, product line development and market segments that the Bank intends to promote or develop, together with strategies to achieve those objectives and, at a minimum, include: (a) a mission statement that forms the framework for the establishment of strategic goals and objectives; (b) an assessment of the Bank's present and future operating environment; (c) the development of strategic goals and objectives to be accomplished over the short and long term; (d) an identification of the Bank’s present and future product lines (assets and liabilities) that will be utilized to accomplish the strategic goals and objectives established in (1 )(c) of this Article; (e) an evaluation of the Bank's internal operations, staffing requirements, board and management information systems and policies and procedures for their adequacy and contribution to the accomplishment of the goals and objectives developed under (1)(c) of this Article; (f) a management employment and succession program to promote the retention and continuity of capable management; (g) product line development and market segments that the Bank intends to promote or develop; (h) an action plan to improve bank earnings and accomplish identified strategic goals and objectives, including individual responsibilities, accountability and specific time frames; (i) a financial forecast to include projections for major balance sheet and income statement accounts and desired financial ratios over the period covered by the strategic plan; (j) control systems to mitigate risks associated with planned new products, growth, or any proposed changes in the Bank’s operating environment; (k) specific plans to establish responsibilities and accountability for the strategic planning process, new products, growth goals, or proposed changes in the Bank’s operating environment; and (l) systems to monitor the Bank’s progress in meeting the plan’s goals and objectives. (2) Upon adoption, a copy of the plan shall be forwarded to the Assistant Deputy Comptroller for review and prior written determination of no supervisory objection. Upon receiving a determination of no supervisory objection from the Assistant Deputy Comptroller, the Bank shall implement and adhere to the strategic plan. (3) The Board shall ensure that the Bank has processes, personnel, and control systems to ensure implementation of and adherence to the plan developed pursuant to this Article.