POWER DEFINITIONS. Nominal Power Output (PO0)” means the original manufactured nameplate specification of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, as certified by Jinko and indicated on the Module, excluding any specified positive tolerance. “Actual Power Output (POt)” means the power output of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, at Watt peak that a Module generates or, for a Bifacial Module, that the front-side of a Bifacial Module generates, at a given point in time in a year after the Warranty Start Date (t) in its ‘Maximum Power Point’ under Standard Test Conditions, corrected for any measurement error (“STC”). STC are as follows, measured in accordance with IEC 61215: (a) light spectrum of AM 1.5; (b) an irradiation of 1000W per m2; and (c) a cell temperature of 25 degrees centigrade at right angle irradiation. The “Degradation Rate (DR)” shall be any positive amount calculated in accordance with the following formula, expressed as a percent:
POWER DEFINITIONS. Nominal Power Output (PO0)” means the original manufactured nameplate specification of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, as certified by Xxxxx and indicated on the Module, excluding any specified positive tolerance. “Actual Power Output (POt)” means the power output of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, at Watt peak that a Module generates (or, for BIFACIAL SERIES, that the front- side of a Module generates) at a given point in time in a year after the Warranty Start Date (t) in its ‘Maximum Power Point’ under Standard Test Conditions, corrected for any measurement error (“STC”). STC are as follows, measured in accordance with IEC 61215: (a) light spectrum of AM 1.5; (b) an irradiation of 1000W per m2; and
POWER DEFINITIONS. Nominal Power Output (PO0)” means the original manufactured nameplate specification of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, as certified by Xxxxx and indicated on the Module, excluding any specified positive tolerance. “Actual Power Output (POt)” means the power output of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, at Watt peak that a Module generates at a given point in time in a year after the Warranty Start Date (t) in its ‘Maximum Power Point’ under Standard Test Conditions, corrected for any measurement error (“STC”). STC are as follows, measured in accordance with IEC 61215: (a) light spectrum of AM 1.5; (b) an irradiation of 1000W per m2; and (c) a cell temperature of 25 degrees centigrade at right angle irradiation. The “Degradation Rate (DR)” shall be any positive amount calculated in accordance with the following formula, expressed as a percent:
POWER DEFINITIONS. Nominal Power Output (PO0)” means the original manufactured nameplate specification of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, as certified by Xxxxx and
POWER DEFINITIONS. Nominal Power Output (PO0)” means the original manufactured nameplate specification of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, as certified by Xxxxx and indicated on the Module, excluding any specified positive tolerance. “Actual Power Output (POt)” means the power output of the Module, shall be disclosed in writing to both Parties prior to performance of any such tests and shall be reflected in any final test results provided by the Independent Testing Lab. The determination by an Independent Testing Lab as to whether a breach has occurred shall be final and conclusive with respect to the matters covered by such determination. Jinko shall be responsible for all costs incurred by it in connection with the shipment by Customer of a Module pursuant to Section 5(i) hereto and any Independent Testing Lab’s services provided pursuant to this Section 5, including shipping, testing services, storage, insurance and any Module destruction incidental thereto; provided, however, Customer shall promptly upon receipt of notice indemnify Jinko for all such costs on a dollar-for-dollar basis in the event the Independent Testing Lab is unable to confirm a breach of the Warranties or, if no Independent Testing Lab was utilized, Customer is otherwise unable to establish a breach of the Warranties.
POWER DEFINITIONS. Nominal Power Output (PO0)” means the original manufactured nameplate specification of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, as certified by ERA and indicated on the Module, excluding any specifiedpositive tolerance. “Actual Power Output (POt)” means the power the breach. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, ERA shall be entitled, in ERA’s sole discretion upon written notice to Customer, to require that any breach of the Warranties alleged by Customer be reviewed by TÜV Rheinland, TÜV SUD or other neutral third party testing laboratory selected by ERA and approved by Customer, such output of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, at Watt approval not to be unreasonably withheld or peak that a Module generates or, for a Bifacial Module, that the front-side of a Bifacial Module generates, at a given point in time in a year after the Warranty Start Date (t) in its ‘Maximum Power Point’ under Standard Test Conditions, corrected delayed (“Independent Testing Lab”). The power measurement tolerance of any testing equipment utilized by any Independent Testing Lab in performing tests required by this Section shall be disclosed in writing to both Parties prior an electrical output of not less than the to performance of any such tests and shall be reflected in any final test results provided by the Independent Testing Lab. The determination by an Independent Testing Lab as to whether a breach has occurred shall be final and conclusive with respect to the matters covered by such determination. ERA shall be responsible for all warranted power output of the original Module at the time of supply or replacement, based on the warranted degradation rates set forth at Section 3 hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if ERA no longer supplies Modules meeting the foregoing criteria, then additional or replacement modules provided under this Section 6 shall be costs incurred by it in connection with the shipment by Customer of a Module pursuant to those modules then substantially meeting supplied by ERA most the foregoing criteria.
POWER DEFINITIONS. Nominal Power Output (PO0)” means the original manufactured nameplate specification of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, as certified by ERA and indicated on the Module, excluding any specifiedpositive tolerance. “Actual Power Output (POt)” means the power the breach. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, ERA shall be entitled, in ERA’s sole discretion upon written notice to Customer, to require that any breach of the Warranties alleged by Customer be reviewed by TÜV Rheinland, TÜV SUD or other neutral third party testing laboratory selected by ERA and approved by Customer, such output of the Module, expressed in Xxxxx, at Watt approval not to be unreasonably withheld or peak that a Module generates or, for a Bifacial Module, that the front-side of a Bifacial Module generates, at a given point in time in a year after the Warranty Start Date (t) in its ‘Maximum Power Point’ under Standard Test Conditions, corrected delayed (“Independent Testing Lab”). The power measurement tolerance of any testing equipment utilized by any Independent Testing Lab in performing tests required by this Section shall be disclosed in writing to both Parties prior an electrical output of not less than the to performance of any such tests and shall be reflected in any final test results provided by the Independent Testing Lab. The determination by an Independent Testing Lab as to whether a breach has occurred shall be final and conclusive with respect to the matters covered by such determination. ERA shall be responsible for all warranted power output of the original Module at the time of supply or replacement, based on the warranted degradation rates set forth at Section 3 hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if ERA no longer supplies Modules meeting the foregoing criteria, then additional or replacement modules provided under this Section 6 shall be costs incurred by it in connection with the shipment by Customer of a Module pursuant to those modules then substantially meeting supplied by ERA most the foregoing criteria.