Precast Concrete Sample Clauses

Precast Concrete. (a) The units of measurement shall be: (i) Beams, slabs, segmental units: number (ii) Copings, xxxxx and the like of uniform cross-section: metre (b) The term "precast concrete" applies to any concrete unit or member cast on site but not in its final position and to concrete units or members manufactured off site. (c) Item coverage: No separate payment will be made beyond the rates for precast concrete for: (i) trial mixes; (ii) reinforcement, cement and processed aggregates; (iii) formwork, surface finishing, lifting devices and bearing plates; (iv) forming sockets, holes, grooves, rebates recesses and ducts; and except where otherwise indicated, (v) handling, laying and fixing the units in position; (vi) aligning members and units, adjusting levels and soffit profiles, and temporary fixing to prevent displacement; (vii) cutting and trimming copings, xxxxx and the like to size.
Precast Concrete. All precast concrete members to be used in the works, such as covers, lintels, xxxxx, slabs, stairs, etc.., shall be manufactured on site or obtained from approved manufacturer. In either case casting shall be done under the supervision of the Engineer, whose approval of the place and method of casting must be obtained before starting work. If casting is done on the site, the Contractor shall prepare a suitable area near the structure for which the precast parts are intended, and samples of the precast work shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before proceeding with the manufacture on site. Casting of the precast parts shall be completed in due time so as not to delay the completion of the structures and everything connected therewith. Unless otherwise directed, precast elements shall be of concrete Grade C30P. All precast elements shall be true to dimensions and shapes as shown on the Drawings. Concrete surfaces shall be smooth and all corners square or chamfered, as shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Lifting lugs and similar metal parts, whether part of the reinforcement steel or not, shall be incorporated in the elements during manufacture. Precast elements shall not be transported or otherwise handled until the end of the curing period, which shall be at least 14 days. Any precast concrete element becoming defective during casting or placing or from any other cause, and rejected by the Engineer, shall be removed from the Site by the Contractor who shall cast new elements to replace the rejected ones, and all expenses in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor.
Precast Concrete. Precast xxxxx, slabs, channel edging and quadrants shall comply with the requirements of BS EN 1339:2003 and with the Drawings. Where the Contractor is permitted to carry out precasting on site, the precast units shall in addition to complying with the relevant BS, be manufactured in steel moulds on a vibrating table or as directed by the Engineer.
Precast Concrete. Materials: The preferred exterior materials shall be precast concrete or masonry. Precast concrete systems are acceptable construction materials. Precast systems shall be light in color, and consistent with the intentions of these guidelines. • Precast concrete shall be limited to integrally colored precast, painted or stained precast panels. • No raked concrete panels will be permitted. • Tilt-up concrete panels with accent bands will be permitted. • Tilt-slab concrete buildings shall have no greater than t2” exposed aggregate (which applies to all concrete surfaces), Tilt-slab construction walls may have no more than 300 SF of surface without reveals. Concrete color and aggregate shall be similar to samples as shown by Declarant or accepted in writing by the DRB. Applied stains and paint must be of a consistent architectural finish and maintained as required. Brick, Glazed Brick, Architectural CMU may be used as described below: • Masonry products shall include integrally colored split face units, painted or stained split face units or brick. No standard concrete units shall be permitted. • Glazed brick and glazed tile is for accent and fine details only. • Glass block would not be considered highlight brick and may be used as a masonry product at the owner’s discretion. • Concrete Masonry Units are an acceptable construction material when the masonry units have an architectural finish. Split face block is the suggested finish (fluted block is not an acceptable masonry unit). A smooth finished block is subject to DRB approval or may be used up to 10% of an accent block.
Precast Concrete. 2.17.1 Precast concrete shall comply generally with the requirements given below. All precast units shall be cast on a suitable bed or platform with firm foundation and free from wind, The contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the level or shape of the bed or platform, A suitable serial number and the date of casting shall be impressed or painted on each unit. All precast concrete units shall be prepared and fixed as shown in the drawings and as specified in the detailed specification., Concrete mix shall be as specified or as shown in the drawings with machine mixed, machine vibrated and prepared by weigh batching with Contractor's own mix design which shall be approved by Consulting Engineers. IS: 456 Code Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete shall be followed as relevant Indian Standard Specification.
Precast Concrete. All external walls of the building shall have Precast component concrete panels up to the height specified on the drawings.
Precast Concrete. Catch Basin (with cast iron frame and grated cover) (pricing includes supply and installation of catch basin, lid, etc. See Sections 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 for excavation, backfill, and compaction) (Note 3) C-0052, C-0061, C-0082 15 [**] [**] [**] 36" x 36" inside dimensions 10 each 15.00 [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] S
Precast Concrete. A. Precast concrete means precast concrete fabricated as Platform panels or as precast architectural wall base elements at UC, TPSS and Platform utility buildings. B. Without limiting the requirements set out in Section 5- of this Schedule, architectural precast concrete utilized for Platform panels must also, at a minimum, be fabricated: 1. in accordance with the following standards: a. CSA A23.1

Related to Precast Concrete

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  • Rubric The rubrics are a scoring tool used for the Educator’s self-assessment, the formative assessment, the formative evaluation and the summative evaluation. The districts may use either the rubrics provided by ESE or comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubrics developed or adopted by the district and reviewed by ESE.

  • Logistics The Client shall arrange their own transportation and accommodation, unless Client and Performer agree otherwise. If requested, the Performer shall arrange transport within Ostrava, and provide accommodation in a hotel.

  • Dewatering (a) Where the whole of a site is so affected by surface water following a period of rain that all productive work is suspended by agreement of the Parties, then dewatering shall proceed as above with Employees so engaged being paid at penalty rates as is the case for safety rectification work. This work is typically performed by Employees engaged within CW1, CW2 or CW3 classifications. When other Employees are undertaking productive work in an area or areas not so affected then dewatering will only attract single time rates. (b) Where a part of a site is affected by surface water following a period of rain, thus rendering some areas unsafe for productive work, consistent with the Employer’s obligations under the OH&S Act, appropriate Employees shall assist in the tidying up of their own work site or area if it is so affected. Where required, appropriate Employees will be provided with the appropriate PPE. Such work to be paid at single time rates. Productive work will continue in areas not so affected. (c) To avoid any confusion any ‘dewatering’ time which prevents an Employee from being engaged in their normal productive work is not included in any calculation for the purposes of determining whether an Employee is entitled to go home due to wet weather (refer clauses 32.4 and 32.5)

  • Loop A transmission path that extends from a Main Distribution Frame or functionally comparable piece of equipment in a Customer's serving End Office, to the Rate Demarcation Point (or NID if installed at the Rate Demarcation Point) in or at the Customer's premises. The actual transmission facilities used to provide a Loop may utilize any of several technologies.

  • Drainage Systems (1) Clear culvert inlets, outlets, and sediment catching basins. (2) Maintain waterbars, drainage dips, and other water diversion measures. (3) During active use, patrol and maintain functional drainage. (4) Repair damaged culvert ends.

  • Shift Rotation Routine shift rotation is not an approach to staffing endorsed by the Employer. Except for emergency situations where it may be necessary to provide safe patient care, shift rotation will not be utilized without mutual consent. If such an occasion should ever occur, volunteers will be sought first. If no one volunteers, the Employer will rotate shifts on an inverse seniority basis until the staff vacancies are filled.

  • Energy Cooperation shall focus on: (a) renewable energy; (b) promoting the saving of energy; (c) applied research relating to networks of databases linking the two Parties' economic and social operators; (d) backing efforts to modernise and develop energy networks and the interconnection of such networks with Community networks.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 161.0085(c), Contractor certifies that it does not require its customers to provide any documentation certifying the customer’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery on entry to, to gain access to, or to receive service from the Contractor’s business. Contractor acknowledges that such a vaccine or recovery requirement would make Contractor ineligible for a state-funded contract.

  • Platby (a) Všechny platby budou vypláceny těmto příjemcům (dále jen "Příjemce platby" či "Příjemci platby") v souladu s rozdělením poplatků definovaným v Příloze B: Fakultní nemocni ce v Motol e X Xxxxx 00 000 00 Xxxxx 0, Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx XX 0006420 3 fakturykhl @fnmotol .cz xxx (b) Schválené platby za Klinické hodnocení a související služby, které má Poskytovatel provádět, jsou uvedeny v rozpočtu přiloženém k této Smlouvě jako Příloha B a začleněny zde odkazem ("Příloha B"). Platby uvedené v Příloze B zahrnují všechny příslušné režijní náklady splatné kterékoli Smluvní straně nebo subjektu v důsledku Klinického hodnocení nebo v souvislosti s ním. Poskytovatel bere na vědomí, že společnost Covance nenese odpovědnost za platby, dokud Zadavatel neuhradí takové platby a/nebo splatnou odměnu. Společnost Covance vyvine maximální úsilí, aby získala finanční prostředky od Zadavatele včas s cílem zajistit rychlé zaplacení Příjemci platby. (c) Platby jsou podmíněny postupem v plném souladu s CIP a touto Smlouvou, jakož i včasným a uspokojivým předložením úplných a správných údajů z formulářů subjektů hodnocení (Case Report Form). Příjemce či příjemci plateb nezískají náhradu za subjekty hodnocení, které byly do Klinického hodnocení zařazeny bez řádně provedeného (d) Except as expressly provided for in this Agreement and its exhibits and attachments, no payments will be made to Institution or any other person or entity in connection with the Clinical Investigation. Payment for any costs outside of this Agreement and its exhibits and attachments must be approved in advance in writing by Covance. (e) If a dispute arises between the Parties in respect of any part of an invoice, Covance shall notify Payee promptly of the particulars of the dispute, and Covance may withhold payment of the disputed part of the invoice provided that Covance and Payee endeavor promptly and in good faith to resolve the dispute. (f) Institution shall not bill any third party for any Clinical Investigational Device or other items or services furnished by Sponsor through Covance in connection with the Clinical Investigation, or any services provided to patients in connection with the Clinical Investigation for which payment is made as part of the Clinical Investigation, except as may be specifically authorized by the Exhibit B. 16.