Pricing Proposal Sample Clauses

Pricing Proposal. Describe in detail the pricing proposal, including the use of any index, escalation factors, or other costs to PacifiCorp. Proposed dates, amounts, and detailed milestone descriptions justifying payments are required.
Pricing Proposal. Contractor’s pricing proposal included in Contractor’s response to County’s RFA.
Pricing Proposal. Supplier shall input, brand, part numbers and list price for each category The Aftermarket Automotive Parts Catalog (Section G, Requirement# 6.8) shall be used to completed the list column RFP #0900006747 Cost Workbook Instructions Attachment A - Cost Workbook Supplier shall complete Category Discount wroksheet by entering proposed discounts percentages for all 19 categories Percentage discounts shall be untered as whole numbers with no decimals points Market Basket Evaluation Worksheet Instructions Worksheets for Chevy Impala, Chevy Silverado, Chevy Tahoe, Ford Focus, Dodge Caravan and Ford Explorer must be completed in its entirety. The worksheets are not locked, the yellow highlighted sections are for Supplier's input Category Discount Worksheet Instructions The worksheet is not locked for ease of use, the yellow highlighted section is for Supplier's input RFP# 09000006747 CATEGORY DISCOUNTS ATTACHMENT A - COST WORKBOOKS NUMBER CATEGORY PRICE DISCOUNTS 1 AIR CONDITIONING 2 ALTERNATORS AND STARTERS 3 BATTERIES 5 BELTS AND HOSES 6 BRAKES 10 FILTERS; OIL, GAS, AIR AND TRANSMISSION 11 GASKETS AND SEALS 12 HEATING AND COOLING (ENGINE)
Pricing Proposal. Definitions: Item 5.1
Pricing Proposal. Rates Effective through April 30, 2025* (subject to annual escalation rate) Principal in Charge $286.65 Senior Project Manager $214.99 Civil Engineer V $273.42 Civil Engineer IV $230.42 Civil Engineer III $167.58 Civil Engineer II $156.56 Civil Engineer I $137.81 Senior Landscape Architect $203.96 Landscape Architect $192.94 Senior Irrigation Specialist $174.20 Senior Landscape Designer $174.20 Landscape / Irrigation Designer $170.89 Senior Administrative $165.38 Accounting $143.33 Landscape Designer $145.81 CADD Designer / Drafter $140.81 Survey Manager $286.65 Senior Survey Project Manager $253.58 Survey Project Manager $231.53 Senior Project Surveyor $220.50 Project Surveyor $187.43 Survey Analyst/Sr. Survey Technician $176.40 Survey CADD / Survey Technician $154.35 Survey Project Coordinator $143.33 Pricing Proposal | 2 1-Person Survey Crew** $205.00 2-Person Survey Crew** $355.00 ** Note: There is a 4-, 6- and 8- hour minimum charge for field survey work.
Pricing Proposal. The proposed fee should include a not-to-exceed amount to perform the scope of services listed in this RFP during the first twelve months of the contract. The total cost should include job classifications, hourly rates, and hours allocated to each task to complete the scope of services. In preparing the pricing proposal, you should incorporate any travel expenses as part of your fee. Mileage and travel expenditures will not be reimbursable.
Pricing Proposal a. The attached pricing proposal (“Pricing Proposal”) includes detailed pricing and quantities applicable to this Agreement.
Pricing Proposal. Section B - Supplies or Services and Prices/Costs. The Library of Congress/FEDLINK has a fiduciary responsibility to the American taxpayers and to customer agencies to take full advantage of the government’s leverage in the market in order to obtain the best value for the taxpayer. The Library of Congress/FEDLINK is seeking discounts, terms and conditions equal to or better than the Offeror’s most favored customer. (a) Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs). CLINs are established in Section B for categories of products and services described in the lots of this solicitation. Detailed explanation for prices quoted in Section B shall be supplied in Section IITechnical Data.
Pricing Proposal. Provide an itemized description of the price associated with each task described in the Scope of Work.
Pricing Proposal. Attachments: A - Indemnification 2023 Contractor F - Welding_Procedure_1023-G (1) G - Plate_Qualification_Test_Procedure_1017PG (1) G - PSM - Contractor Annual Audit Form H - Pipe_Qualification_Test_Procedure_1023G (1) I - Welder_II_Job_Description (1) 1. NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF LAKELAND IS SOLICITING SEALED BIDS FROM QUALIFIED VENDORS TO PROVIDE:Supplemental Skilled Welding Labor at Lakeland Electric Generation Facilities. THE BIDS SUBMITTED SHALL BE IN COMPLETE ACCORDANCE WITH, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THIS INVITATION TO BID, THE ATTACHED CITY OF LAKELAND SPECIFICATIONS, AND ALL CODES AND REQUIREMENTS REFERENCED THEREIN.