Section G Sample Clauses

Section G. Upon proof provided by the employee, the following Educational Incentive remuneration shall be added to the current straight time base rate of pay for employees holding the following degrees:
Section G. Parties shall mean the District and the Association. PERC shall mean the Washington State Public Employees Relations Commission. PDC shall mean the faculty Professional Development Committee. Probationary faculty appointment shall mean employment for a designated period of time during which the probationer is evaluated as a candidate to be awarded tenure. In the event an academic employee is employed full-time as a temporary academic employee and the next year with a probationary appointment as an academic employee, the consecutive college quarters in which the individual was so employed full-time may be credited towards tenure consideration. Program director See Appendix C. RCW shall mean Revised Code of Washington. RIF shall mean Reduction in Force. SBCTC shall mean the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Special faculty employment shall mean employment with the District in a faculty position when such employment results from federal monies or other gift, grant or contract funds which are designated as “special funds” by SBCTC. Such appointments may be either full-time or part-time. Such appointment is non-tenurable and may be terminated upon a reduction or elimination of funding or a reduction or elimination of the program. Faculty members transferred from a tenured appointment without a break in service to such an appointment may resume their previous appointment upon the loss of the special funding. Special appointment faculty who wish to become tenured employees must go through a screening process. Supplemental contract shall mean that contract issued to and signed by a faculty member to contract for professional services above and beyond his/her basic (teaching, counseling, etc.) appointment. Temporary faculty appointment shall mean employment for a definite period of time and for a full assignment. No one shall be employed in this category for more than six consecutive quarters (excluding summer) unless the position is funded by soft money. Faculty assigned to a temporary Tenured faculty appointment shall mean employment with the District, following completion of an appropriate probationary faculty appointment, in a faculty position for an indefinite period of time which may be revoked only for adequate cause and by due process. WAC shall mean Washington Administrative Code.
Section GThe Employer shall promptly notify the Union of its decision to implement any new classification pertaining to work of a nature performed by employees in the bargaining unit.
Section G. Upon appropriate written authorization from the employee, the Employer shall deduct from the wages of any such employee and make appropriate remittance for credit unions, savings bonds, tax-deferred annuities, or any other plans or programs jointly approved by the Association and the Employer.
Section G. The time spent in adjusting grievances between an employer and employees during the time employees are on duty is considered hours worked. For time spent in adjusting grievances when the employee is off duty will not be considered time worked and the employee will not be compensated. If there is ample manpower available and no overtime in incurred, the Department will make every effort to adjust the hours of the officer if working during another shift the day of the grievance hearing at the discretion of the Chief of Police or designee.
Section G. 1------------ <? '
Section GIn the event that it becomes necessary to reduce the number of teachers, Section A of this Article shall be followed and affected teachers shall be notified no later than April 30 for reductions taking effect at the beginning of the next school year, and receive no less than sixty (60) calendar days notice for reductions at any other time.
Section GIn all cases involving the annual allotment of paid leave (sick leave, family illness, personal business, etc.) employees that work less than full-time and those employees who commence employment after the opening day of the regular school year shall be granted a proportionate allotment of such leave.
Section GInclement Weather Professional Employees will not be required to attend school when the students are not required to attend because of inclement weather. Professional Employees who regularly perform non-teaching duties may be required to perform those duties. There will be no deduction of salary or leave owing to school missed during inclement weather. The decision to close is exclusively that of the College President or designee. When time is missed owing to inclement weather, Professional Employees shall report to their immediate supervisors how they will make up the time lost before the end of the term.
Section G. 1.2 of the Original Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: