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PROPOSAL CONTENTThe Offeror shall make a firm commitment to provide services as required and proposed. The material contained in the Offer shall be relevant to the service requirements stated in the solicitation. It is to be submitted in a sequence that reflects the scope of work section of this document. It is to include information relevant to the designated evaluation criteria. Failure to include the requested information may have a negative impact on the evaluation of the Offeror’s proposal.
PROPOSAL CONTENT. Proposal shall demonstrate an understanding of the requirements and the proposed method of completing the SOW. To facilitate the evaluation, the proposal should be sufficiently detailed and complete to clearly demonstrate that the prospective Offeror has a thorough understanding of the requirements and the technical and management problems inherent therein. It should also contain sufficient detail to indicate the proposed means for complying with all applicable specifications. Statements that the prospective Offeror understands and can or will comply with all specifications, statements paraphrasing the specifications or parts thereof, and phrases such as “standard procedures will be employed” or “well known techniques will be used”, etc., will be considered insufficient and potentially “Unacceptable.” Offerors shall comply with all solicitation requirements, terms, and conditions. Any exceptions shall be identified to the Government prior to receipt of the Offeror’s proposal. Failure to comply with all solicitation requirements may result in the Offeror being considered ineligible for award. a. The below shall be included in Volume II Price Proposal:
PROPOSAL CONTENT. Unless the ITO indicates otherwise, proposals will consist of a technical volume and a cost/price volume. Alternate DO/TO proposals are only allowed if stated in the ITO. All proposals shall have a validity period stated on the proposal. A minimum of 30 days after proposal submission is required, unless otherwise stated on the ITO.
PROPOSAL CONTENT. H.10.3 Government Evaluation of Order Proposals DEVIATION of H.10.3 Initial 4 Delivery Orders H.10.4 Authorization to Proceed on Orders H.10.5 Option Exercises at Order Level H.10.6 Order Completion H.10.7 Fair Opportunity Exception
PROPOSAL CONTENTThe Proposal shall submit the following components and shall be laid out in the format exactly as shown here. The information provided in these sections will be used as the basis to score the overall proposal. The submittal shall be signed by an authorized representative of the proposing firm.
PROPOSAL CONTENT. 8.1.1 Description of methodology used in fulfilling the requirements of the search process. 8.1.2 A detail of the qualifications of the individual(s) or firm proposing to provide the services outlined below. 8.1.3 A detail of all costs associated with the proposed services. (Please note: University expects firm to coordinate all candidate travel arrangements within State of Texas Travel guidelines (xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/fm/travel/index.php), but university will reimburse candidate travel directly. University shall reimburse firm for firm’s actual expenses only based on State of Texas Travel Guidelines.) 8.1.4 Specific examples of previous search services performed that demonstrate experience and expertise for each category of position being proposed as well as disciplines such as law schools and academic health centers 8.1.5 Cost if candidate is not chosen from initial pool of candidates. 8.1.6 Describe steps/actions if pool of candidates is not sufficient and additional candidates are requested or an individual outside the pool of candidates is selected.
PROPOSAL CONTENT. Proposals must be submitted in writing and should include, at a minimum:
PROPOSAL CONTENT. The City requires each Consultant to submit a proposal clearly addressing all of the requirements outlined in the RFQ. The proposal shall be limited to 30 pages (not including a cover page and staff resume) and must include a minimum of three recent or current client references, which include the address and telephone number of each reference. Resumes and a company qualification brochure may be added to the 30- page proposal, provided they are located in an Appendix at the back of the proposal. Material contained in appendices will not be used for evaluation purposes in the scoring of proposals. Though the Consultant may submit a proposal organized according to his preference, it must be clear and concise. Should a consultant have concerns about meeting any requirements of this RFQ they may include a clearly labeled subsection within an appendix with individual statements specifically identifying their concerns and exceptions. If no exceptions are stated the City shall assume the consultant understands all of the requirements of the RFQ, including the professional services agreement, and takes no exceptions to them. The requirements and expectations stated within this RFQ shall be included in the Agreement as an exhibit. A Retainer Agreement for Building plan check services between the City of Turlock and Respondent will serve as basic document. The City may elect to extend this Agreement for three (3) additional one-year terms, on the same terms and conditions, upon providing written notice to the consultation thirty days prior to the expiration of this Agreement. On each anniversary date, the consultant will be allowed to increase hourly rates. Increases may not exceed increases in the San Francisco-Oakland Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers or percentage increases in Consultant’s published prices, whichever is lower. In all cases, the City of Turlock may cancel the contract if a requested price increase is not acceptable. For your use in assessing your proposal, please review the attached agreement paying special attention to the City’s insurance requirements delineated in Section 7, “Insurance.” Please have your legal counsel review the proposal. Along with your proposal for services, please supply an edited copy of the sample retainer agreement. The edited sample will be a starting point for the City’s review of your specific contract requests, and will not influence the consultant selection criteria in any way. The consultant shall provide ...
PROPOSAL CONTENTAll information shall be confined to the appropriate volume. The Offeror shall confine submissions to essential matters, sufficient to define the proposal and provide adequate basis for evaluations. Offerors are responsible for including sufficient details, in a concise manner, to permit a complete and accurate evaluation of each proposal. Proposals without the specified content may be determined Unacceptable and removed from the competition. The Government will not make assumptions concerning intent, capabilities, or experiences. Clear identification of proposal details shall be the sole responsibility of the offeror. The Government reserves the right to reject incomplete proposals after initial evaluation without further consideration. Proposals shall be organized and tabbed as follows: Offerors must submit a letter acknowledging receipt of the Solicitation, Attachments, and Amendments, and include signed SF33 and any/all signed SF30’s as backup documentation. Acknowledgement letters shall also include the Company Name, DUNS number, CAGE number, Company POC, and expiration date of proposal. Offeror must provide any/all applicable Key Subcontractors Letters of Commitments, Joint Venture/Mentor Protégé/Team Agreements and approvals as applicable. Any/all Joint Venture agreements must be signed by both parties and will be subject to review to determine compliance with Small Business Administration Regulations. Any/all Contractor Team Agreements must identify who will be acting as a potential prime contractor and who will be acting as its subcontractor(s). Letter/agreement must be signed by all parties. The letter/agreement shall clearly identify the prime contractors NAICS and the size standard. Throughout this Solicitation, “key subcontractor” is defined as a subcontractor who will perform at least 20% of the total contract effort or a subcontractor who the Offeror considers a key member of their team. The Offeror shall provide a signed key subcontractor letter of commitment for all subcontractors that are anticipated to execute at least 20% of the total contract effort. Each Offeror has the ability to add additional key subcontractors that are anticipated to execute less than 20% of the total contract effort if the Offeror deems them a key member of their team. Representations and Certifications and other Statements of Offerors are not considered for evaluation but are required as part of the Offeror’s proposal of this solicitation. Offeror shall complete...
PROPOSAL CONTENT. Proposals will contain a technical proposal and a cost proposal. The technical and cost proposals must follow the outlines below. Failure to follow the outlines and page limits will result in disqualification. Cover Letter Description Notes Maximum page length Must include bidder’s current Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S) number Proposals without a D-U-N-S number will not be considered and need not apply. 2 pages System of Award Management (XXX) registration Provide XXXX number or demonstrate application status Qualifications and Similar Work Assignments Demonstrate previous work on digital asset inventory for critical infrastructure operators Pre-qualification criteria - Proposals must list previous experience developing digital asset inventories for critical infrastructure operator. Proposals that cannot demonstrate previous experience will be disqualified 2 pages Understanding of Development Objective Demonstrate understanding of the importance of the digital asset inventory to future cyber security improvements 1 page Technical Approach Approach to implementing the Scope of Work Discuss the proposed technical approach to each task and link it to the sustainability objectives. Justify the proposed technical solution(s) in terms of cost, customization requirements and applicability to developing country operating environment. Discuss training and capacity building and provide a brief outline of workshop agenda. 7 pages Team assignments & Bio sketches For each person nominated Within the Technical Approach section, link each person nominated to a task Biographical sketch Within the 7- page Technical Approach Limit ½ page per person Schedule Provide a project timeline on a task-by-task basis 2 pages The sub-agreement between USEA and the winning offeror will be structured as a fixed price for labor sub-agreement for labor, fringe benefits and overhead costs. USEA will fund directly the ground transportation, airfare, lodging, insurance, meals and incidental expenses, interpretation and translation. Labor Task-by-task line-item budget For each task, provide the following for each person nominated for this assignment: • Name • Title • Level of Effort • Fully Loaded Daily RateTotal amount Travel Provide: • number of trips required • locations and duration of each trip • number of travelers USEA will fund directly the cost of ground transportation, airfare, lodging, insurance, and a U.S. government approved meals and incidental allowance for all tr...