Priority Definitions. All Service Requests will be allocated a Priority and agreed with the Buyer based on the following criteria:
Priority Definitions. Each support request shall be assigned a priority on receipt by Risk Ledger: • Priority 1: o The issue or failure is causing immediate critical and significant impact on major business functions for the Organisation. There is no possible workaround. • Priority 2: o The issue or failure is causing critical and significant impact on major business functions, but there is a workaround available; or o The issue or failure will imminently cause critical and significant impact on major business functions for the Organisation. There is no possible workaround; or o The issue or failure is causing critical and significant impact on non-core business functions, and there is no possible workaround. • Priority 3: o The issue or failure is causing an impact on non-core business activities for the Organisation, and a workaround is available. • Priority 4: o The issue or failure has limited impact or the impact is minimal and a workaround will be provided within the next calendar month.
Priority Definitions. Level Definition Examples
Priority Definitions. Red - An Error due to Mark43’s systems that results in the inoperability or substantial impairment of a core function for the majority of Subscriber’s Authorized Users, provided there is no feasible workaround. Examples include: Authorized Users cannot access the Application; CAD units cannot be dispatched; reports cannot be created. • Orange - An Error due to Mark43’s systems that results in the inoperability or substantial impairment of a critical workflow for the majority of Subscriber’s Authorized Users, provided there is no feasible workaround. Examples include: significant lagging/slowness; inability to process persons in custody; inability to export reports or cases for same or next day court deadlines; inability to submit reports.
Priority Definitions. Priority 1 Critical All or significant functionality unavailable, causing a significant operational impact. Priority 2 High Significant functionality unavailable, but interim workaround is available. Priority 3 Medium Certain aspects of functionality, no operational impact but inconvenient. Priority 4 Low Requests for Information or Incidents on test system. The Service Levels start when the Incident is moved to the Open state. If your Incident is urgent please call the Service Desk on 0208 391 4646. The Support mail box will be checked every 2 hours during Telephone Support Business Hours as a minimum. All Incidents received into the mail box will be logged within 1 hour from checking. NB All urgent Incidents to be logged by phoning the Service Desk on 0208 391 4646, see above. A response is defined as our acknowledgement of the Incident with an update on the progress. A resolution is defined as identifying and advising the Customer User of the steps to resolve or supplying the next release. If no response is received from the Customer after three attempts to contact the Customer the Incident will be marked as resolved. If you are unhappy with the service provided the following escalation procedure should be followed: Contact via our switchboard on 0208 391 9000
Priority Definitions. (In addition to the following criteria, input from caller should be considered in assigning priority – for example, is caller working to meet a critical deadline and faces missing it because of the issue)
Priority Definitions. (In addition to the following criteria, input from the caller should be considered in assigning priority – for example, is the caller working to meet a critical deadline and faces missing it because of the issue) Urgent Business-critical production outage Prevents multiple people from doing their work Impacts user identified as a VIP Impacts an entire site, facility or application No acceptable work-around High Affects non business-critical process Prevents multiple people from doing their work Ability to conduct work is extremely impacted No acceptable work-around OR Affects business-critical process Prevents one person from doing work Ability to conduct work is extremely impacted No acceptable work-around Medium Affects non business-critical process Prevents one person from doing work May be an acceptable work-around Low Affects non business-critical process Acceptable work-around is available Scheduled Work / Maintenance / user need for training Minor inconvenience
Priority Definitions. (a) P-1: Failure of DAS is greater than 50% and affecting multiple carriers, and there is no temporary workaround. Vendor (Proteus) will provide 24x7 support and resources to evaluate alternative temporary work-around solutions and permanently solve root cause of problem as expeditiously as possible. Status updates will be provided hourly or less often as requested by TAMU. Examples include: Head-end room power failure to complete DAS, total fiber failure within head-end room, total fiber failure within MDF.
(b) P-2: Failure of DAS is greater than 50%. DAS can still operate with a temporary workaround. Status updates will be provided hourly or less often as requested by TAMU. P-2 issues will be worked on a 24x7 basis during Football Season, and during the hours of 8 am through 5 pm Monday through Friday outside of Football Season. Examples include: Partial power failure in head end room or MDF, more than 1 IDFs not functioning and partial fiber outages.
(c) P-3: Failure affecting greater than 5% but less than 50% of the total antennas in the DAS or failure of 1 carrier signal (LTE, cellular or AWS) in greater than 10% but less than 50% antennas, or individual antennas or services in non-seasonal parts of the DAS. Status updates will be provided daily or less often as requested by TAMU. P-3 issues will be worked 7 days a week from 8 am to 5 pm during Football Season and daily from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday outside of Football Season.
(d) P-4: Failure affecting individual antennas or groups of less than 5% of the total antennas in the DAS, or individual carrier signals on less than 5% of the total antennas. Status updates will be given weekly or less often as requested by TAMU. P-4 issues will be worked Monday through Friday 8 am through 5 pm.
Priority Definitions. Priority One is an issue that severely impacts Customer’s use of the Anchore Software in a production environment (such as loss of production data or in which Customer’s production systems are not functioning or disrupted). The issue causes a halt in Customer’s business operations for which no procedural workaround exists. Priority Two is an issue in which the Anchore Software is functioning, but Customer’s use thereof in a production environment is severely reduced. The issue causes a material adverse impact to portions of Customer’s business operations for which no procedural workaround exists. Priority Three is an issue that involves partial, non-critical loss of use of the Anchore Software in a production environment or development environment. For production environments, the issue causes a medium-to-low impact on Customer’s business, but Customer’s business continues to function, including by using a procedural workaround. For development environments, the issue causes Customer’s project to no longer continue or migrate into a production environment. Priority Four is a general usage question, reporting of a Documentation error, or recommendation for a future Product enhancement or modification. For production environments, there is low-to-no impact on Customer’s business or the performance or functionality of Customer’s computer system. For development environments, there is a medium-to-low impact on the Customer’s development efforts, but such efforts continue on a reduced basis, including by using a procedural workaround.
Priority Definitions. A Priority 1 Issue occurs when the Appian Software is down in a production setting and no workaround exists, or the workaround is not feasible to implement due to the impact on Customer’s business.