Production Samples. Before selling or distributing any product bearing a Licensed Xxxx, LICENSEE shall furnish NBAP with, at no charge, for its permanent use, two (2) samples of the product from the first production run of each manufacturer of the Licensed Products, including all styles, colors and variations, together with its labels, tags, cartons and containers (including packaging and wrapping materials). If such samples do not conform to all aspects of the Licensed Product as approved or if the quality of any such sample does not meet the requirements of this Xxxxxxxxx 0, XXXX shall notify LICENSEE and such article shall be deemed disapproved and all such articles shall be promptly destroyed. LICENSEE shall also furnish NBAP, free of charge, with any additional pieces of Licensed Product as may reasonable be requested by NBAP to promote the sale of Official Licensed Products (e.g., for NBAP's display room, advertisements, catalogs, mailers, product placement and trade shows) or for comparison with earlier samples. In addition, LICENSEE shall provide NBAP with any additional pieces of Licensed Product as may be required for the permanent use of the Member Teams, not to exceed one (1) piece per Member Team. If NBAP wishes to purchase Licensed Products for give-away purposes and not for resale, LICENSEE shall sell the Licensed Products to NBAP at LICENSEE's direct manufacturing cost for such Licensed Products and LICENSEE shall not be required to pay royalties on such sales to NBAP.
Production Samples. Genchem Pharma shall cause Sicor to provide Anthra's Quality Control Department with such quantities of production samples of AD32 manufactured by Sicor and such copies of completed batch records, as are required for the purposes of securing Health Registrations and ensuring compliance with Regulatory Guidelines and Requirements (and only to the extent that Sicor is not permitted to, or fails to, submit such records directly to the relevant Regulatory Authorities on behalf of Anthra).
Production Samples. Before selling or distributing any Licensed Product, Licensee shall furnish Licensor with, at no charge, for its permanent use, two (2) complete samples of each such product from the first production run of each Manufacturer of the Licensed Products, including all styles and colors, together with its labels, tags, cartons and containers (including Packaging and wrapping materials) . If such samples do not conform to all aspects of the Licensed Product as approved or if the quality of any such sample does not meet the requirements of this Section 7, Licensor shall notify Licensee and such item shall be deemed disapproved and all such items shall be promptly destroyed. Licensee shall also furnish Licensor, upon request and free of charge, with such reasonable number of additional samples of each Licensed Product per Annual Period (in the minimum amount of ten (10) additional samples of each Licensed Product) for Licensor’s promotional and other purposes, or for comparison with earlier samples.
Production Samples. In accordance with the timing outlined in the GSM Schedule, CSI shall develop and deliver eight (8) production samples of the Product to Bright-star for Brightstar's review and for Brightstar to use for engineering evaluation and product field functional testing.
Production Samples. As soon as possible after completion of the first production run of each Licensed Product (and in any event less than two weeks after completion of such production run), LICENSEE shall furnish to MOSSIMO, at no expense to MOSSIMO, two production samples of the complete line taken from the first production run of such Licensed Product together with the tags, labels and packaging to be used in connection with such Licensed Product. MOSSIMO shall have the absolute right, in its sole discretion, to approve or disapprove of such production samples. Each Licensed Product, tag label and packaging must conform to the samples approved by MOSSIMO. LICENSEE shall not change any Licensed Product, tag label or packaging without resubmitting samples for such Licensed Product, tag label or packaging for approval pursuant to Section 3.4. If MOSSIMO rejects any sample, LICENSEE shall discontinue the production of the Licensed Product and shall neither use nor permit the same to be used in any manner and shall coordinate with MOSSIMO, at LICENSEE's sole expense, to make changes and corrections to conform the Licensed Product to the high quality and design standards prescribed by MOSSIMO and shall resubmit a sample for approval pursuant to Section 3.4. In addition, to ensure consistent quality of production runs, L1CENSEE shall furnish to MOSSIMO, at no expense to MOSSIMO, two additional production samples of Licensed Products in any given season as MOSSIMO may, from time to time, request for the purpose of comparison with earlier samples. If MOSSIMO requires more than two such additional samples in any given season, LICENSEE shall provide such excess additional samples to MOSSIMO at LICENSEE's regular wholesale price, reduced by any normal trade discounts given by LICENSEE for sample sales. If MOSSIMO should disapprove any sample Licensed Product, or any sample tag, label, packaging or the like, or any advertising, promotional or publicity material, LICENSEE shall neither use nor permit the same to be used in any manner.
Production Samples. Prepare and cure Samples of mixed mortar material from mixer.
Production Samples. Prior to Product production approval, Supplier shall make available (on-site at Company’s discretion and at Company’s request), a minimum quantity of sample Product produced in a continuous run on permanent manufacturing equipment to Company’s designated representative for examination and subsequent approval by Company. Supplier shall not make any shipments under an Order prior to approval of said sample production units by Company. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the sample production units shall be retained and title shall vest in Company upon delivery. These samples will be supplied under an Order issued by Company Supplier is expected to inspect sample production units to all applicable Specifications, and then to provide this information, along with a certificate of compliance, to Company. If the sample production units do not comply in all respects with the agreed to Specifications, Supplier shall submit additional production units for approval. If Supplier does not submit additional production units that comply with the Specifications within the time frame specified in the date of Company’s written notification to Supplier, Company shall have the right to terminate any Orders for such Product without any cost or charge to Company except for Supplier’s costs for Unique Material and unique Tooling to perform the Order.
Production Samples. A. shall provide N.O. and P.N. each with a minimum of five (5) sets of samples of the Product and Product labels per production facility no later than twenty (20) calendar days prior to the commencement of marketing, promotion and distribution of such Product.
Production Samples. All samples of products that were manufactured at the Facility and sold prior to the Closing Date.
Production Samples. Licensee shall provide two (2) Production Samples of each item of Licensed Products manufactured during the Term to Throwdown for Throwdown's historical sample line, at no cost to Throwdown.