Professional Preparation and Scholarship. The certificated classroom teacher exhibits, in his/her performance, evidence of having a theoretical background and knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching, and a commitment to education as a profession.
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. The certificated classroom teacher exhibits evidence of having a 41 theoretical background and knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching, and a commitment to education as 42 a profession.
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. The teacher exhibits evidence of having a theoretical background and knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching and commitment to education as a profession. The evaluation procedure assesses the teacher's demonstrated knowledge of and ability to:
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. The ESA staff member exhibits evidence of having a theoretical background and knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching and a commitment to education as a profession.
1. Obtains at least three (3) college credit hour equivalent each year in his/her specialty, and/or participates in the equivalent of four (4) days of workshops sponsored by professional organization, and/or in inservice activities, and/or in teaching resource teams, previously approved by his/her principal and/or superintendent.
2. Considers abilities and present performance levels of students in planning.
3. Establishes immediate and long range objectives.
4. Prepares effective plans to meet objectives.
5. Plans for evaluation in lessons and units and utilizes the results in planning subsequent lessons.
6. Provides adequate plans for a substitute teacher.
7. Possesses and demonstrates knowledge of subject area.
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. Demonstrates professional preparation and scholarship and is familiar with recent developments in their area of responsibility. Exhibits professional involvement.
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. [ ] [ ] [ ] Demonstrates commitment to education as a professional [ ] [ ] [ ] Exhibits evidence of having a theoretical background in implementing specialization in education [ ] [ ] [ ] Demonstrates awareness and implements local, state, and federal policies, rules and regulations. [ ] [ ] [ ] Manages and utilizes time effectively. Comments:
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. The certificated classroom teacher 39 exhibits, in his/her/performance evidence of having a theoretical background and knowledge of the 40 principles and methods of teaching, and a commitment to education as a profession.
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. The certificated classroom teacher exhibits, through performance, evidence of having a theoretical background and knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching, and a commitment to education as a profession, to wit:
a. Considers abilities, interest, and present performance levels of students in planning.
b. Established immediate and long range objectives.
c. Prepares effective plans to meet objectives.
d. Plans for continuing evaluation in lessons and units and utilizes the results in planning subsequent lessons.
e. Possesses and maintains appropriate academic background in subject area.
f. Uses instructional strategies/methods appropriate to the pupil(s), subject matter(s) taught, and learning outcomes desired.
g. Relates and uses the principles and methods of teaching theory (learning, motivation, development, personality) as a basis for the design of learning experiences.
h. Specifies educational philosophy underlying one's instructional decisions.
i. Demonstrates commitment to school and professional activities (attendance at local district and state meetings, consortium activities, participation on special committees, etc.).
j. Implements statutes and rules/regulations which have implications for the professional’s practice, subject matter specialization, school policy.
k. Demonstrates commitment to the profession and its code of ethics.
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. ME U A. Demonstrates awareness of laws as they relate to the library media center.
Professional Preparation and Scholarship. The teacher exhibits evidence of having a theoretical background and knowledge in pedagogy and a commitment to education as a profession.
A. Extent and quality of basic preparation;
X. Xxxxxxxxx and maintains appropriate academic background in subject area.