Proposed Change Order. (or “PCO”). A written request prepared by Xxxxxxxxx requesting that the District, the Construction Manager and the Architect issue a Change Order based upon a proposed change to the Work, to the Guaranteed Maximum Price, and/or to the Contract Time.
Proposed Change Order. (PCO) means a document that informs Contractor of a proposed change in the Work and appropriately describes or otherwise documents such change including Contractor’s response of pricing for the proposed change.
Proposed Change Order. (PCO): A PCO is a written request submitted to the Contractor by either the Contractor or the State requesting a change to the Contract Sum and/or the Contract
Proposed Change Order. The terms “Proposed Change Order” or “PCO” mean Design Build Entity’s submittal of all required information and documents necessary to support the issuance of a Change Order consistent with the “Changes of the Work” section of these General Conditions: (i) in response to Judicial Council proposed Change Work; or (ii) for Design Build Entity proposed Change Work.
Proposed Change Order. (PCO). The Project may initiate a change order by submitting a PCO to the Project Manager setting forth the factual basis supporting the need for a change order, the change proposed, and, if appropriate, the additional time and compensation required for the change. The Project Manager shall review the PCO and respond by acknowledging the contract change, supplying information and not acknowledging a change order, or recommending other action. If the Project Manager acknowledges the contract change, the Contractor shall submit a change order to the Project Manager as set forth in this Section. Each change order submitted by the Contractor shall be accompanied by the following certification executed by an officer of Contractor:
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Proposed Change Order. The Design-Builder or GLENN COUNTY HHSA Representative may issue a written proposed Change Order describing the intended changes to the Work.
Proposed Change Order. “Proposed Change Order” means a document that informs Agency of a proposed change in the Work and appropriately describes or otherwise documents such change including Construction Contractor(s)’s response of pricing for the proposed change.
Proposed Change Order. Submission / Time to Submit: Contractor may seek an adjustment to the Contract Time or Contract Price only by submitting a proposed change order to the District within five (5) days of the date Contractor discovers, or reasonably should discover, the circumstances giving rise to the proposed change order, unless additional time to submit a proposed change order is granted in writing by the District.
Proposed Change Order. A Proposed Change Order (“PCO”) is a written request prepared by ForeFront Power requesting that the District issue a Change Order based upon a proposed change to the Work. A PCO shall include cost breakdowns to validate any change in the contract price. A PCO shall also include any changes in time required to complete the Project. Any additional time requested shall not be the number of days to make the proposed change, but must be based upon the impact to the project schedule. If ForeFront Power fails to request a time extension in a PCO, then ForeFront Power is thereafter precluded from requesting time and/or claiming a delay, except as otherwise provided in this Contract.
Proposed Change Order. The Contractor will be issued a written proposed Change Order by the AOC describing the intended changes to the Work.