PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. That the CONCESSIONAIRE shall be responsible for any damages that may be caused to property of the CITY, or government property by the activities of the CONCESSIONAIRE under this agreement and shall exercise due diligence in the protection of all improvements, timber, and other property of the CITY or of the United States which may be located on the said premises against fire or damage from any and all other causes.
PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. All Sandia National Laboratories information, information technologies, and information systems are United States government property. Please read the notice at: xxxx:// actor_bidder/ under the tab titled “Polices”. All facilities, personal property, existing vegetation, structures, equipment, utilities, improvements, materials, and work at Sandia National Laboratories are United States government property. Acts of theft, improper use, and/or unlawful destruction of United States government property are punishable under one or more Federal Criminal Laws.
PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. During execution of the work, the Contractor shall protect Government property. The Contractor shall return areas damaged as a result of negligence under this contract to their original condition at no cost to the Government.
PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. Permittee shall use reasonable care to avoid damaging all PMGAA property, including buildings, equipment, and vegetation (such as trees, shrubs, and grass). If Permittee damages PMGAA’s property in any way, Permittee shall immediately repair or replace the damage at no cost to PMGAA, as directed by the PMGAA Executive Director. If Permittee fails or refuses to repair or replace the damage, then PMGAA may terminate the Agreement, and PMGAA shall deduct the repair or replacement cost from money due Permittee under the Agreement.
PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. The Grantee shall be responsible for any damage that may be caused to property of the United States by the activities of the Grantee under this Easement, and shall exercise due diligence in the protection of all property located on the Premises against fire or damage from any and all causes. Any property of the United States damaged or destroyed by the Grantee incident to the exercise of the privileges herein granted shall be promptly repaired or replaced by the Grantee to a condition satisfactory to said officer, or at the election of said officer, reimbursement made therefore by the Grantee in an amount to reimburse for the loss satisfactory to the Grantor.
PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. All facilities, property, equipment and materials at Sandia are Government-owned. Acts of theft, illegal possession and unlawful destruction or use of Government property violations punishable under Federal law, and may also result in administrative action. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the investigative authority for all such incidents including cases involving the personal property of individuals when the incident occurs at a Government-owned installation. Every user of Government property is responsible for its physical protection and for reporting immediately the loss, theft, destruction, or damage of such property. Contractor expressly warrants that all product and/or service deliverables on this Contract will accurately process date/time data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing, and sequencing) from, into, and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and years 1999 and 2000 and leap year calculations, to the extent that other information technology, used in combination with the deliverables being acquired, properly exchange date/time data.
PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. During execution of the work, the Contractor shall protect Government property. The Contractor shall return areas damaged as a result of negligence under this contract to their original condition at no cost to the Government, including re-vegetation or replacement of damaged habitat if necessary. Unauthorized collection of cultural material is not allowed. The Government will consider unauthorized collection a violation of the Archaeological Resource Protection Act and subject to criminal and civil penalties. The Contractor is expressly prohibited from plant or animal collection on Government property, other than as specified in a TO specifically. The Contractor is specifically prohibited from carrying out any activities not specified under a TO unless written approval is obtained from the KO, prior to action. No animals will be brought on to Government property and released without the consent of the KO. Personal pets are not to be brought on to Government property. The Contractor will not remove dead, injured or sick wildlife from Government property; however, all such wildlife shall be reported immediately to the KO. Spec Item 2.3.6 Invoicing Procedures Refer to Section G for invoicing instructions. The Section G instructions may be supplemented by a TO. Spec Item 2.3.7 Instructions, Directives, and References Applicable Department of Defense (DoD), Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV), and other directives, instructions, and references are listed below. The Contractor shall comply with the most current version of directives, instructions, and references including versions published during the term of the contract.
3.7.1 Applicable Laws, Regulations, and References The following lists laws, regulations, Executive Orders and references that are applicable to this contract. American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978: The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 (PL 95- 341; 42 USC § 1996) directs consultations with traditional leaders, where appropriate, to insure continuity in religious practices on Federal lands. Requires the Federal government to protect the right of American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, and Native Hawaiian to exercise traditional religious practices. Antiquities Act of 1906: The Antiquities Act of 1906 (PL 59-209; 16 USC §§ 431 et seq., 1982) authorizes the President to designate as National Monuments historic and natural resources of national significance located on Federally owned or controlled lands. ...
PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. The Contractor shall use reasonable care to avoid damaging existing buildings, equipment, and vegetation (such as trees, shrubs, and grass) on City property. If the Contractor fails to do so and damages such property, the Contractor shall replace or repair the damage at no expense to the City, as determined and approved by the City’s Director of Procurement. If the Contractor fails or refuses to make such repair or replacement, the City will determine a cost and the Contractor shall be liable for the cost thereof, which may be deducted from the Contract price.