Quality of Merchandise Sample Clauses
Quality of Merchandise. Tenant shall offer for sale only products and merchandise, which are safe, free of adulteration, sanitary and properly labeled in accordance with applicable laws.
Quality of Merchandise. The Licensee shall exhibit good taste in offering items for sale, which will reflect in a positive manner toward the State. Efforts shall also be made to provide items, which reflect natural, cultural and historical aspects of the State of Indiana. The State reserves the right to remove any items during site visitations, which the State deems do not reflect a positive image for the State.
Quality of Merchandise. 1. Company acknowledges that the primary goal of the Aviation Authority, with regard to the concession operations hereunder is to provide to the public and the air traveler high quality merchandise and first- class service at reasonable prices. Company further acknowledges the special characteristics of the Orlando air traffic market, which has a very high proportion of tourist travelers, many with small children, who spend considerable time in the Terminal Complex before departing for their destinations and frequently avail themselves of Company’ services. To ensure that these visitors depart Orlando with the best impression possible of the Airport and the community, the Aviation Authority is unequivocally committed to maintain high quality items, products and services at reasonable prices at all times throughout the term of this Agreement. The Company shall sell only high-quality items which shall be comparable in quality to comparable automated retail items sold in first class facilities of similar type in the Greater Orlando area.
2. Upon written notice to Company by the Chief Executive Officer of any violation of this Appendix 1.C. with respect to the failure to comply with any applicable municipal county, state and federal laws, ordinances and regulations with respect to the services at the Premises (which notice shall specify the item constituting the violation), Company shall correct such violation within twenty four (24) hours of the time of receipt of such written notice (or such greater period of time that the Chief Executive Officer may allow) and promptly advise the Chief Executive Officer in writing of the corrective measures Company has taken.
3. At any time during the Term of this Agreement, the Chief Executive Officer may hire an independent consultant to undertake a survey of the overall quality of the items at the Concession (or the quality of one or more particular items thereof) served by Company in the Terminal Complex and the quality of the merchandise sold in a first class automated retailer of similar type in the Greater Orlando area. If the survey indicates that the quality of any items sold by Company is below that of a store of similar type in the greater Orlando area, the Chief Executive Officer may send a written notice to Company specifying the deficiencies in the quality of its merchandise noted in the survey and directing Company to make the required improvements within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of such wri...
Quality of Merchandise. The Authorized Articles shall be of high standard and of such style, appearance and quality as to be adequate and suited to their exploitation to the best advantage and to the protection and enhancement of the Licensed Elements and the good will pertaining thereto. The Authorized Articles shall be manufactured, sold, distributed, promoted and advertised in accordance with all applicable governmental, regulatory, professional and industry-wide codes, statutes, rules and regulations.
Quality of Merchandise. (a) Licensee agrees that the Articles covered by this Agreement at all times shall be of high standard and of such style, appearance and quality as to protect and enhance the Property and the good will pertaining thereto, shall meet YAMAHA'S quality standards and specifications, and shall be manufactured, Sold, distributed and promoted in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws. Before selling or distributing any of the Articles, Licensee shall furnish to YMUS free of cost, for its written approval, the following in the order listed:
Quality of Merchandise. Diplomat agrees that the products covered by this Agreement shall be of such style, appearance and quality as to be adequate and suited to their exploitation to the best advantage, protection and enhancement of KI's name and the good will pertaining to such name. Diplomat further agrees that (a) such products will be manufactured, sold and distributed in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, (b) that the policy of sale, distribution, and/or exploitation by Diplomat shall be to the best advantage of KI, Inc. and KI, and (c) that the latter policy shall in no manner reflect adversely upon the good name of KI and KI, Inc. To this end, Diplomat shall, before selling or distributing any of the products, furnish to KI, Inc. for its approval, free of cost, a reasonable number of samples of each product and the cartons, containers, packing and wrapping material for such products. The quality and style of such products, as well as of any carton, container or packing or wrapping material, shall be subject to the approval of KI, Inc., which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Failure to reject any product, carton, container, or packing or wrapping within 15 days of receipt of such item or items by KI, Inc. shall be deemed an acceptance of the quality and style of such item or items. After samples have been approved pursuant to this paragraph, Diplomat shall not depart therefrom in any material respect without KI, Inc.'s prior written consent. From time to time after Diplomat has commenced selling the products, and upon KI, Inc.'s written request, Diplomat shall furnish without cost to KI, Inc. not more than ten (10) additional random samples of each product being manufactured and sold by Diplomat under this Agreement, together with any containers and packing and wrapping material used in connection with such products.
Quality of Merchandise. (a) Licensee agrees that the Licensed Articles covered by this Agreement shall be of high standard and of such style, appearance and quality as to be adequate and suited to their exploitation to the best advantage and to the protection and enhancement of the Mark and the goodwill pertaining thereto, that such Licensed Articles will be manufactured, sold and distributed in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, and that the manufacture, sale and distribution of such Licensed Articles shall not reflect adversely upon the good name of Licensor or any of its programs or the Mark.
(b) Licensee shall, before selling or distributing any of the Licensed Articles, furnish to Licensor free of cost for its prior written approval a reasonable number of samples of each article, its cartons, containers, packing and wrapping material. The quality and style of such Licensed Articles as well as of any carton, container, packing or wrapping material shall be subject to the approval of Licensor. All Licensed Articles must be “gluten free” as that phrase is defined and used in this Agreement. Any item submitted to Licensor shall not be deemed approved unless and until the same shall be approved by Licensor in writing. After samples have been approved pursuant to this paragraph, Licensee shall not depart therefrom in any material respect without Licensors prior written consent, and Licensor shall not withdraw Its approval of the samples except on sixty (60) days' prior written notice to licensee.
(c) From time to time after Licensee has commenced selling the Licensed Articles and upon Licensor’s written request, Licensee shall furnish without cost to Licensor not more than three additional random samples of each article being manufactured and sold by Licensee hereunder, together with any cartons, containers, packing and wrapping material used in connection therewith. In addition, Licensor shall have the right to inspect Licensee’s business operations and facilities with respect to the Licensed Articles in order to assure Licensor that the quality standards and other provisions of this Agreement are being observed.
(d) Nothing contained in this paragraph shall make the Licensor responsible to the Licensee or to any third persons for the quality or suitability of the article. Without limiting the generality of the forgoing, the Licensor shall not have a responsibility to the Licensee or to any third party to determine whether a Licensed Art...
Quality of Merchandise. LICENSEE agrees that Licensed products(s) will be produced and distributed in accordance with federal, state and local laws. LICENSEE further agrees to submit a sample of said products, its cartons, containers, and packing material to LICENSOR for approval (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld). Any item not specifically disapproved at the end of fifteen (15) working days after submission shall be deemed to be approved. The product(s) may not thereafter be materially changed with out approval of the LICENSOR.
Quality of Merchandise. Concessionaire acknowledges and agrees that it is the intent of the parties to provide the air traveler and the public with facilities, service, and retail concessions of first class quality, commensurate with the standards of other first class airports. All products offered for sale by Concessionaire shall (a) be of high quality, and (b) be comparable to products served by first class retail facilities of a similar type in Los Angeles County, and (c) conform in all respects to applicable Laws; Concessionaire must adhere to the most stringent requirements in the foregoing.
Quality of Merchandise. ( a) Co mm odi t ies furn i s h ed un de r Xxxx xx m e n t specific a t io n b y n o n p r ofi t a ge n cies e m plo y i n g pe r so n s w h o a r e bli n d o r h a ve o t h e r seve r e dis a bili t ies s h a ll be m a nufa c t ur ed i n s t r ic t co m pli- a n ce wi t h s u c h specific a t io n s. Xx x x x x x specific a t io n s exis t , co mm odi t ies furn i s h ed s h a ll be of a q u a xx x x eq u a l t o o r h ig h e r t h a n s i m il a r i t e m s a v a il a ble o n t h e co mm e r ci a l m a r k e t . Co mm od- i t ies s h a ll be i n spec t ed u t ilizi n g n a- t io n a ll y r ecog n ized t es t m e t h ods a n d p r oced ur es fo r s a m pli n g a n d i n spec- t io n .
( b) S e r vices furn i s h ed b y n o n p r ofi t a ge n cies e m plo y i n g pe r so n s w h o a r e bli n d o r h a ve o t h e r seve r e dis a bili t ies s h a ll be pe r fo r m ed i n a cco r d a n ce wi t h Xxxx xx m e n t specific a t io n s a n d s t a n d- a r ds. Xx x x x x x Xxxx xx m e n t specific a- t io n s a n d s t a n d a r ds exis t , t h e se r vices s h a ll be pe r fo r m ed i n a cco r d a n ce wi t h co mm e r ci a l p r a c t ices.