Reallocation of Position or Class. 1. The merit anniversary date, status and salary step assignment of an employee whose position is reallocated from one (1) class to another class at the same salary range shall remain unchanged.
2. An employee occupying a position which is assigned to a lower pay range or reallocated to a classification which carries a lower pay range and who continues in the same position shall be treated as follows:
a. If the employee's current salary is the same as any step in the new range, the employee shall enter the new range at that step.
b. If the employee's current salary falls within the lower range but between steps, the employee's salary shall remain frozen until the employee's next merit anniversary date which results in the award of performance incentive, at which time the employee shall be placed at the next higher step.
c. If the employee's current salary exceeds the maximum of the new range, it shall remain frozen until it is the same as any step or falls between steps which appear on the salary schedule at the lower range, whichever is earlier. Salaries which are frozen shall not be subject to any salary increase including contractually negotiated adjustments or cost-of-living adjustments to the salary schedule.
d. For purposes of subsection F.2 (a, b, and c), employees whose positions are subject to a reallocation from one (1) class to another may not be paid at a longevity step unless they have earned such step in the class occupied prior to the reallocation action or until said step is earned in the class to which the position is reallocated. Time served at the final step or a longevity increment of the higher range shall be counted as time served at the final step or a longevity increment of the lower range.
3. An employee occupying a position which is reallocated to a classification which carries a higher pay range and who continues in the same position shall enter the new range at Step A or at any higher step which provides a one (1) step increase.
4. When a job class is moved from one (1) salary range to a higher salary range, the action is called a salary range change. The anniversary date and step placement of all employees subject to the action shall remain unchanged. The simultaneous reallocation of some positions to other job classes does not affect the action on the remaining positions.
Reallocation of Position or Class. 1. An employee occupying a position which is assigned to a lower pay range or reallocated to a classification which carries a lower pay range and who continues in the same position shall be treated as follows:
a. If the employee’s current wage is the same as any step in the new range, the employee shall enter the new range at that step.
b. If the employee’s current wage falls within the lower range but between steps, the employee’s wages shall remain frozen until the employee’s next merit anniversary date which results in the award of performance incentive, at which time the employee shall be placed at the next higher step.
c. If the employee’s current wage exceeds the maximum of the new range, it shall remain frozen until it is the same as any step or falls between steps which appear on the wage schedule at the lower range, whichever is earlier. Salaries, which are frozen, shall not be subject to any wage increase including contractually negotiated adjustments or cost-of-living adjustments to the wage schedule.
d. For purposes of subsection F.1 (a, b, and c), employees whose positions are subject to a reallocation from one (1) class to another may not be paid at a pay increment unless they have earned such step in the class occupied prior to the reallocation action or until such step is earned in the class to which the position is reallocated. Time served at Step F or a pay increment of the higher range shall be counted as time served at Step F for a pay increment of the lower range.
2. When a job class is moved from one (1) pay range to a higher pay range, the action is called a salary range change. The merit anniversary date and step placement of all employees subject to the action shall remain unchanged. Employees at a pay increment must serve two (2) years at the new range. The simultaneous allocation of some positions to other job classes does not affect the action on the remaining positions.