Pay Increment Sample Clauses
Pay Increment. The pay increment period for part-time employees will be the same as for full-time employees of the same group and level; the review date will be the anniversary date.
Pay Increment. The employees’ pay increment period is one (1) year for all levels of classification in the bargaining unit.
Pay Increment. The normal dwell period for part-time employees will be the same as for full time employees of the same group and level; the review date will be the anniversary date.
Pay Increment. The pay increment date for an employee, appointed to a position in the bargaining unit on promotion, demotion or from outside the Public Service after June 27, 1979, shall be the first Monday following the pay increment period listed below as calculated from the date of the promotion, demotion or appointment from outside the Public Service. The pay increment periods listed below will continue to apply to employees appointed prior to June 27, 1979.
Pay Increment a) When a pay increment and a pay revision are effective on the same date, the pay increment shall be applied first and the resulting rate shall be revised in accordance with the pay revision.
b) Where an employee’s date of appointment, pay increment or pay revision are effected on the same date, the pay increment shall be applied first, the resulting rate shall be revised in accordance with the pay revision and their rate on appointment shall be established in the revised scale of rates in the new classification level in accordance with the provisions of clauses 55.03, 55.04 or 55.05.
Pay Increment. Date The pay increment date for a full-time employee appointed to a position classification in the bargaining unit upon promotion, demotion, or from outside the House of Commons of Canada shall be the anniversary date of such appointment. 21.
Pay Increment. Administration An employee shall be granted pay increments until the maximum rate of the range established for that employee’s classification.
Pay Increment. When an employee has completed a minimum of five (500) hours of straight time work, having in each and every calendar month of the period during which those hours were accumulated the employee shall be eligible for increment (if any). If the is interrupted for more than a calendar month through closure of the Civic Theatres (or any of them), any previous accumulation of hours worked shall be retained by the employee. If an employee is rehired within three (3) months after leaving the service of the Employer, that employee shall recognition for previous hours for increment purposes and previous service shall be recognized in the appropriate step in the salary range rehire.
Pay Increment. (1) Full-Time Employees
(a) The pay increment period for a full-time employee in the FI Development level is twenty-six (26) weeks and for full-time employees at levels FI-1 to FI-4 is fifty-two (52) weeks.
(i) For full-time employees at levels FI-1 to FI-4, a pay increment shall be the next rate in the scale of rates.
(ii) For employees in the Financial Management Development range, an increase at the end of an increment period shall be to a rate in the pay range which is four hundred dollars ($400) higher than the rate at which the employee is being paid or, if there is no such rate, to the maximum of the pay range.
(b) The pay increment date for a full-time employee, appointed to a position in the bargaining unit on promotion, demotion or from outside the Public Service after April 15, 1986, shall be the anniversary date of such appointment. The anniversary date for an employee who was appointed to a position in the bargaining unit prior to April 15, 1986, remains unchanged. **
(2) Part-Time Employees A part-time employee shall be eligible to receive a pay increment when he has worked a total of eighteen hundred and ninety-one (1891) hours [effective April 1, 1999: “a total of nineteen hundred and fifty (1950) hours”] at the hourly rate of pay during a period of employment provided that the maximum rate for his level is not exceeded. The pay increment date shall be the first working day following completion of the hours specified in this clause.
Pay Increment. The pay increment date for an employee, appointed to a position in the bargaining unit on promotion, demotion or from outside the Public Service after September shall be the first Monday following the pay increment period listed below as calculated from the date of the promotion, demotion or appointment from outside the Public Service. The pay increment periods listed below will continue to apply to employees appointed prior to September Time or Time or more but more but Full-Time less than less than Level Employees full-time Development Portion weeks weeks ha f -time