REC Transfer Sample Clauses

REC Transfer. During the Delivery Term, Seller shall transfer the RECs to Buyer’s WREGIS account (Buyer’s WREGIS Account Holder Name: Rancho Mirage Energy Authority). Invoicing and Payment: During the Delivery Term, approximately once per quarter, Seller will invoice Buyer for an amount equal to the product of (a) the Contract Price and (b) the portion of the Contract Quantity delivered to Buyer, as evidenced by quantity of WREGIS Certificates transferred to Buyer’s WREGIS account by Seller. Buyer shall make payment to Seller by wire transfer or ACH payment to the bank account provided on each monthly invoice. Buyer shall pay undisputed invoice amounts on or before the twenty-third (23rd) day of the month in which the invoice was received, provided that such invoice was received by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month, otherwise the invoice will be paid on the next month’s monthly distribution date under the Security Documents (i.e., the 23rd of the month). If such due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, such due date shall be the next Business Day. Supporting Data: Because the Product is being sold by Seller to Buyer to facilitate Buyer’s compliance with the California Renewables Portfolio Standard, including the requirements of Section 399.13(b) of the California Public Utilities Code and CPUC Decision D.00-00-000, Seller will use reasonable efforts to assist Buyer, if necessary, in timely providing required data and/or documentation, as requested by jurisdictional regulatory authorities, to support Buyer’s compliance.
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REC Transfer. On or before July 31, 2024, Tri-State will transfer from Tri-State’s WREGIS account into United Power’s WREGIS account, in accordance with WREGIS Operating Rules, all 2024 RECs arising out of the Board Policy 117 Projects and/or REC Contracts that are in Tri-State’s WREGIS account on the date of such transfer and to which United Power has title and ownership pursuant to the REC Contracts. On or before August 30, 2024, United Power will transfer from United Power’s WREGIS account into Tri-State’s WREGIS account, in accordance with WREGIS Operating Rules, all 2024 RECs arising out of the Board Policy 117 Projects and/or REC Contracts that are in United Power’s WREGIS account on the date of such transfer and to which Tri-State has title and ownership pursuant to the REC Contracts. Within 15 days after the Completion of Compliance, Tri-State will transfer from Tri-State’s WREGIS account into United Power’s WREGIS account, in accordance with WREGIS Operating Rules, all 2023 and prior RECs (including any 2024 RECs created after the transfer referenced in the first sentence in this Section) that have not been retired arising out of the Board Policy 117 Projects and/or REC Contracts that are in Tri-State’s WREGIS account and to which United Power has title and ownership pursuant to the REC Contracts. None of these transfers by Tri-State will include any RECs that Tri-State purchased pursuant to the REC Contracts or any RECs that are retired as part of United Power’s compliance with its RPS compliance obligation. Each Party will be responsible for any WREGIS transfer fees that WREGIS assesses to that Party. On or before February 1, 2024, United Power shall notify Tri-State in writing to which WREGIS account the United Power’s RECs will be transferred at the times described herein. The number of RECs to be retired as part of United Power’s 2023 Colorado RPS compliance obligation are not known as of the Agreement Date.
REC Transfer. During the Delivery Term, Seller shall transfer the RECs to Buyer’s WREGIS account (Buyer’s WREGIS Account Holder Name: San Jacinto Power).
REC Transfer. Se ller shall transfer all RECs g ene rated b y the Facility d uring e ach month of the De live ry Te rm to Buye r via WREGIS p ursuant to the time line s in WREGIS O p e rating Rule s. Op e rations and Maintenance: Se lle r shall not sche d ule any non-e me rg e ncy mainte xxxxx that red uces the ene rg y g ene ration and / or storag e cap ab ility of the Facility, as ap p licab le , b y more than te n p e rce nt (10%) d uring the months of June throug h Se p te mb e r, unle ss (i) such outag e is re q uire d to avoid d amag e to the Facility, (ii) such mainte xxxxx is ne ce ssary to maintain e q uip me nt warrantie s and cannot b e sched uled outsid e the months of June throug h Sep temb e r, (iii) such outag e is re q uire d in accord ance with p xxx e nt e le ctrical p ractice s, or (iv) the p xxxxx s ag re e othe rwise in writing . Se lle r shall p rovid e its outag e sche d ule no late r than Se p te mb e r 1st of each year p reced ing such outag e (s). The outag e sched ule for each Contract Yea r shall not e xceed 240 hours. RPS Comp liance: Se lle r shall e nsure the Facility ob tains O re g on RPS Ce rtification within nine ty (90) d ays of the Comme rcial O p e ration Date and shall maintain such ce rtification d uring the De live ry Te rm. La b or Requirement: All p roje ct lab or must comp ly with the re q uire ments of O reg on House Bill 2021, as ap p licab le . Union lab or must b e utilize d for major construction activitie s re late d to the Facility and must includ e a Project Lab or Ag reement req uirement in any re la xxx e xecuted Eng ine e ring , Procure me nt and Construction Ag reements. The lab or g roup that constructs and maintains the Facility must have p olicie s in p lace that are d e sig ne d to limit or p re ve nt workp lace harassme nt and d iscrimination. Ad d itionally, such lab or g roup must have p olicie s in p lace that are d e sig ne d to p romote workp lace d ive rsity, e q uity and inclusion of communitie s who have b e e n trad itionally und e rre p re se nte d in the xxxx wab le ene rg y sector includ ing , b ut not limited to, wome n, ve xx xxxx and Black, Ind ig enous and Pe op le of Color, with an asp irational g oal of having at le ast fifte e n (15) p e rce nt of the total work hours p e rforme d b y ind ivid uals from those communitie s. Buye r Conditions Precedent: Buye r’s ob lig ations shall b e cond itione d and will b e come e ffective only up on the occurrence of each and e ve ry one of the fo llowin...

Related to REC Transfer

  • Transfer or Sale The Investor understands that (i) the Securities may not be offered for sale, sold, assigned or transferred unless (A) registered pursuant to the Securities Act or (B) an exemption exists permitting such Securities to be sold, assigned or transferred without such registration; (ii) any sale of the Securities made in reliance on Rule 144 may be made only in accordance with the terms of Rule 144 and further, if Rule 144 is not applicable, any resale of the Securities under circumstances in which the seller (or the Person through whom the sale is made) may be deemed to be an underwriter (as that term is defined in the Securities Act) may require compliance with some other exemption under the Securities Act or the rules and regulations of the SEC thereunder.

  • Stop Transfer The Securities are restricted securities as of the date of this Agreement. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries will issue any stop transfer order or other order impeding the sale and delivery of any of the Securities at such time as the Securities are registered for public sale or an exemption from registration is available, except as required by state and federal securities laws.

  • Asset Transfer Seller shall have delivered to Buyer the following instruments of transfer and assignment in accordance with the provisions hereof, transferring to Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Assets, free and clear of all Liens:

  • Valid Transfer This Agreement or, in the case of Additional Accounts, the related Assignment constitutes a valid sale, transfer and assignment to the Trust of all right, title and interest of the Seller in the Receivables and the Collateral Security and the proceeds thereof and all of the Seller's rights, remedies, powers and privileges with respect to the Receivables under the Receivables Purchase Agreement and, upon the filing of the financing statements described in Section 2.01 with the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan and, in the case of the Receivables hereafter created and the proceeds thereof, upon the creation thereof, the Trust shall have a first priority perfected ownership interest in such property, subject to the rights of the Purchased Receivables Owners in any Collateral Security in respect of the Partial Accounts (other than the Vehicles relating to Principal Receivables arising in the Partial Accounts), except for Liens permitted under Section 2.07(a). Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither the Seller nor any Person claiming through or under the Seller has any claim to or interest in the Trust Assets. The representations and warranties set forth in this Section 2.03 shall survive the transfer and assignment of the Receivables to the Trust and the issuance of the Certificates. Upon discovery by the Seller, the Servicer, any Agent or the Trustee of a breach of any of the foregoing representations and warranties, the party discovering such breach shall give prompt written notice to the other parties, any Agent and to any Enhancement Providers. In the event of any breach of any of the representations and warranties set forth in this Section 2.03 having a material adverse effect on the interests of the Investor Certificateholders, then either the Trustee or the Holders of Investor Certificates evidencing not less than a majority in aggregate unpaid principal amount of all outstanding Investor Certificates, by notice then given in writing to the Seller (and to the Trustee, any Enhancement Providers and the Servicer if given by the Investor Certificateholders), may direct the Seller to purchase the Certificateholders' Interest within 60 days of such notice (or within such longer period as may be specified in such notice), and the Seller shall be obligated to make such purchase on a Distribution Date occurring within such 60-day period on the terms and conditions set forth below; provided, however, that no such purchase shall be required to be made if, by the end of such 60-day period (or such longer period as may be specified), the representations and warranties set forth in this Section 2.03 shall be satisfied in all material respects, and any material adverse effect on the Certificateholders' Interest caused thereby shall have been cured. The Seller shall deposit in the Collection Account in immediately available funds on the Business Day preceding such Distribution Date, in payment for such purchase, an amount equal to the sum of the amounts specified therefor with respect to each outstanding Series in the related Supplement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, such amounts shall be distributed to the Investor Certificateholders on such Distribution Date in accordance with Article IV and the terms of each Supplement. If the Trustee or the Investor Certificateholders give notice directing the Seller to purchase the Certificateholders' Interest as provided above, the obligation of the Seller to purchase the Certificateholders' Interest pursuant to this Section 2.03 shall constitute the sole remedy respecting an event of the type specified in the first sentence of this Section 2.03 available to the Investor Certificateholders (or the Trustee on behalf of the Investor Certificateholders).

  • Permitted Transfer Notwithstanding anything in this Article 5 to the contrary, Tenant may assign its interest in this Lease or sublease all or any part of the Premises (each a “Permitted Transfer”) to a Permitted Transferee (defined below) with notice to Landlord (delivered prior to the Transfer, or in the event Tenant is prohibited from doing so by Applicable Laws or contractual obligations, then as soon as reasonably practical) but without Landlord’s prior written consent; provided, that (i) with respect to a Permitted Transfer involving an assignment of this Lease, the Permitted Transferee assumes this Lease by a written assumption agreement delivered to Landlord prior to the effective date of such Permitted Transfer (unless such prior delivery is prohibited by Applicable Laws, in which event Tenant shall deliver such assumption agreement as soon as allowed), (ii) the Permitted Transferee shall use the Premises only for the Permitted Use, (iii) the use of the Premises by the Permitted Transferee shall not violate any other agreements or leases affecting the Property, (iv) the occurrence of a Permitted Transfer shall not waive Landlord’s rights as to any subsequent Transfer, (v) the Permitted Transferee shall satisfy the Credit Requirement (defined below), and (vi) Tenant shall have given Landlord written notice at least thirty (30) day before such Transfer (unless such notice is prohibited by applicable Law, in which event Tenant shall give such notice within ten days following such Transfer). As used herein, (A) “Affiliate” means any person or entity who or which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Tenant, (ii) a corporation or other entity which shall be a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tenant, (iii) the parent corporation or other entity that wholly owns Tenant, or (iv) a subsidiary of such parent corporation or other entity that wholly owns Tenant, or a corporation or other entity having a majority of its ownership in common with the ownership of Tenant, or (v) a Successor corporation, limited liability company or other entity; (B) “Successor” means any (i) business entity in which or with which Tenant is merged or consolidated in accordance with applicable statutory provisions governing merger and consolidation of business entities, so long as Tenant’s obligations under this Lease are assumed by the Successor, or (ii) the successor or surviving corporation or other entity in the event of a merger or consolidation of the Tenant with another corporation, so long as Tenant’s obligations under this Lease are assumed by the Successor; (C) “Purchaser” means any person or entity who or which acquires all or substantially all of the assets or equity interests of Tenant; (D) “Permitted Transferee” means an Affiliate, Successor or Purchaser. The “Credit Requirement” shall be deemed satisfied if, as of the effective date of the Permitted Transfer, the resulting tenant under this Lease meets or exceeds all of following minimum criteria immediately following the Transfer: (i) cash on hand equal to at least Two Billion Dollars ($2,000,000,000) according to the Permitted Transferee’s most recent financial statement, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”), (ii) outstanding debt of not more than sixty (60%) of the Permitted Transferee’s available cash on hand (as determined pursuant to the foregoing subsection (i) according to the Permitted Transferee’s most recent financial statement, determined in accordance with GAAP, and (iii) a market capitalization equal to at least Five Billion Three Hundred Million Dollars ($5,300,000,000).

  • Transfer Subject to Section 6(b)(ii), neither this Agreement nor any interest or obligation in or under this Agreement may be transferred (whether by way of security or otherwise) by either party without the prior written consent of the other party, except that:—

  • Exchange, Transfer or Assignment of Warrant This Warrant is exchangeable, without expense, at the option of the Holder, upon presentation and surrender hereof to the Company or at the office of its stock transfer agent, if any, for other Warrants of different denominations, entitling the Holder or Holders thereof to purchase in the aggregate the same number of shares of Common Stock purchasable hereunder. Upon surrender of this Warrant to the Company or at the office of its stock transfer agent, if any, with the Assignment Form annexed hereto duly executed and funds sufficient to pay any transfer tax, the Company shall, without charge, execute and deliver a new Warrant in the name of the assignee named in such instrument of assignment and this Warrant shall promptly be canceled. This Warrant may be divided or combined with other Warrants that carry the same rights upon presentation hereof at the office of the Company or at the office of its stock transfer agent, if any, together with a written notice specifying the names and denominations in which new Warrants are to be issued and signed by the Holder hereof.


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