Release by the Aggrieved Employees Sample Clauses

Release by the Aggrieved Employees. Upon the Payment Obligation and Release 20 Date, Plaintiff, on behalf of himself and on behalf of all who claim by and through him, or in his 21 stead, including every Aggrieved Employee (which includes any legal heirs and/or successors-in- 22 interest of every Aggrieved Employee) and as proxy and representative of the State of California 24 Period. Plaintiff as the proxy and representative of the State of California LWDA and Aggrieved 25 Employees agree not to sue or otherwise make a claim against any of the Release Parties for the 26 PAGA Released Claims. The seventy-five percent of each of the Tier 1 PAGA Payment and the 27 Tier 2 PAGA Payment (both of which are to be paid to the LWDA) and the Individual PAGA 28 Settlement Payments (which shall be paid to Aggrieved Employees) are made specifically in 1 exchange for the release of the Released Parties from the PAGA Released Claims and covenant 2 not to sue for those claims. The Final Approval Order and Judgment shall have the effect of 3 binding all Aggrieved Employees and State of California labor law enforcement agencies 4 pursuant to Xxxxx v. Superior Court, 46 Cal. 4th 969, 986 (2009).
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Related to Release by the Aggrieved Employees

  • Injured Employees In the event of an employee sustaining injuries at work and becoming physically handicapped as a result thereof, every effort shall be made by the Employer to give the injured employee such suitable employment as is available.

  • Newly Hired Employees All employees hired to an insurance eligible position must make their benefit elections by their initial effective date of coverage as defined in this Article, Section 5C. Insurance eligible employees will automatically be enrolled in basic life coverage. If employees eligible for a full Employer Contribution do not choose a health plan administrator and a primary care clinic by their initial effective date, and do not waive medical coverage, they will be enrolled in a Benefit Level Two clinic (or Level One, if available) that meets established access standards in the health plan with the largest number of Benefit Level One and Two clinics in the county of the employee’s residence at the beginning of the insurance year. If an employee does not choose a health plan administrator and primary care clinic by their initial effective date, but was previously covered as a dependent immediately prior to their initial effective date, they will be defaulted to the plan administrator and primary care clinic in which they were previously enrolled.

  • Excluded Employees Employees excluded from the bargaining unit who work for an Employer signatory to this Agreement may participate in any of the foregoing benefits under rules and regulations established by the Trustees. The trustees shall determine the contributions required for such benefits.

  • Rehired Employees Amounts forfeited upon termination of employment because of the failure to meet the applicable vesting requirements shall not be reinstated or re-credited if an individual is subsequently rehired or re-employed by the School Corporation. However, if the Board shall have approved a leave of absence of not more than one (1) fiscal year for an employee, such period of leave shall not result in forfeiture provided the employee shall promptly return to employment following the expiration of the period of the leave.

  • Permanent Part-Time Employees (1) Pay and benefits will be computed on a prorated monthly or pay period basis, such as one-half (½) monthly or pay period pay for a half-time employee, or pay will be computed on an hourly basis, and pay and benefits will be normally prorated on a pay period, pay status basis. Permanent part-time employees in permanent full-time positions will be treated as permanent part-time for purposes of this Article.

  • Permanent Employees The allocations outlined in paragraphs b) and c) above will be provided on the first day of each fiscal year, or the first day of employment, subject to the exceptions below: Where a permanent Employee is accessing sick leave and/or the short-term disability plan in a fiscal year and the absence continues into the following fiscal year for the same medical condition, the permanent Employee will continue to access any unused sick leave days or short-term disability days from the previous fiscal year’s allocation. A new allocation will not be provided to the permanent Employee until s/he has returned to work and completed eleven (11) consecutive working days at their regular working hours. The permanent Employee’s new sick leave allocation will be eleven (11) days at 100% wages. The permanent Employee will also be allocated one hundred and twenty (120) short term disability days payable at ninety percent (90%) of regular salary reduced by any paid sick days already taken in the current fiscal year. If a permanent Employee is absent on his/her last regularly scheduled work day and the first regularly scheduled work day of the following year for unrelated reasons, the allocation outlined above will be provided on the first day of the fiscal year, provided the employee submits medical documentation to support the absence, in accordance with paragraph (h).

  • Shift Employees Employees who work rotating shift patterns or those who work qualifying shifts shall be entitled, on completion of 12 months employment on shift work, to up to an additional 5 days annual leave, based on the number of qualifying shifts worked. The entitlement will be calculated on the annual leave anniversary date. Qualifying shifts are defined as a shift which involves at least 2 hours work performed outside the hours of 8.00am to 5.00pm, excluding overtime. Number of qualifying shifts per annum Number of days additional leave per annum 121 or more 5 days 96 – 120 4 days 71 – 95 3 days 46 – 70 2 days 21 – 45 1 day

  • Intermittent Employees On the first day of the monthly pay period following completion of each period of 160 hours or 20 days of paid employment, each intermittent employee in the State civil service shall be allowed one (1) day of credit for sick leave with pay. The hours or days worked in excess of 160 hours or 20 days in a monthly pay period shall not be counted or accumulated.

  • Retired Employees A. Employees who retire under the Florida Retirement System shall be eligible, upon request, to receive on the same basis as other employees the following benefits at the University, subject to University Regulations and policies:

  • Terminating Employees A) When a regular employee with more than twelve (12) months’ service terminates employment, the Employer shall pay for vacation entitlement accrued to the date of termination, less vacation pay if any, paid in accordance with this Article. Such vacation entitlement shall be calculated as follows: Days paid* (excluding overtime) to June 30 (in previous vacation x regular pay) x yearly vacation entitlement 261 +(plus) Days paid* (excluding overtime) to July 1 in the vacation year to the date of termination (inclusive) x regular pay x yearly vacation entitlement 261 * includes leave without pay up to twenty (20) days (reference Article 37 Leave – General)

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