DELTA DENTAL Sample Clauses

DELTA DENTAL. The school district shall provide Delta Dental 100/90/90/80 insurance for all full time members.
DELTA DENTAL. Delta Dental Plan of Oklahoma or any Delta Dental Plan who is a member of the Delta Dental Plans Association.
DELTA DENTAL. Delta Dental Plan of Oklahoma, also referred to as DDPOK and/or Claims Administrator, or any Delta Dental Plan which is a member of the Delta Dental Plans Association.
DELTA DENTAL. The Board shall provide for all members of the bargaining unit full-family dental coverage at no cost to the teacher. Teachers who are not covered under another dental insurance plan shall be provided with Michigan Education Special Service Association Delta Dental Plan Auto+ with orthodontic rider 0-8, with internal and external coordination of benefits for all teachers in the bargaining unit and their eligible dependents. The maximum annual benefit level shall be equal to one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500). Teachers who are covered under another dental insurance plan either through Lake Orion Schools or another employer shall be provided with Michigan Education Special Service Association Dental Plan C (50% coverage-Class I and II) with 0-1 (50% coverage Class III). This will include internal and external coordination of benefits. The maximum annual benefit level shall be equal to one thousand dollars ($1,000).
DELTA DENTALThe Town of Barrington agrees to assume the full cost of family coverage for the Delta Dental program, Levels I, II, III and IV, with Student Rider to Age 25, offered by Rhode Island Hospital Service Corporation (Blue Cross) or a comparable dental insurance program to all employees hired before June 30, 1993, except that unmarried employees employed with the Town prior to June 30, 1993, shall be furnished individual coverage under said Delta Dental or a comparable program. The Town of Barrington agrees to assume 80% of the cost of family or individual dental coverage for the said or comparable plans for Employees hired after June 30, 1993. The remaining 20% of dental insurance costs shall be paid by the employee.
DELTA DENTALMedical Plans: 1. CCHP Plan A & Plan B 2. Xxxxxx Permanente Plan A & Plan B 3. Health Net HMO Plan A & Plan B 4. Health Net PPO Plan A
DELTA DENTAL. The School Board agrees to provide Delta Dental (Plan One) CIGNA Dental or an equivalent plan and pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost for single, two person, or family plan.
DELTA DENTAL. As of July 1, 1992, all active, permanent police officers (a) Beginning July 1, 1994, all police officers of the Town of Tiverton shall be allowed to purchase as their own expense any additional dental riders currently offered by the dental carriers contracted by the Town of Tiverton, provided such riders are available. The selection of riders will be done so under the carriers guidelines and shall not bear any cost to the Town of Tiverton. (b) Effective August 1, 1994, all active members of the Tiverton Police Department shall be supplied with Delta Dental Levels I, II, Ill, IV (adult) benefits, family The cost to the Town of Tiverton for Level Ill dependents family benefits upgrade shall be Limited to and not to exceed Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per employee per year. Cost in excess of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) shall be paid by the employee through payroll deduction. The cost to the Town of Tiverton for Level IV (adult) employees and dependents benefit upgrade shall be limited to and not to exceed Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per employee per year. Cost in excess of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) shall be paid by the employee through payroll deduction. (c) In the event the active members receiving the above-named benefits in sub-section (b) request to drop said benefits from the current contract may do so at the beginning of any new fiscal year as an entire group.
DELTA DENTALThe Town shall pay 100% the cost of Delta Dental Level I, II, III and IV, plus Student Rider to Age 25, for members of the Police Department and their dependents.
DELTA DENTALFor 2019 CCCERA’s employer monthly premium subsidy is a set dollar amount and is not a percentage of the dental plan premium charged by Delta Dental. Below are the employer monthly premium subsidies provided for 2019 only: