Final Approval of Settlement. 1. If this Settlement Agreement is preliminarily approved by the Court, Class Counsel shall present a motion requesting that the Court issue a Final Order and Judgment directing the entry of judgment pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b) substantially in the form attached as Exhibit 2.
2. The Parties agree to fully cooperate with each other to accomplish the terms of this Settlement Agreement, including but not limited to, execution of such documents and to take such other action as may reasonably be necessary to implement the terms of this Settlement Agreement. The Parties shall use their best efforts, including all efforts contemplated by this Settlement Agreement and any other efforts that may become necessary by order of the Court, or otherwise, to effectuate this Settlement Agreement and the terms set forth herein. Such best efforts shall include taking all reasonable steps to secure entry of a Final Order and Judgment, as well as supporting the Settlement and the terms of this Settlement Agreement through any appeal.
Final Approval of Settlement. Not later than 60 days before the Fairness Hearing, Class Counsel shall file a Motion for Final Approval of the Settlement. Plaintiffs shall request that the Court enter the Final Approval Order, which shall specifically include provisions that: (a) finally approve the Settlement as fair, reasonable and adequate to the Settlement Class Members; (b) find that the Class Notice as given was the best notice practicable under the circumstances, is due and sufficient notice to the Settlement Class and fully satisfies the requirements of due process and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23; (c) approve the plan of distribution of the Settlement Fund; (d) finally certify the Settlement Class; (e) confirm that Plaintiffs and the Settlement Class Members have released all Released Claims and are permanently barred and enjoined from asserting, commencing, prosecuting or continuing any of the Released Claims against the Discharged Parties; and (f) dismiss the Action with prejudice, without costs to any Party, except as provided in this Agreement, and subject to the Court’s retaining continuing jurisdiction over the Parties and the Settlement Fund for the purpose of enforcement of the terms of this Agreement.
Final Approval of Settlement. If this Agreement is preliminarily approved by the Court, Class Counsel shall present a motion requesting that the Court issue a Final Order and Judgment directing the entry of judgment pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b) substantially in the form attached as Exhibit A.
Final Approval of Settlement. Class Counsel will file a motion seeking the Court’s Final Judgment as to the Proposed Settlement at a Final Approval Hearing to be held at a time, date, and location that will be stated in the Preliminary Approval Order, and listed in the Class Notice. The Parties will request that the Final Approval Hearing be held at the earliest date that is at least 130 days after the Preliminary Approval Order that the Court is available to hear the matter or as soon as possible thereafter. Class Counsel shall request the Court to enter a Final Judgment substantially in the form of the Final Order and Judgment Approving Settlement and Dismissing Action with Prejudice attached hereto as Exhibit 4, approving the Proposed Settlement without material alteration, and directing the Parties and their counsel to comply with and consummate the terms of this Agreement, as well as:
Final Approval of Settlement. A court may approve a proposed class action settlement of a certified class only “after a hearing and on finding that it is fair, reasonable, and adequate after considering whether: (a) the class representatives and class counsel have adequately represented the class; (b) the proposal was negotiated at arm’s length; (c) the relief provided for the class is adequate, taking into account: (i) 15 the costs, risks, and delay of trial and appeal; (ii) the effectiveness of any proposed method of distributing relief to the class, including the method of processing class-member claims; (iii) the terms of any proposed award of attorney’s fees, including timing of payment; and (iv) any 18 agreement required to be identified under Rule 23(e)(3); and (d) the proposal treats class members equitably relative to each other.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e)(2).1 In reviewing the proposed settlement, 1 Prior to the amendments to Rule 23, which took effect December 1, 2018, the Ninth Circuit had 22 enumerated a similar list of factors to consider in evaluating a proposed class settlement. See
Final Approval of Settlement. The Notice shall contain a date, time, and location for a “Final Approval Hearing.” The Final Approval Hearing shall be held on a date approved by the Court no earlier than Forty-Five
Final Approval of Settlement. 1. If this Settlement Agreement is preliminarily approved by the Court, and pursuant to a schedule set forth in the Preliminary Approval Order or otherwise agreed to by the Parties, Class Counsel shall present a motion requesting that the Court grant final approval of the Settlement and issue a Final Order and Judgment approving the Settlement, dismissing the Action with prejudice, and directing the entry of judgment pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b) substantially in a form to be agreed by the Parties.
2. The Parties agree to fully cooperate with each other to accomplish the terms of this Settlement Agreement, including but not limited to, execution of such documents and to take such other action as may reasonably be necessary to implement the terms of this Settlement Agreement. The Parties shall use their best efforts, including all efforts contemplated by this Settlement Agreement and any other efforts that may become necessary by order of the Court, or otherwise, to effectuate this Settlement Agreement and the terms set forth herein. Such best efforts shall include taking all reasonable steps to secure entry of a Final Order and Judgment, as well as supporting the Settlement and the terms of this Settlement Agreement through any appeal.
Final Approval of Settlement. 1. Once the Court enters a Preliminary Approval Order, counsel for the Parties shall use their best efforts to promptly obtain entry of a Final Order and Judgment that:
a. Finds the Settlement Agreement to be fair, reasonable, and adequate;
b. Finds that the Class Notice given constitutes the best notice practicable;
c. Provides for payment of attorney fees, costs, and service awards as provided in Section VII;
d. Approves the release specified in Section VI as binding and effective as to all Class Members who have not properly excluded themselves from the Class;
e. Directs that judgment be entered on the terms stated herein; and
f. Provides that the Court will retain jurisdiction over the Parties and Class Members to enforce the terms of the Final Order and Judgment.
Final Approval of Settlement. 83. Class Counsel will file a motion seeking the Court’s Final Judgment as to the Proposed Settlement at a Final Approval Hearing to be held at a time, date, and location that will be stated in the Preliminary Approval Order and listed in the Class Notice. The Parties will request that the Final Approval Hearing be held at the earliest date that is at least 130 days after the Preliminary Approval Order that the Court is available to hear the matter or as soon as possible thereafter. Class Counsel shall request the Court to enter a Final Approval Order in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 5 and without any material alterations thereto.
Final Approval of Settlement. 88. Class Counsel will file a motion seeking the Court’s Final Judgment as to the Proposed Settlement at a Final Approval Hearing to be held at a time, date, and location that will be stated in the Preliminary Approval Order and listed in the Class Notice. The Parties will request that the Final Approval Hearing be held at the earliest date, that is at least 130 days after the Preliminary Approval Order that the Court is available to hear the matter or as soon as possible thereafter. Class Counsel shall request the Court to enter a Final Judgment substantially in the form of the Final Order and Judgment Approving Settlement and Dismissing Action with Prejudice attached hereto as Exhibit E, except for any substantive support or case law added by Class Counsel with the agreement of Counsel for Defendant, approving the Proposed Settlement without material alteration, and directing the Parties and their counsel to comply with and consummate the terms of this Agreement, as well as:
a) Certifying the Settlement Class for settlement purposes;
b) Finding that Class Counsel and the Named Plaintiff have adequately represented the Settlement Class;
c) Finding that the Court has personal jurisdiction over the Named Plaintiff and all members of the Settlement Class for the purpose of this Settlement only, and that the Court has subject matter jurisdiction to approve the Agreement and all exhibits thereto;
d) Finding that the terms of the Settlement are fair, reasonable, and adequate to the Settlement Class and in compliance with due process, federal and Louisiana law;
e) Providing that each member of the Settlement Class who has not excluded him, her, or itself therefrom in accordance with the Court’s prior orders shall be bound by the provisions of the Settlement, including the applicable Releases;
f) Finding that the Class Notice implemented pursuant to this Settlement and approved by the Court was reasonable and the best practicable notice and satisfies the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, as well as all the requirements of due process under the Louisiana and United States Constitutions;
g) Dismissing all claims in the Action, and as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, on the merits and with prejudice, and entering final judgment thereon with a finding that there is no just reason to delay enforcement or appeal;
h) Approving the payment of the attorneys’ fees and costs to Class Counsel, and the Class Representative Fee to the Named Plaintiff,...