Required Contents. Every notice (other than the giving or withholding of consent or approval under the provisions of the Lease) given to a party shall state the section of the Lease pursuant to which the notice is given; the period of time within which the recipient of the notice must respond (or, if no response is required, a statement to that effect); and if applicable, that the failure to object to the notice within the stated time period will be deemed to be the equivalent of the recipient’s approval, consent to, or satisfaction with the subject matter of the notice.
Required Contents. Design-Builder shall include the following in each Application for Payment and each shall be a condition precedent to Owner’s payment:
Required Contents. Construction Manager shall include the following in each Application for Payment and each shall be a condition precedent to Owner’s payment:
Required Contents. Construction Manager shall include the following in each Application for Payment and each shall be a condition precedent to Owner’s payment: Schedule of Values. An updated Schedule of Values showing all committed contracts and current expenses pertaining to the Work.
Required Contents. The Program Funding Application will be filed in writing in affidavit form and include the following information:
a. the name and contact information of the applicant and its principal offices;
b. a resolution of the applicant representing that the filing of the application has been duly authorized by the governing body or other appropriate official of the applicant;
c. a description of the purposes for which Program Funding is sought;
d. a statement that the Implementing Agreement, HCP, the Permit or other appropriate regulatory document authorizes the proposed Conservation Measure or other Program activity to be performed;
e. citations to all appropriate Program Documents demonstrating that the proposed Conservation Measure or other Program activity is authorized to be performed;
f. the approved Annual Party Work Plan and Cost Estimate for the period for which Program Funding is sought, including the project schedule, budget, and contractors or subcontractors who will be performing the work;
g. a description of the procurement process utilized by the applicant to secure bids or proposals and a demonstration that the bid or proposal selected is lawful and reasonable;
Required Contents. Contractor shall include the following in each Application for Payment and each is a condition precedent to Owner’s payment:
Required Contents a. A list of each public highway-rail grade crossing, private highway-rail grade crossing, and pedestrian crossing within the quiet zone, identified by both the U.S. National Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Inventory Number, and by street or highway name.
b. A statement of the time period within which restriction on the routine sounding of the locomotive horn will be imposed. (i.e., 24-hours or from 10 p.m. until 7 a.m.).
c. A brief explanation of the public authority's tentative plans for implementing improvements within the proposed quiet zone.
d. The name and title of the person who will act as point of contact during quiet zone development process and the manner in which that person can be contacted.
e. A list of the names and addresses of each party that shall be notified in accordance with §222.43(a)(1).
Required Contents a. A list of each public highway-rail grade crossing, private highway-rail grade crossing, and pedestrian crossing within the quiet zone, identified by both the U.S. National Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Inventory Number, and by street or highway name.
b. A specific reference to the regulatory provision that provides the basis for quiet zone establishment, citing as appropriate: • §222.39(a)(l), implementation of SSMs at every public crossing in the New Quiet Zone or New Partial Quiet Zone; • §222.39(a)(2)(i), the QZRI is at or below the NSRT without installation of any SSMs at the new Quiet Zone or New Partial Quiet Zone; • §222.39(a)(2)(ii), SSMs were implemented as some crossings in the New Quiet Zone or New Partial Quiet Zone to bring the QZRI to a level below the NSRT; • §222.39(a)(3), SSMs were implemented as some crossings in the New Quiet Zone or New Partial Quiet Zone to bring the QZRI to a level at or below the RIWH; or • §222.39(b) public authority application to the FRA for a New Quiet Zone or New Partial Quiet Zone.
c. If a diagnostic team is required under §222.25 (private crossings) or §222.27 (pedestrian crossings), the Notice shall include a statement affmning that the State agency responsible for grade crossing safety and all affected railroads were provided an opportunity to participate in the diagnostic team review. The notice must also include a list of recommendations made by the diagnostic team.
d. A statement of the time period within which restriction on the routine sounding of the locomotive horn will be imposed. (i.e., 24-hours or from 10 p.m. until 7 a.m.). SCRRA EXHIBIT A-41
e. An accurate and complete Grade Crossing Inventory Form for each public highway-rail grade, pedestrian highway-rail grade crossing, and private crossing within the quiet zone that reflects conditions existing at the crossing before any new SSMs or ASMs were implemented.
f. An accurate, complete, and current Grade Crossing Inventory Form for each public, pedestrian, and private crossing within the quiet zone that reflects SSMs and ASMs in place upon establishment of the quiet zone. SSMs and ASMs that cannot fully be described on the Inventory form shall be separately described.
g. If the public authority was required to file a Notice of Intent in accordance with §222.43(a)(l), the Notice of Quiet Zone Establishment shall contain a written statement affirming that the Notice of Intent was provided in accordance with §222.43(a)(l). This statement shall also s...
Required Contents. A development rights and responsibilities agreement shall include:
(1) a legal description of the real property subject to the agreement;
(2) the names of the persons having a legal or equitable interest in the real property subject to the agreement;
(3) the duration of the agreement;
(4) the permissible uses of the real property;
(5) the density or intensity of use of the real property;
(6) the maximum height and size of structures to be located on the real property;
(7) a description of the permits required or already approved for the development of the real property;
(8) a statement that the proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan and development regulations of the local jurisdiction;
(9) a description of the conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements determined by the local governing body of the local jurisdiction to be necessary to ensure the public health, safety, or welfare; and
(10) to the extent applicable, provisions for the:
(i) dedication of a portion of the real property for public use;
(ii) protection of sensitive areas;
(iii) preservation and restoration of historic structures; and
(iv) construction or financing of public facilities.
Required Contents. Each submittal must include the Project name and contract number, Contractor’s name and address, the name and address of any Subcontractor or supplier involved with the submittal, the date, and references to applicable Specification section(s) and/or drawing and detail number(s).