Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by Xxxxxxx, the sub-recipient/contractor (auditee) shall submit an annual audit to Shawano if the total amount of annual funding provided by Shawano (from any and all of its Divisions taken collectively) for all contracts is $100,000 or more. In determining the amount of annual funding provided by Shawano, the sub-recipient/contractor shall consider both: (1) funds provided through direct contracts with Shawano; and (2) funds from Shawano, passed through another agency which has one or more contracts with the sub-recipient/contractor. The audit shall be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, Wisconsin Statute § 46.036, Government Auditing Standards as issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, and other provisions specified in this contract. In addition, the sub- recipient/contractor is responsible for ensuring that the audit complies with other standards and guidelines that may be applicable depending on the type of services provided and the amount of pass-through dollars received. Please reference the following audit documents for complete audit requirements: • 2 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Subpart F - Audits. The guidance also includes an Annual Compliance Supplement that details specific federal agency rules for accepting federal sub-awards. • The State Single Audit Guidelines (SSAG) expand on the requirements of 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F by identifying additional conditions that require a state single audit. Section 1.3 lists the required conditions. • The DHS Audit Guide is an appendix to the SSAG and contains additional DHS- specific audit guidance for those entities meet the SSAG requirements. It also provides guidance for those entities that are not required to have a Single Audit but need to comply with DHS sub-recipient/contractor audit requirements. An audit report is due Shawano if a sub-recipient/contractor receives more than $100,000 in pass-through money from Shawano, as determined by Wisconsin Statute § 46.036.
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by DHS, the Grantee shall submit an annual audit to DHS if the total amount of annual funding provided by DHS (from any and all of its Divisions or subunits taken collectively) through this and other Grants is $100,000 or more. In determining the amount of annual funding provided by DHS, the Grantee shall consider both: (a) funds provided through direct Grants with DHS; and (b) funds from DHS passed through another agency which has one or more Grants with the Grantee.
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by DCF, the Contractor shall submit an annual audit to DCF. The audit shall be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, s.49.34(4)(c), Wis. Stats., Government Auditing Standards, and other provisions in this Contract. In addition, the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the audit complies with other standards that may be applicable depending on the types of services provided, and the nature and amount of financial reimbursement received: • OMB Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200 and 45 CFR Part 75, where applicable, Audit Requirements. • The State Single Audit Guidelines (SSAG), including the yearly Appendix, which are applicable to Local Governments having 2 CFR Part 200 and 45 CFR Part 75, where applicable, audits; and/or • The Provider Agency Audit Guide (PAAG). All Contractors which do not meet the requirements of the SSAG shall have audits in conformance with the PAAG.
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by DCF, the Contractor shall submit an annual audit to DCF. The audit shall be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, s.49.34(4)(c), Wis. Stats., Government • OMB Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200, Audit Requirements. • The State Single Audit Guidelines (SSAG), including the yearly Appendix, which are applicable to Local Governments having 2 CFR Part 200 audits; and/or • The Provider Agency Audit Guide (PAAG). All Contractors which do not meet the requirements of the SSAG shall have audits in conformance with the PAAG.
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by DCF, the County shall submit an annual audit to DCF. The audit shall be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, s.49.34(4)(c), Wis. Stats., Government Auditing Standards, and other provisions in this Contract. In addition, the County is responsible for ensuring that the audit complies with other standards that may be applicable depending on the types of services provided, and the nature and amount of financial reimbursement received: • OMB Federal Awards Requirements, 2 CFR Part 200 – Requirements for Pass‐through Entities, 2 CFR Part 200 – Audit Requirements, and 45 CFR Part 75 when applicable • The State Single Audit Guidelines (SSAG), including the yearly Appendix, which are applicable to local governments having 2 CFR Part 200 audits and 45 CFR Part 75 when applicable; and/or • The Provider Agency Audit Guide (PAAG). All Counties which do not meet the requirements of the SSAG shall have audits in conformance with the PAAG.
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by DHS, the Supplier shall submit an annual audit to DHS if the total amount of annual funding provided by DHS (from any and all of its Divisions or subunits taken collectively) through this and other Grants is $25,000 or more. In determining the amount of annual funding provided by DHS, the Supplier shall consider both:
(a) funds provided through direct Grants with the DHS; and (b) funds from DHS passed through another agency which has one or more Grants with the Supplier.
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by the DHS, the Sub-recipient shall submit an annual audit to the DHS if the total amount of annual funding provided by the DHS (from any and all of its Divisions or subunits taken collectively) through this and other Grants is $25,000 or more. In determining the amount of annual funding provided by the DHS, the Sub-recipient shall consider both:
(a) funds provided through direct Grants with the DHS; and (b) funds from the DHS passed through another agency which has one or more Grants with the Sub-recipient.
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by the Purchaser, the Provider (auditee) shall submit an annual audit to the Purchaser if the total amount of annual funding provided by the Purchaser (from any and all of its Divisions taken collectively) for all contracts is $100,000 or more. In determining the amount of annual funding provided by the Purchaser, the Provider shall consider both: (1) funds provided through direct contracts with the Purchaser and (2) funds from the Purchaser passed through another agency or County which has one or more contracts with the Provider.
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by DCF, the Contractor shall submit an annual audit to DCF. The audit shall be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, s.49.34(4)(c), Wis. Stats., Government Auditing Standards, and other provisions in this Contract. In addition, the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the audit complies with other standards that may be applicable depending on the types of services provided, and the nature and amount of financial reimbursement received: OMB Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200, Audit Requirements. The State Single Audit Guidelines (SSAG), including the yearly Appendix, which are applicable to Local Governments having 2 CFR Part 200 audits; and/or The Provider Agency Audit Guide (PAAG). All Contractors which do not meet the requirements of the SSAG shall have audits in conformance with the PAAG. DCF shall provide funding information needed for audit purposes including the name of the program, the Federal agency where the program originated, the CFDA number, and the percentages of Federal, State, and local funds constituting this Contract. This information is supplied on the SPARC Payment Information Form. The Contractor shall submit to DCF a reporting package which includes the following: All financial statements and other audit schedules and reports required for the type of audit applicable to the Contractor. A summary schedule of prior year findings and the status of addressing these findings. The Management Letter (or similar document conveying auditor's comments issued as a result of the audit) or written assurance that a Management Letter was not issued with the audit report. Management responses/corrective action plan for each audit issue identified in the audit. The Contractor shall submit the required reporting package to DCF either: (1) within nine (9) months of the end of the Contractor’s fiscal year if the Contractor is a Local Government; or (2) within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of the end of the Contractor’s fiscal year for non-governmental Contractor agencies. DCF requests electronic submission of the reporting package. Electronic Reporting Packages should be sent to: When contracting with an audit firm, the Contractor shall authorize its auditor to provide access to work papers, reports, and other materials generated during the audit to the appropriate representatives of the Department. Such access shall include the right to obtain copies of the work paper...
Requirement to Have an Audit. Unless waived by DCF, the W-2 Contractor shall submit an annual audit to DCF. The audit shall be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, s.49.34(4)(c), Wis. Stats., Government Auditing Standards, and other provisions in this Contract. In addition, the W-2 Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the audit complies with other standards that may be applicable depending on the types of services provided, and the nature and amount of financial payment received: Federal OMB Circular A-133 "Audits of States, Local Governments and Nonprofit Organizations"; and the yearly Supplement, which applies only to Contractors that expend $500,000 from all Federal funding sources (this grant and other grants, direct or indirect, from this DCF or another), during a Contractor’s fiscal year. The State Single Audit Guidelines (SSAG), including the yearly Appendix, which are applicable to local governments having A-133 audits; and/or The Provider Agency Audit Guide (PAAG). All W-2 Contractors which do not meet the requirements of the SSAG shall have audits in conformance with the PAAG.