Resale Prohibited Sample Clauses

Resale Prohibited. Resale by the customer of the Services described herein is prohibited. The customer is also forbidden to offer the Services to third parties, with or without compensation.
Resale Prohibited. This service is not available for resale, except that for purposes of convenience of billing, family members not residing in the same household, such as students living away from home, may share a single billing account provided that all contracts for service billed under a single account are signed by the same responsible party. Resale of service will be grounds for termination of service.
Resale Prohibited. End User acknowledges and agrees that this is a retail purchase agreement for use only by End User and its other Sprint-authorized end users as set forth in this Agreement. End User may not resell or lease wireless Products or Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, End User may participate in the Sprint Wireless Recycling Program. End User may not resell wireline Products and Services unless specifically set forth in a separate Sprint wholesale agreement.
Resale Prohibited. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service. The subscription is intended for the use of your agency and may not be transferred, sold, loaned or leased to anyone else. Permission is granted to print mapping directions, affidavits, returns of service, invoices, field sheets, accounting forms, communication center advertisements, and e-mails in regards to you or your agency business provided you do not modify the default materials and that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the materials. You may, however, customize a return of service, invoice or any form available for customization in the appropriate “Customize Your Forms” section (if the section is available) of "My Private Eye®". All customizations become the sole intellectual property of SG and are immediately copyrighted by SG.
Resale Prohibited. Except for Certified Sangoma Resellers under the terms of Sangoma Partner Agreements, Customer may not sell, resell, sublease, assign, license, or sublicense the Services or any component thereof or use or offer the same on a service-bureau or time-sharing basis. High Risk Use Prohibited. THE SERVICES ARE NOT DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED, INTENDED, OR RECOMMENDED FOR USE FOR ANY HIGH-RISK OR FAIL-SAFE PURPOSE OR ACTIVITY OR IN ANY ENVIRONMENT WHERE FAILURE, INTERRUPTION, MALFUNCTION, ERROR, OR UNAVAILABILITY COULD RESULT IN SUBSTANTIAL LIABILITY OR DAMAGES, PHYSICAL HARM OR PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH OR DISMEMBERMENT, OR PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. CUSTOMER SHALL NOT USE THE SERVICES FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE OR ACTIVITY OR IN ANY SUCH ENVIRONMENT. The list above is not exhaustive or exclusive. For purposes of this AUP, “End User” means an individual user of the Services, and may be a natural person, and may include but is not limited to a Customer’s employees, consultants, clients, external users, invitees, contractors and agents. Except as otherwise provided, terms defined in the Agreement have the same meanings when used in this AUP. The Services must be used only in accordance with and subject to Sangoma’s Emergency Services Policy as per Section 5.2.2 below and Privacy Notice – found at xxxxx:// Sangoma may act immediately and without notice to suspend or terminate the Services if, in Sangoma’s sole discretion, Customer’s or its End Usersuse of the Services violates the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, Sangoma may act immediately and without notice to suspend or limit the Services if Sangoma reasonably suspects fraudulent or illegal activity in the Customer’s Account, material breach of the Acceptable Use Policy, or use of the Services that could interfere with the functioning of the Sangoma Network provided such suspension or limitation may only be to the extent reasonably necessary to protect against the applicable condition, activity, or use. Sangoma will promptly remove the suspension or limitation as soon as the condition, activity or use is resolved and mitigated in full. If Customer anticipates legitimate but unusual activity on its Account, Customer should contact Sangoma Support in advance to avoid any Service disruption.
Resale Prohibited. The Services covered by this Agreement are for Customer’s use only. Unless expressly authorized in writing by Xxx in this Agreement or formal written amendment to this Agreement, or as otherwise required by applicable law, Customer shall not resell the Service(s) (or any portion thereof) to any other person or third party. Xxx may revoke its permission to allow resale at any time upon notice to Customer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer shall never resell any video Services. If Cox determines that Customer is or has resold (i) any video services or (ii) any other Services without express written permission in this Agreement or formal written amendment to this Agreement, Xxx may immediately terminate this Agreement (or any portion thereof) upon notice to Customer and Customer shall pay the applicable termination fee. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit Xxx from doing business with or attempting to do business with any potential customer, even if any potential customer may have been a customer of Customer in the past or is currently purchasing services from Customer.
Resale Prohibited. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service. The subscription is intended for the use of your business and may not be transferred, sold, loaned or leased to anyone else. Permission is granted to print mapping directions, affidavits, invoices, field sheets, accounting forms, communication center advertisements, and e-mails in regards to you or your company business provided you do not modify the default materials and that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the materials. You may, however, customize an affidavit, invoice or any form available for customization in the “Customize Your Forms” section of Process Server Central.
Resale Prohibited. Other than purchasers that are Bulk Purchasers (defined in Paragraph 16, below), you may not sell a Card or otherwise barter for its exchange. However, you may transfer a Card to another person for no monetary consideration (e.g., as a gift). Card is valid only if obtained from Xxxxxxx, Card Company, a Franchisee or participating restaurant, or an authorized third-party distributor. Xxxxxxx, Card Company, the Franchisees, and any participating restaurants will not be liable for honoring Cards if obtained from unauthorized sellers or resellers, including through Internet auction sites.
Resale Prohibited. The Materials on this Site are not for resale, and the use of the Site does not entitle the User to resell any Site Materials or Forms. User warrants that User will not resell or otherwise attempt to benefit, commercially or otherwise, from content belonging to Company without the express written consent of Company.
Resale Prohibited. You must not resell Samples, through brokers, exporters, or other- wise, except as integrated into a product sold by you for evaluation purposes only and that contains substantial value added circuitry or software. If you breach the terms of this section, in addition to Allegro’s cancellation rights, you agree to fully indemnify Allegro, its officers, employees and distributors, from any and all liability related to such resale, including attorneys’ fees and costs. The Sample is an engineering prototype and not intended for any purpose other than internal engineering evaluations. Sample is not intended or authorized for use in a product surgically implanted into the body, for a life support product or for other products for which a Sample failure could cause personal injury or death. If you or your customers use or permit the use of Samples for such unin- tended or unauthorized uses, without limiting the indemnity stated above, you agree to fully indemnify Allegro and its affiliates, and the officers, employees and distributors of each, from all liability related to such use, including attorneys’ fees and costs. IN NO EVENT WILL ALLEGRO BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY INCIDEN- TAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAM- AGES FOR ANY LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVE- NIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, OR LOST PROFITS, SAV- INGS, OR REVENUES TO THE FULL EXTENT SUCH MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW. You must use the Sample in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and statutes. You agree that neither you nor your licens- ees (if any) intend to or will, directly or indirectly, export or trans- mit the Sample to any country in violation of export restrictions.