LIVING AWAY FROM HOME. Where an employee is engaged on distant work, the company shall provide whichever is the greater of, reasonable board and lodgings at no cost to the employee, or allowance of $145.95 per day engaged on distant work and additionally travel costs as per 2.6 above.
LIVING AWAY FROM HOME. This clause shall apply when:
LIVING AWAY FROM HOME. The following amount shall be paid to employees whilst living away from home: 1. $20 per day for meals 2. Away work to be completed in the shortest possible time by allowing for a reasonable amount of overtime 3. The company will supply transport to all away work including transport arrangements to and from the airport where applicable. The above shall not apply once the employee has been established on the job site. The obligation to get to the job site from the place of residence will be the employee’s responsibility and as such shall receive $13.80 per day for fares and travel unless the company provides or offers to provide transport free of charge to such employee(s). The daily fares allowance herein prescribed shall be increased by two and a half percent on the first full pay periods commencing 1 July 2007, 1 July 2008 and 1 July 2009 respectively. 4. The Company will provide accommodation of a reasonable standard and will be re-arranged.
LIVING AWAY FROM HOME. An employee who is required to work at a distance from his usual place of residence that is unreasonable to return home to each day will be entitled to reasonable board and accommodation or be paid a living away from home allowance of $59.11 per day or $413.13 per week.
LIVING AWAY FROM HOME. An employee required to work at a distance from his or her usual place of residence that is unreasonable to return home each day will be entitled to reasonable board and accommodation or to be paid a living away from home allowance. If an allowance is to be paid this will be set out in a separate letter and the employee will be required to complete a Living Away From Home Declaration form.
LIVING AWAY FROM HOME a) Depending on the circumstances, allowances and benefits provided to Employees under clause 12.3 may be classified for tax law purposes as “living away from home allowances and benefits”. b) As a condition of receiving living away from home allowances or benefits, an Employee must provide the Company: i. a living-away-from home declaration; and ii. a living-away-from home declaration – Employee related expenses. Or other such document as the Company requires. c) An Employee is only required to provide a declaration or other documentation if the Company requests the Employee to do so for the purpose of assessing FBT liabilities, and the declaration is in the ATO-approved form. An Employee must not unreasonably refuse to provide a declaration or document.
LIVING AWAY FROM HOME. The Company is committed to provide an adequate standard of support, workplace amenities and living conditions for employees who are, by their work location, temporarily required to remain away from home Where employees are required to remain away from home overnight, the following shall apply, that is: • The Company shall supply suitable accommodation and provide three adequate meals each day; or • The Company shall supply suitable accommodation and pay a daily allowance of $35 per day for meals; or • Where the employee/s elects to provide their own Living Away From Home arrangements, and the Company agrees, the company shall pay the employee an allowance of $50.00 per day for the first seven (7) days and $350.00 per week (of seven days) thereafter. Accommodation provided by the Company should have adequate furnishings, bedding, floor coverings, lighting and be provided with hot and cold running water. Where appropriate, the accommodation must have adequate heating and/or cooling.
LIVING AWAY FROM HOME. The Employer will provide all reasonable accommodation costs for an Employee while the Employee is required to live away from home for the purposes of undertaking work or training in relation to their employment with the Employer. The Employer will pay the Employee whose base of employment is Perth; (a) An all-inclusive allowance of $200.00 per night, or; (b) The employer provides accommodation and pays a daily allowance of $30.00 p/night (+) an additional allowance of $45.00 to cover meals and incidentals (thus total $75.00 p/night), or; (c) The employer provides accommodation and all meals and pays a daily allowance of $30.00 per overnight stay, or; (d) A mutual agreement to reflect costs of isolated or remote work.
LIVING AWAY FROM HOME. Non-Metropolitan travel is a requirement of the Portable Service role and should be shared amongst all Portable Technicians so as not to overburden any one member of the team. Where an Employee is required to stay away from their home overnight whilst servicing a customer’s site outside of their local metropolitan area the Employer will: 15.1. Book and meet the costs of travel, meals and accommodation. The Employer will book the Employee’s accommodation and provide for any meals taken at the accommodation to be charged the Employee’s room account. All Employees shall retain receipts for all expenditure for which they wish to seek reimbursement, and claim reimbursement through the Employer’s Expense Reimbursement Policy. The Employer will only reimburse expenditure that is provided for in the Expense Reimbursement Policy. 15.2. Alternatively, the Employee may choose to pay for their own accommodation, and if the Employer agrees, then the Employee will be reimbursed the sum of $180.00 per night. The Employee’s right to choose shall not be available if the accommodation is to be provided by the client. 15.3. Pay the Employee a Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA) per night regardless of whether 15.1 or 15.2 is decided upon, as per below; Effective first full pay period on or after 1st January 2024 Effective first full pay period on or after 1st January 2025 Effective first full pay period on or after 1st January 2026 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 .