Review and Adjustment Sample Clauses

Review and Adjustment. The Contractor shall make payments currently to the State, as provided in this agreement, on the basis of the value of the Oil Allocated to the Contract Lands determined on the basis of posted prices as set forth in subparagraph (1) or subparagraph (2) of the first full paragraph of section 7(b) hereof, whichever shall be higher. At any time within nine (9) months after the end of each calendar year (or any fiscal year agreed upon between the contractor and the State) during the term of this agreement, the State shall review and, if necessary adjust, the value of Oil Allocated to the Contract Lands during such year on the basis of all available relevant and reliable information, for the purpose of determining whether the Contractor is required to account for any further value of Oil Allocated to the Contract Lands under the terms of subparagraphs (3) or (4) of said first full paragraph of section 7(b) hereof, or under the provisions of section 7(c) hereof. The Contractor may require the State to make a review and, if necessary an adjustment, on the basis of all available relevant and reliable information, at any time within nine (9) moths after the end of any such calendar (or fiscal) year of the value of Oil Allocated to the Contract Lands during such year and the proper application of the provisions of this Article 7. The Contractor shall pay to the State any amount or amounts necessary to make the adjustments herein provided. The payment shall be made no later than the first month of the second calendar (or fiscal) year following the calendar (or fiscal) year for which the timely adjustment is made. After making any payment required by the State pursuant hereto to which the Contractor objects, or after the State’s refusal to make any adjustment which the Contractor requests, the Contractor may, after ninety (90) days’ notice to the State, bring an action against the State before a judge or judges of a court of competent jurisdiction for an adjudication on the basis of all reliable information then available pertaining to the matter at issue, for the recovery of all or any part of any amount paid pursuant to any adjustment hereunder, or for the recovery of any amount as to which the State has refused to make such an adjustment.
Review and Adjustment. The value added fee listed in Schedule "A" will be reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, within 6 months after the BCMB approves any new Handling Commissions. Such reviews will be conducted by the BCMB. The pricing model initially used to set the value added fees will continue to be used for subsequent adjustments and will be based upon incorporating updated factors from the most recent BCMB Handling Commission.
Review and Adjustment. By April 1, or the Monday after April 1, if April 1 falls on a weekend, the parties will provide [each other / name of mediator or parenting facilitator / name of any mutually agreed-on qualified person] with all income and financial information for the previous year. [Name] will recalculate the support for the previous tax year. The recalculation for the previous tax year will be used as the child support starting April 1 of the year the calculation is being made. The parties will continue with this method each and every year thereafter. The parties further understand that as the minor children proceed in school, the cost of child care will change and child support will need to be adjusted.
Review and Adjustment. Both parties agree to assign resources to support an ongoing product conversion cost improvement process in the following manner: Each year of this agreement, both parties will work together to reduce the overall conversion, overhead, and indirect costs of the products by a target of 10% per year, exclusive of the impacts to price related to labor rate changes, raw material and component prices, and foreign currency fluctuations. This targeted reduction will include, but is not limited to, the reduction of labor hours into the product, the reduction of scrap, the reduction of overhead costs, and the reduction of VAT, Duty, Freight or other costs that directly impact the product. During the month of November each year, the parties agree to define the current product costing and lock the BOM and overall product pricing to benchmark the target improvement for the following year. This is to be documented and shared between both parties. Resources are to be assigned and project plans developed to identify those requirements and to oversee the project plans through the course of the year, reporting out monthly on the improvements made and how they map to the target reductions in the product cost. As projects are confirmed and in place for 2 months, reductions will be captured. At the end of each quarter, the product cost will be reduced by the amounts agreed upon and POs updated to reflect said cost. Payment for each invoice will be made by Party A as follows: All payments will be made in United States Dollars.
Review and Adjustment. Tenant shall review with Landlord every --------------------- three years the amount of the Tenant's Liability Insurance Limit in order to ensure that the protection coverage afforded thereby is in proportion to the protection coverage afforded at the commencement of this Lease. If the parties are unable to agree upon the amount of said coverage prior to the expiration of each such three-year period, then the amount of the Tenant's Liability Insurance Limit shall be adjusted to the amount of coverage recommended in writing by an insurance broker selected by the mutual agreement of Landlord and Tenant or, if they are unable to agree, then by an independent broker designated by the Board of Directors of the Association of Independent Insurance Brokers for Santa Xxxxxxx County.
Review and Adjustment. If, as a result of any examination of Licensee's books and records, it is determined by Licensor that any payments due to Licensor under this Agreement for any period were more than the amount actually paid for such period, Licensee promptly shall reimburse Licensor upon demand for said difference, and any dispute shall be subsequently settled by arbitration hereunder. In the event that the difference, as finally determined, is more than 25% of the amount actually due, then Licensee shall immediately reimburse Licensor upon demand for the cost of such examination. If it is determined by Licensee that any payments due to Licensor under this Agreement for any period were less than the amount actually paid to Licensor for such period, Licensee shall notify Licensor and Licensor shall immediately return the undisputed portion of said amount.
Review and Adjustment. (a) All Charges (comprising Access Charges and Incidental Charges) shall be reviewed in accordance with this clause. (b) TfNSW may at any time after the Commencement Date vary the Charges, by giving the Operator at least 60 days notice of any proposed increase of the Charges (“TfNSW’s Notice”). (c) The Operator may within the period of 60 days from the date of TfNSW’s Notice, make written submissions to TfNSW on the proposed increase in Charges. (d) Any Dispute as to any increase to the Charges will be determined in accordance with the procedures in clause 17. (e) If the variation to the Charges is not finalised by the date specified within TfNSW’s Notice, the Operator must continue to pay the Charges payable by it immediately before TfNSW’s Notice. (f) Upon finalising the variation of Charges the Operator must, within the following invoice period, pay to TfNSW any outstanding portion of the Charges due retrospectively from the date specified within the notice or agreed between the parties.
Review and Adjustment. The parties agree to periodically review the impact of shift changes on employees and, if necessary, make adjustments to ensure fairness and efficiency. This language aims to protect the rights of the employee while providing the flexibility for the chief to facilitate a temporary shift reassignment without punitive implications.
Review and Adjustment. State reviews of both public assistance and non-public assistance child support cases are optional unless they are requested by the parents. Work Requirements for Parents Owing Past-Due Child Support: The final bill continues to include language clarifying that administrative processes may be used to issue orders to pay past- due support according to a plan or for participating in work activities. Child Support and Indian Tribes: States can enter into cooperative agreements with tribes. The Secretary may make direct federal payments to tribes with approved IV-D plans. These payments would not count against a state IV-D agency's federal funding. Food Stamps and Child Support Cooperation: States have the option to require custodial parents to cooperate with establishing paternity and in obtaining support in order to receive food stamp benefits, with a good cause exemption. States also have the option to require noncustodial parents to cooperate with the child support program to establish paternity and provide support for the child as a condition of receiving food stamp benefits, with the Secretary of Agriculture, in consultation with the Secretary of HHS, developing guidelines on what constitutes a refusal to cooperate. There is a state option to disqualify noncustodial parents with arrearages from receiving food stamp benefits during any period the person has unpaid liability. States may not disqualify noncustodial parents from receiving food stamps if a court is allowing the individual to delay payment or if the individual is complying with a court or state IV-D agency payment plan.
Review and Adjustment. The Company reserves the right to review and adjust the commission structure periodically, subject to prior written notice to the Agent. Any adjustments shall be mutually discussed and agreed upon in good faith.