Rights and obligations of the Buyer Sample Clauses

Rights and obligations of the Buyer. 3.2.1. The Buyer undertakes to accept Goods on the condition ex-warehouse of the Seller in Moscow.
Rights and obligations of the Buyer. 1. The buyer is obliged to pay for the merchandise purchase price and receive the goods in accordance with the contract. 2. The buyer must pay the agreed purchase price properly and on time. 3. If it is not in a separate agreement negotiated otherwise, the buyer must pay purchase price before the seller sends the goods to transport to the buyer. 4. The buyer is obliged to take all steps necessary to properly and timely delivery of the goods, in particular: to provide the vendor contact information, company address, respectively. place of business or other place where the seller has the goods send. 5. Delivered goods the buyer is obliged to accept. 6. If the seller delivers the goods before the date fixed, the buyer is obliged to accept the goods .
Rights and obligations of the Buyer. The Buyer shall, or shall procure that the Company shall: 8.2.1 authorise, sign and submit to the relevant Tax Authority any Pre-Completion Tax Return or Pre-Completion Tax Document without amendment or with such amendments as the Buyer may reasonably require and agree with the Warrantors; and 8.2.2 afford such access (on reasonable notice in writing) to its books and records (including the taking of copies at the Warrantors’ expense) and give such assistance as is necessary and reasonable to enable the Warrantors or their duly authorised agents to prepare the Pre-Completion Tax Returns and Pre-Completion Tax Documents, provided that the Buyer is under no obligation to procure the authorisation, signing or submission to any Tax Authority of any Pre-Completion Tax Return or Pre-Completion Tax Document delivered to it in accordance with this paragraph which it considers, in its reasonable opinion, to be false, misleading, incomplete or inaccurate in any respect.
Rights and obligations of the Buyer the purchaser
Rights and obligations of the Buyer. The Buyer is, in case of Seller’s notification of deficiencies in the documents provided for by the Buyer to the Seller for the performance of this Contract, obliged, within 10 business days upon receiving such notification, either to approve in writing proposals submitted by the Seller or decide itself how to resolve or eliminate the aforementioned deficiencies, and to notify the Seller of its decision in writing even within the same period. In performing the inspection according to paragraph 7 of this Article hereof in Seller’s manufacturing plant, the Buyer or natural persons or legal entities authorized by the Buyer respectively, are obliged to accept safety instructions of the Seller and to act so that they do not threaten safety of themselves or any other persons or property. The Contracting Parties have agreed that the Buyer has right to perform inspections in Seller’s manufacturing plant for the purpose of verification of the Seller's measures to assure the quality of the Goods at any time from the signature of this Contract by completion of Goods manufacturing. The Buyer has also the right to attend individual tests prescribed in the Specifications (Attachments 1 and 2 hereof). The Seller is obliged to allow the Buyer or natural persons or legal entities authorized by the Buyer respectively, the execution of the inspection during the Goods manufacturing or their participation in tests of the Goods in the manufacturing plant to the reasonable extent and at reasonable time. The Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with reasonable assistance in course of the inspection in the Seller’s manufacturing plant. It is understood especially (but not exclusively) the following: Enabling access to relevant production or testing facilities; the Seller can limit or deny such access, is the safety requires so, however also in such case the Seller is obliged, if circumstances allow it, to ensure for the Buyer in reasonable manner the possibility to observe the course of the manufacturing or testing; Demonstrable instructing the persons performing the inspection on behalf of the Buyer on safety principles and provision of all information important for maintaining the safety of persons and property in Seller’s facility even prior to inspection commencement; Provision of access to suitable and reasonable office(s) upon request of the Buyer for the purpose of performing the inspection and related administration at Buyer’s party, if needed for inspection execution; P...
Rights and obligations of the Buyer. 4.1.1. The Buyer acknowledges and undertakes that they have obtained and confirmed the information contained herein accurately and completely in electronic form; that they are aware of the obligations imposed by the legislation to which the Agreement is subject.
Rights and obligations of the Buyer. 买方的权利和义务 4.1 The Buyer shall, as required, provide the Vendor with the data of underground pipelines such as water supply, drainage, power supply, gas supply, heat supply, communication, radio and television in the construction site area, geological investigation report data, or relevant data of adjacent buildings and structures, underground engineering and other work sites. 买方按需向卖方提供施工现场区域内供水、排水、供电、供气、供热、通信、广播电视等地下管线资料, 地勘报告资料,或相邻建筑物和构筑物、地下工程等工作现场的相关资料。 4.2 EHS requirements that the Buyer put forward to the Vendor shall conform to the national, local, and industrial laws, regulations and mandatory standards provisions. 买方向卖方提出的EHS要求应符合国家、地方、行业的法律、法规和强制性标准规定。 4.3 The Buyer shall not require or imply the Vendor to purchase, lease and use PPE, mechanical equipment, construction machinery, tools and accessories, or safety facilities and equipment that do not meet national or local government requirements. 买方不得明示或者暗示卖方购买、租赁、使用不符合国家或地方要求的个人防护用品、机械设备、施工机具及配件、安全设施和器材。 4.4 The Buyer has the right to review qualifications of the Vendor and its personnel, and has the right to expel or refuse entry of personnel who are not qualified or whose qualifications are inconsistent with their work contents. 买方有权审查卖方及卖方人员资质,对不具备资质或资质与工作内容不相符的,有权驱逐其出场或拒绝其入场。 4.5 The Buyer has the right to supervise the execution of EHS management regulation by the Vendor, conduct regular EHS audit,check the operation safety of the Vendor's personnel at any time, and has the right to stop illegal operations and other violations, to instruct the Vendor to educate, punish and even to forbid the admission of violators who endanger the safety. 买方有权监督卖方执行EHS相关管理制度,定期进行EHS审核,随时检查卖方人员作业安全,有权止违章操作等违法违规行为,对于危及安全的违章人员可以责成卖方 对其进行教育、惩戒直至禁止入场。 4.6 If the Vendor (including its subcontractors) violates the provisions of this 3rd Amendment and EHS and Fire Protection Punitive Liquidated Damages Detailed Rules , the Buyer has the right to tell the Vendor and collect punitive liquidated damages from the Vendor or take corresponding management measures in accordance with this 3rd Amendment and EHS and Fire Protection Punitive Liquidated Damages Detailed Rules. If the Buyer issues a punitive liquidated damages notice to the Vendor, the Buyer has the right to deduct from any amount payable to the Vendor preferentially. 卖方(包括其分包卖方)违反本第三修正案及《EHS惩罚性违约金细则》规定,买方有权按照本第三修正案及《EHS惩罚性违约金细则》告知卖方并收取惩罚性违约金或采取相应管理措施;买方对卖方开具的惩罚性违约金通知单,买方有权在任何应当向卖方支付的款项中优先扣除。 4.7 The Buyer shall promptly inform the Vendor of changes to the Buyer's ...
Rights and obligations of the Buyer. 6.1. The Buyer is, in case of Seller’s notification of deficiencies in the documents provided for by the Buyer to the Seller for the performance of this Contract, obliged, within 10 business days upon receiving such notification, either to approve in writing proposals submitted by the Seller or decide itself how to resolve or eliminate the aforementioned deficiencies, and to notify the Seller of its decision in writing even within the same period. 6.2. In performing the inspection according to paragraph 7. of this Article hereof in Seller’s manufacturing plant, the Buyer or natural persons or legal entities authorized by the Buyer respectively, are obliged to accept safety instructions of the Seller and to act so that they do not threaten safety of themselves or any other persons or property.
Rights and obligations of the Buyer. The BUYER accepts and undertakes to completely fulfill the deeds of this contract attributed to his/her side, except for force majeure.
Rights and obligations of the Buyer. 6.1. Quyền của Xxx Xxx (Rights of the Buyer): 6.1.1. Nhận bàn giao Căn hộ quy định tại Điều 2 của Hợp đồng này có chất lượng với các thiết bị, vật liệu xây dựng nêu tại Danh mục vật liệu và trang thiết bị Căn hộ mà các Bên đã thỏa thuận tại Phụ lục số 02 của Hợp đồng này và hồ sơ căn hộ theo đúng thỏa thuận trong hợp đồng này; 6.1.2. Có quyền yêu cầu Bên Bán cung cấp thông tin về tiến độ đầu tư xây dựng và tạo điều kiện kiểm tra thực tế tại công trình;