Ballast Sample Clauses
Ballast. Used to improve the stability and control the draft of a ship. (In Ballast - having only ballast for a load) BLACK OIL A viscous and black or very dark brown colored oil. Depending on the quantity spilled, oil tends to quickly spread out over the water surface to a thickness of about one-millimeter. BLACK WATER (sewage) Examples - possible sources toilets, urinals and drainage from medical facilities (U.S. restriction). COC Certificate of Compliance, CG Form 3585. COTP Captain of the Port. CWA Clean Water Act. CVE Control Verification Examination is the examination of vessel for compliance with SOLAS requirements and applicable U. S. regulations. More properly referred to as the Passenger Vessel Certificate of Compliance Examination.
Ballast. In accordance with the applicable LMP3 technical regulation. For NP02, P4, CN and Evo Challenge Trophy cars, any ballast installation must comply with the homologation of the car or, failing that, with article 4.2 of the 2022 CN Group technical regulations.
Ballast. In accordance with the technical regulation LMP3. For P4 cars, any ballast installation must comply with the manufacturer's instructions.
Ballast. In the case the ballast is not integrated with the light source, all tests and measurements shall be carried out with the ballast as per paragraph 2.
Ballast. Ballast replacements other than “skim lift” (i.e. out of face tamping of the track required to achieve a continuous raise of up to 1 inch to restore track surface and line) and other than “spot tamping” (i.e. lifting and tamping short sections of track of up to 215 feet, or a Number 20 turnout, per location, regardless of ballast depth, to restore track surface and line) The costs and expenses incurred in making these replacements shall be considered a Capital Expense if the component meets the above criteria. • Complete water supply piping system • A holding tank • Pump house • Pumping Machinery – each complete pump installation • Water tank – each complete installation • Water treating plant • Well (including pump) • Machinery & equipment • Any individual component over $7,000 • Drainage improvements one mile or greater in length and costing in excess of $7,000 • Fire hydrant systems-complete The costs and expenses incurred in making these replacements shall be considered a Capital Expense if the component meets the above criteria.
Ballast. Shall not be less than 15 pounds per square foot and comply with ASTM C33, Gradation No. 4 with no fines less than 1/2 inch.
Ballast. Barge is capable of ballasting water from designated ballast tanks located in the double bottom and wing tanks. A ballast pump is provided to ballast or de- ballast the Barge within ten hours.
Ballast. All tests and measurements shall be carried out with the ballast as per paragraph 2.
Ballast. Supplier shall provide facilities to receive vessel’s ballast water and/or slops. Expense of handling, storage or disposal of these materials shall be absorbed by Supplier. Tine consumed discharging ballast water and/or slops shall not count as used laytime. Any delay by Supplier in furnishing such facilities shall count as used laytime. If, however, vessel must shift to and/or from such facilities, all time consumed by the vessel in shifting, including discharge of the ballast water and/or slops, shall count as used laytime; and expenses incurred by the vessel, including shifting expenses, shall be for account of Supplier.
Ballast. Existing ballast shall be re-used. New ballast shall be used as required. All cribs shall be full of ballast and track will be broomed with a ballast regulator so that ballast is level with the top of the tie. No ballast shall remain on the top of the tie. Shoulders shall conform to the Railroad standard cross-section.