Save and except substitute teachers, the Employer shall pay each teacher one-twelfth of the teacher’s annual salary on or before the second last banking day of each calendar month.
Save and except. TRACT A: TRACT B: TRACT C: TRACT 5 (Tracts 3 and 4 are not intended to be included in this Instrument and are omitted intentionally).
Save and except full voting members of the Board of Trustees;
Save and except a full time employee with two weeks’ continuous service (prior to being stood down) who is stood down by the Employer during December and is re-employed by the Employer before the end of next January, must be paid by the Employer for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day public
Save and except. The Seller, Seller’s successors, and assigns shall retain all unrestricted water rights to the Property and shall forever retain a reservation of all water in and under, and that may be produced from the Property. If the water estate is subject to existing production or an existing license, this reservation includes the production, the license, and all benefits from it, including any and all permitted Xxxxxxx Aquifer Authority groundwater rights. The acre feet of Base Irrigation Groundwater Rights (the “BIG”) appurtenant to the Property (or the amount the EAA determines are appurtenant to the Property) derived from EAA Permit No. P100-860 or any successor or substitute permit, together with all rights associated therewith, are conveyed by Seller to Buyer in Fee Simple Determinable, which rights shall automatically revert back to the Seller upon the date such BIG are no longer categorized as Base Irrigation Groundwater by the EAA and therefore are severable from the Property. Buyer agrees that when the BIG automatically revert back to the Seller under this paragraph, Buyer shall execute any and all reasonable documentation necessary to further evidence this reversion, including, but not limited to, an affidavit of reversion, deed of reversion or such other documentation; provided, however, that it is intended that no such documentation shall be necessary and that this reversion shall be automatic without the need for further action on the part of Seller. Buyer also hereby designates and appoints Seller as its nominee, representative and/or attorney-in-fact in all matters related to the conversion of the BIG including the right to convert the BIG, as well as the authority to amend or modify any permit issued by the EAA (or any successor entity which jurisdiction over the BIG) for the BIG to reflect title to the BIG in Seller. The power of attorney granted herein is irrevocable and coupled with an interest. Seller shall also bear all costs and expenses that are related to the conversion of the BIG. Seller, for itself, its successors or assigns, will waive Seller’s right to use, enter upon or occupy any portion of the surface of the Property for purposes of exploring, producing, developing, or transporting any groundwater from the Xxxxxxx Aquifer reserved by Seller, and not to place any fixtures, equipment, buildings or structures on the Property. Additionally, this waiver of surface rights shall not be construed as a waiver of the right of Seller to exploit, ...
Save and except. All that certain lot or parcel of land situate in the Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx xx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx of Wood, State of West Virginia, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly right of way line of West Virginia Route No. 14, said point being common to a concrete monument on the line dividing lands now or formerly of L & M Associates and lands now or formerly of Pennzoil Company; thence from said point of beginning along the Westerly right of way line of West Virginia Xxxxx Xx. 00, Xxxxx 00°00'00" Xxxx, a distance of 95.02' to a point on the Westerly right of way line of West Virginia Xxxxx Xx. 00 and along the Easterly line of lands now or formerly L & M Associates; thence through lands now or formerly L & M Associates the following nine (9) courses and distances, viz: North 74°32'26" West, a distance of 35.68' to a point; thence South 69°25'14" West, a distance of 66.51' to a point; thence by an arc of a circle deflecting to the right in a southwestwardly direction, having a radius of 495.00', an arc distance of 139.52' (chord bearing and distance, South 77°29'43" West, 139.06') to a point; thence South 85°34'14" West, a distance of 43.81' to a point; thence by an arc of a circle deflecting to the right in a Continued... Parcel I- Fee Simple, Continued...
Save and except. An existing 22-foot wide Access Easement for said Frontier Parkway (County Road No. 5) across the existing said BNSF Railroad right-of-way, and containing 0.05 acre (2,244 square feet), leaving a NET Access Easement acquisition of 0.23 acre (10,021 square feet) of land, more or less.
Save and except. All oil, gas. and other minerals in, on, under and that may be produced from said land and the rights of owners incident thereto, as reserved in Deed from John Campxxxx, Xxxxxxx to Jack B. Xxxxxx, xx xx xated January 22, 1980, recorded in Volume 673, Page 682, Deed Records of Midland County, Texas.
Save and except mutually agreed flex time arrangements, pre-approved time worked by full-time nurses in excess of thirty-five (35) hours per week or seven (7) hours per day in a scheduled seven (7) hour day tour, shall be compensated by time off at a rate of time and one half (1.5x) or payment in lieu at a rate of time and one half (1.5x). Full-time nurses shall not be required to take time off his/her regular scheduled work week as a direct consequence of pre-authorized overtime hours worked during the same work week.
Save and except there is excepted from this Assignment, Conveyance and Assumption Agreement, and Assignor expressly excepts and reserves unto itself, its representatives and assigns, that certain present vested property right; that is, an overriding royalty interest (the "Overriding Royalty Interest") in and to the Subject Minerals if, as and when produced and saved from the Subject Interests, payable solely out of Gross Proceeds from the Sale of Subject Minerals in an amount equal to 96.97% of the Net Proceeds attributable to the Subject Interests. The Overriding Royalty Interest shall be determined and administered in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1 through 3 of this PART II.