Scope of Application of this Agreement Sample Clauses
Scope of Application of this Agreement. This Agreement shall apply to all investments made by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party before or after the entry into force of this Agreement. However, this Agreement shall not apply to disputes which occurred prior to its entry into force.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. 1. The delimitations of the aeronautical and maritime search and rescue regions relevant to this Agreement are specified in paragraph 1 of the Annex to this Agreement. The area in which each Party shall apply this Agreement is set forth in paragraph 2 of the Annex to this Agreement.
2. The delimitation of search and rescue regions is not related to and shall not prejudice the delimitation of any boundary between States or their sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction.
3. Each Party shall promote the establishment, operation and maintenance of an adequate and effective search and rescue capability within its area as set forth in paragraph 2 of the Annex to this Agreement.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. 1. This Agreement shall apply to investments of the investor of one Contracting Party which have been admitted in the territory of the other Contracting Party in accordance with the laws or regulations of the Contracting Party in whose territory the investments are made.
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, each Contracting Party may make the right of an investor of the other Contracting Party to raise a claim concerning his investment under this Agreement dependent on the condition that the investment concerned has been approved in writing by its competent authorities. This provision shall also apply to an alteration of the form of the investment.
3. Requests for any such approval shall be examined in good faith and be given sympathetic consideration in harmony with the general aim of this Agreement and in compliance with its provisions, in particular those on the definitions of investments and investors and on national and most favoured nation treatment.
4. Applications for such approvals may be submitted in respect of investments irrespective of whether they are made before or after entry into force of this Agreement.
5. Such approvals by a Contracting Party shall remain in force as long as the investment concerned continues to be an investment of an investor of the other Contracting Party.
6. This Agreement shall apply to all investments, whether made before or after its entry into force, but shall not apply to any dispute concerning an investment which arose, or any claim concerning an investment which was settled before its entry into force.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. 1. This Agreement shall apply with respect to oil pollution incidents that occur in or may pose a threat to any marine area over which a State whose government is a Party to this Agreement exercises sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction, including its internal waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, consistent with international law and above a southern limit as follows: Canada – marine areas above 60 degrees North; The Kingdom of Denmark, including Greenland and the Faroes – marine areas above the southern limit of the Greenland exclusive economic zone and the Faroese fisheries zone; Finland – marine areas above 63 degrees 30 minutes North; Iceland – marine areas above the southern limit of the exclusive economic zone of Iceland; Norway – marine areas above the Arctic Circle; The Russian Federation – marine areas above the coastlines of the White Sea, the Barents Sea, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea and the Chukchi Sea, and the mouths of the rivers flowing into these seas seaward of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured; Sweden – marine areas above 63 degrees 30 minutes North; and The United States of America – Marine areas seaward of the coastal baseline from the border between the United States and Canada at the Beaufort Sea along the north side of the mainland of Alaska to the Aleutian Islands, above 24 nautical miles south of the Aleutian Islands, and, in the Bering Sea, east of the limits of the exclusive economic zone of the United States.
2. Each Party shall also apply Articles 6, 7, 8, 10, and 15 and other provisions of this Agreement as appropriate to areas beyond the jurisdiction of any State, above the southern limit set forth in paragraph 1 of this Article, to the extent consistent with international law.
3. This Agreement shall not apply to any warship, naval auxiliary or other ship owned or operated by a State and used, for the time being, only on government non-commercial service. However, each Party shall ensure by the adoption of appropriate measures not impairing the operations or operational capabilities of such ships owned or operated by it, that such ships act in a manner consistent, so far as is reasonable and practicable, with this Agreement.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. A. This Agreement contains the general terms and conditions applicable to the Service provided by HSBC to you. Unless otherwise provided for by another contract, the use and operation of the Service by and between you and HSBC shall be governed by the terms and conditions as stipulated in this Agreement.
B. Any individual contract shall not be in conflict with this Agreement, unless the individual contract is more favorable to customers.
C. Any dispute over the terms and conditions herein shall be interpreted in favor of customers.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. 8.1 This Agreement shall bind Contracting Members in their relations with one another but shall not bind those Members with respect to non-Contracting countries.
8.2 If a Contracting Member makes reservations with regard to any provision of this Agreement, other Contracting Members shall be free to disregard that provision in their relations with the Contracting Member which has made such reservations.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. The conditions contained in this document will apply to the money remittance and monetary transfers conducted through our platform. These general conditions apply to the contracting of products, services and transactions that MGP, as payment service provider, agrees to provide its Customers and apply to the following MGP payment services and operations: • Money transfers; • Issuance and receipt of individual and bulk transfers, sporadic or permanent, national or international, between users of payment services located overseas (OFAC permitted jurisdictions only); • Transactions in which the consent of the payer is transmitted by means of telecommunication, digital or computer devices, and the payment is made through the operator of the network or telecommunications or computer system, acting only as an intermediary between the Customer and MGP. If you submit a Transaction, you are requesting that we process your transaction, an offer which we may accept or reject at our sole discretion from our place of business in Miami, Florida, U.S.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. This Agreement applies when you use any of our products and services, regardless of whether there is a separate privacy agreement for the product and service or whether you are a trial user or a regular user. Please note that this agreement is not applicable under the following circumstances: u Information collected by third-party services (including any third-party websites) accessed through our products and/or services; u Information collected by other companies or organizations that advertise our products and/or services.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. 1. This Agreement shall apply with respect to oil pollution incidents that occur in or may pose a threat to any marine area over which a State whose government is a Party to this Agreement exercises sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction, including its internal waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, consistent with international law and above a southern limit as follows:
2. Each Party shall also apply Articles 6, 7, 8, 10, and 15 and other provisions of this Agreement as appropriate to areas beyond the jurisdiction of any State, above the southern limit set forth in paragraph 1 of this Article, to the extent consistent with international law.
3. This Agreement shall not apply to any warship, naval auxiliary or other ship owned or operated by a State and used, for the time being, only on government non-commercial service. However, each Party shall ensure by the adoption of appropriate measures not impairing the operations or operational capabilities of such ships owned or operated by it, that such ships act in a manner consistent, so far as is reasonable and practicable, with this Agreement.
Scope of Application of this Agreement. This Agreement shall apply with respect to oil pollution incidents that occur in or may pose a threat to any marine area over which a State whose government is a Party to this Agreement exercises sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction, including its internal waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, consistent with international law and above a southern limit as follows: Barents Sea, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea and the Chukchi Sea, and the mouths of the rivers flowing into these seas seaward of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured;