Section 16.2.3 Sample Clauses
Section 16.2.3. 40 Both parties agree that new School District Employees must stay on Step I for at least half of 41 the previous employment year (including summer months) before they will be moved to Step
Section 16.2.3. 42 Incremental steps, where applicable, shall take effect on the start day of the school year, even if 43 the school year begins prior to September 1 during the term of this Agreement; provided, the 44 employee has been actively employed continuously for at least ninety (90) days the previous 45 employment year.
Section 16.2.3. 31 Incremental steps, where applicable, shall take effect on September 1 of each year during the 32 term of this Agreement; provided, the employee has been actively employed continuously for at 33 least one-half (1/2) of the previous employment year.
Section 16.2.3. 27 The District will divide the annual compensation for all employees into twelve (12) equal 28 installments. New employees are required to complete the automatic payroll deposit form and 29 receive their monthly payment by direct deposit.
Section 16.2.3. 26 If no settlement has been reached within the ten (10) days referred to in the preceding 27 subsection, and the Association believes the grievance to be valid, a written statement of 28 grievance shall be submitted within fifteen (15) work days to the District board of directors.
Section 16.2.3. 2 If no settlement has been reached within the ten (10) days referred to in the preceding subsection, 3 and the Association believes the grievance to be valid, a written statement of grievance shall be 4 submitted within fifteen (15) workdays to the District Superintendent or the Superintendent’s 5 designee. After such submission, the parties will have fifteen (15) workdays to resolve the 6 grievance. A written statement indicating the disposition of the grievance shall be furnished to 7 the aggrieved. If an agreeable disposition has been made, the aggrieved party shall terminate the 8 grievance in writing within ten (10) workdays.
Section 16.2.3. 5 If no settlement has been reached within the five (5) days referred to in the preceding 6 subsection, and the Association believes the grievance to be valid, a written statement of 7 grievance shall be submitted within fifteen (15) working days to the District superintendent or 8 the superintendent's designee. After such submission, the parties will have ten (10) working 9 days from submission of the written statement of grievance to resolve it by indicating on the 10 statement of grievance the disposition. If an agreeable disposition is made, all parties to the 11 grievance shall sign it.
Section 16.2.3. 2 Personnel hired on an as-needed basis (summer hire, etc., no more than sixty (60) working 3 days) shall be compensated at their classification regular hourly rate.
Section 16.2.3. 35 Any employee, who transfers from one job classification to another of similar occupational 36 status, may receive up to three (3) years of longevity credit as determined by the District. Such 37 determination is subject to discussion between the District and the local Association.
Section 16.2.3. 2 Incremental steps, where applicable, shall take effect on the first (1st) day of the District’s fiscal