Section 17.3.1 Sample Clauses

Section 17.3.1. 2 A current Driving Abstract will be requested annually of all employees driving District 3 vehicles. The District will pay costs for these abstracts. The Driving Abstract is to provide 4 proof of validity only and shall not be used in an arbitrary or capricious manner. Employees 5 driving School District vehicles are required to report to their supervisor, within two (2) 6 workdays, any event or circumstance which could jeopardize the validity of their current 7 Washington State Driver’s License (WSDL).
Section 17.3.1. The parties agree to reopen the agreement for the purpose of negotiating compensation for 10 completing specialized and advanced certifications through the Washington State Paraeducator 11 Certificate Program.
Section 17.3.1. 23 During the above-specified reopener period, Section 18.1, No Strike Agreement, shall be 24 inoperative as a contractual agreement, but such inoperative status shall not be deemed a waiver of 25 any other legal rights or obligations of the parties.
Section 17.3.1. 46 Neither party shall be compelled to any provision of this Agreement which conflicts with state or 47 federal statutes or regulations promulgated pursuant hereto.
Section 17.3.1. That effective September 1, 2021 salaries be as attached for the term of September 1, 2021 - 33 August 31, 2022.
Section 17.3.1. 36 For the life of this contract only, Schedule A shall not be opened.
Section 17.3.1. 10 During the above-specified re-opener period(s), Article XIX, Section 18.1, No Strike 11 Agreement, shall be inoperative as a contractual agreement, but such inoperative status shall 12 not be deemed a waiver of any other legal rights or obligations of the parties.
Section 17.3.1. 24 This Agreement shall be reopened as necessary to consider the impact of any legislation 25 enacted which occurs following execution of this Agreement. Either party may demand the 26 contract be reopened when legislation enacted affects the terms and conditions herein or creates 27 authority to alter personnel practices in public employment.
Section 17.3.1. 34 Nothing contained in this Agreement either by application or interpretation is to be construed 35 so as to in any way cause directly or indirectly the District, its Board, officers, employees, or 36 agents to grant compensation or increases thereto in excess of those permitted by law or 37 regulation unless otherwise bargained in this contract. 38 39 Should the Legislature appropriate additional classified compensation increases, the parties will 40 meet to discuss how such increases might be accomplished, if and when during the term of this 41 Agreement the State dollars for such are received by the District. 42
Section 17.3.1. 26 The Staff Development fund shall be funded at the rate of ninety dollars ($90) per FTE employee. 27 Such funding shall be guaranteed except in the event of a double levy failure and shall be spent as 28 mutually approved. A transaction detail report showing the utilization of the staff development 29 fund shall be available upon request by the Association President to Human Resources.