Section 7.6.2 Sample Clauses

Section 7.6.2. 12 All hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per workweek will be compensated at one and
Section 7.6.2. 2 When a food service delivery driver is directed by the supervisor to work a shift other than their 3 own due to an emergency situation, the employee shall receive the Schedule A rate of pay 4 commensurate with their seniority for the position filled for the duration of the shift.
Section 7.6.2. During all events where rent is paid that require use of the kitchen equipment a Food Service 12 worker shall be present and paid on Schedule A.
Section 7.6.2. 34 The parties agree that trips shall be assigned based on the following provisions: 35
Section 7.6.2. 24 All hours worked Saturday, Sunday, or on holidays shall be paid at the overtime rate for PSE 25 employees, unless Saturday and/or Sunday are part of an employee’s regular work week. Extra 26 trip hours taken on a Saturday of a shortened week will also be paid at the overtime rate.
Section 7.6.2. 11 Persons employed less than twelve (12) months are not required to report to work. Time lost due to 12 school closure days will be made up by persons employed less than twelve (12) months by working 13 on the District designated make-up day. In the event of a school closure, 10-month employees will 14 maintain the number of scheduled workdays by having a day added to the end of the work calendar.
Section 7.6.2. 29 Employees with the greatest seniority by department or building assignment shall ordinarily be 30 offered overtime first. Employees may refuse overtime unless the least senior employee is 31 unable to perform the work.
Section 7.6.2. 30 Employees may carry over up to three (3) days of earned compensatory time yearly. Comp time 31 may be taken at the employee(s) discretion providing it does not constitute a hardship for the 32 District.
Section 7.6.2. 2 Employees waiting one half (½) hour or less between jobs shall be paid straight through at their 3 regular hourly rate.
Section 7.6.2. 150. The lender shall complete FSA-2222 to request payment for the interest assistance through the date of the transfer or assumption of the guaranteed loan.