Security and Storage Sample Clauses
Security and Storage. The District and the Contractor hereby agree that the Student Data and/or Principal or Teacher Data (if applicable) shall be stored in the following manner: Contractor agrees to employ administrative, physical, and technical safeguards consistent with industry standards designed to protect Student Data and/or Teacher Data (if applicable) from unauthorized access, disclosure, use or acquisition by an unauthorized person, including when transmitting and storing such information. Contractor will not materially decrease the overall security of the Services during the term of the Agreement. The general security duties of Contractor are set forth below. Please see Contractor’s Security Whitepaper for more details: xxxxx:// These measures shall include, but are not limited to: • Passwords and Employee Access. Contractor shall secure usernames, passwords, and any other means of gaining access to the Services or to Student Data, at a level suggested by Article 4.3 of NIST 800-63-3. Contractor shall only provide access to Student Data to employees, contractors or Service Providers that are performing the Services. Employees with access to Student Data shall have signed confidentiality agreements regarding said Student Data. All employees with access to Student Data shall pass criminal background checks in compliance with state and local ordinances.
Security and Storage. The institution or site shall ensure the security of the controlled items by cost-effective means that afford a reasonable sense of safety and accountability, such as electronic records keeping and physical security. In addition, the institution or site shall require that the controlled substances and precursor chemicals are stored in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency.
Security and Storage. The Community has a concierge during business hours. The main doors of the Community are open during business hours. All other doors are locked and alarmed at all times. The main doors are locked and alarmed after normal business hours. The Suites have locking doors. Staff are trained to monitor the community at all times to help ensure the security of the residents and their belongings. The Community does not provide additional storage.
Security and Storage. The Eligible Collateral is stored and secured so as to limit, to the extent reasonably possible in light of the value of the Eligible Collateral, the risk of damage from the elements, theft and damage from fire or other casualty.
Security and Storage. The District and the Contractor hereby agree that the Student Data and/or Principal or Teacher Data (if applicable) shall be stored in the following manner: Contractor agrees to employ administrative, physical, and technical safeguards consistent with industry standards designed to protect Student Data and/or Teacher Data (if applicable) from unauthorized access, disclosure, use or acquisition by an unauthorized person, including when transmitting and storing such information. Contractor will not materially decrease the overall security of the Services during the term of the Agreement. The general security duties of Contractor are set forth below. Please see Contractor’s Security Whitepaper for more details: xxxxx:// These measures shall include, but are not limited to:
Security and Storage. Store Medical Cannabis in a lockable airtight container that limits transmission of odour inside a stored in a secured lockbox. Individual facilities collaborate with local Security Services, if available and operational leadership to establish a method for securing lock boxes (See Appendix B). Medical Cannabis is not to be stored on unit narcotics cupboards or medication cart. Secured storage requires use of a lockable cabinet/drawer or a room safe that is secured to a non-movable counter top. If moveable furniture is used then it is to be tethered to the wall so it cannot be easily removed from the room/site. o Ensure the tether is long enough to provide access to the head of the bed in the event of an emergency. The lock box may not be used for storing anything other than medical cannabis or clients own self-administered medications. The storage container is to enclose the original product label supplied with the medical cannabis which needs to include: o Name of the Licensed Producer and the brand name, o lot number, o potency (percentage) of ingredients, o net weight, o packaging date of the medical cannabis.
Security and Storage. The Festival has no means to store Vendors' wares. Contracted security guards will be present during Festival hours, a security detail will be present overnight beginning on June 22, 2023 . The Festival area is fenced in with gates locked overnight. However, Vendors are responsible for the security of their booth and wares. Please make sure your merchandise is secured overnight. The Festival assumes no liability for any loss or damage.
Security and Storage. When the BYOD is at GC, students must always know the location of their device and are responsible for ensuring its safe keeping. BYODs must be under the students’ direct care during recess and lunchtime, before and after school. When the BYOD is being used away from school, students should avoid leaving it unattended or where it is visible to the public (e.g. in a vehicle). In these circumstances, the BYOD can become a target for theft.
Security and Storage o The student is responsible for keeping the device secure and safe at all times. o The device should be stored in a protective case when not in use.
Security and Storage. Without limiting clause 5.4, the Customer must maintain adequate security and storage measures. In particular, it must minimise the risk of transmission of, or infection by, viruses and cooperate with SS in this regard, including comply with the reasonable directions of SS or PSMA. The Parties will take all reasonable steps to assist one another if an infection occurs.